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Everything posted by T-Limburn

  1. well it was obv a pisss take!
  2. yeah i wanted to keep my sidewalls at first... turns out brakes dont work so had to grind lol
  3. haha how big is it then? thats a pretty good tuck!
  4. when i bought my bars, i put that to the tarty boys and they said no. plus they just look the same as the 07 zoo
  5. get3 is still one of the best
  6. some good riding there. not bad after three months out! that first tap is actually quite a beast! and i love your relaxed cba but still make it style!
  7. they are not availablr new anymore... i wanted some but had to settle for the new ones. they are ok, if you set them up at the right angle. if you get this angle slightly wrong they feel like they are upside down!!!
  8. not bad. would grind the rear rim though!
  9. if you are running 22:18, the closest thing to it is 18:15 but id probably go 18:16
  10. my yellow koxx fluro rears have come with coloured sidewalls both tmes... i ground mine off though!
  11. definately gunna be my next set up. had coust sinks which were the best. then had to go koxx brown cos coust refills werent available to order. now have coust sinks again lol but wanna try koxx browns in cnc fo sho. ultimate pads! well koxx browns work on adead grind so should last ages
  12. avid bb7s are not just on/off. you can modulate them very well too but yeah, theyre very powerful. definately have to. 203 rotor ***! although i had a 16o on my stock for ages. worked stupidly well. just looked gay so got a big boys 203! dont talk poo prawnus...
  13. T-Limburn


    18:12 should be fine. its what the majority of mod riders use
  14. nah kennards right daves bent stupidly and wouldnt set up. and adams didnt stay tensioned downwards, just pushed itself back up
  15. no, adamant bars are the same as the NEW zoo bars... not the old ones
  16. haha good point! if it works, f**k it! edit haha i never new if you wrote the f word fully, it turns it into that^^ odd
  17. im not a fan. but even the people saying it doesnt count will do on/off side hops at times. you cant always make it on top/stick it so sometimes you have to hop back off. i prefer not to on/off, but i guess its better than trying to stick it throwing your weight everywhere and looping out sideways!
  18. looks wank mate innit brrap mega lolz
  19. alot of people feel a little comfier going to the opposite side as their lead foot, for the reason stated that its a little more natural and easier to tuck. but then again, most people also try to go to the left, especially stock riders, because of mechs. there is definately no RIGHT way of sidehopping, its which ever way you feel comfortable, and whichever way you can sidehop best. Tom
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