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Everything posted by TheCircus

  1. TheCircus

    Free Ipods

    So lets say we sign up. Would it be illegal to post my link here, then people click on it, and I click on theirs, making a big big circle of ipod love? :o EDIT: Well, if other people are doing it, then I must be able to do it. Here is my link CLICK THIS FOR THE BEST WEBPAGE IN THE WORLD EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my advertising.
  2. That was poor... Simply the addition of Tuna Canoe, the Newest (old) Danny H video and some mostly terrible footage of dirt jumping. Bit of a waste of £4
  3. What is wrong with you people!? These films have been scarred in my mind as terrible, terrible memories. For reasons why signs is gash, look to God The rest of the movies are just self explanatorly (is that a word?...You get what I mean) gash.
  4. I found it funny, purely because it was so crap.
  5. I just got the chapparel 2j. I beat Nissan RC39 racecars by a lap in a 4 lap race. It is insane how fast this beast goes and corners like it's on rails. Looks a bit runty though. ...Talking about cars like this makes me feel so geeky.
  6. The only CD I need is "The Shape Of Punk To Come" Which is just always in my CD player. Probably that, "Pass The Flask", "Burn, Piano Island!" and some other stuff. I rarely buy CD's, good old downloading, not that I condone it in any way.
  7. TheCircus


    Or, alternatively, Be nice to lull her into a false sense of security. Then. BAM! Burn her house down!* (make sure house is empty to avoid major arrest) That will teach her, and she will have nowhere to live! To quote the wonderful band , you have been avenged sevenfold! *Do not ever do this, ever.
  8. TheCircus


    Film _ _ _ _ EDIT: I f**king own hangman. :- Letter 1: E - Joe@carbonique - Denied.
  9. TheCircus


    The Shawshank Redemption.
  10. When I saw the grudge it completely f**ked my head up. Seeing it the cinema was one of the scariest moments of my life. I wanted to walk out but thought that moving would make me die.
  11. I had a copied one at some point...It was rubbish I was a big Fan of Final Fantasy 6 and 7 and 9. 10 and 8 were a bit of a letdown, Try getting it for playstation if you have a playstation or ps2, it will be much much easier to find.
  12. Even though I know you are joking. I still want you to die. (Y)
  13. Meaning that you win at liking a gash band for longer than other people? (Y)
  14. Beautiful choice! I love that whole album. I would go as far as to say it was one of my favourite releases of 2004.
  15. After repeatedly watching that video for about an hour, I have now decided I will now worship you as a god. Riding wise, that is my new favourite video, I also liked the music. Would you mind very much if I married you?
  16. Refused, purely because The shape of punk to come is a masterpiece. Probably the best album ever, if only they put coup d'etat on it. Or, Alkaline Trio...songs such as "Goodbye Forever" and "She Took Him To The Lake" make me happy.
  17. Nice Video...I liked the music, gave the video a chilled atmosphere. What was the music?
  18. Playing that annoyed me intensely.
  19. A girl in our school borrowed a school test tube to have a bit of fun with herself. While commiting the act her mother entered the room. As she closed her legs she heard a cracking noise, much pain and hilarity ensued. Needless to say she is now constantly goaded, which is not only funny, but also needed.
  20. Sorry to piss on your fireworks, but it has been around for years. If it's any consolation it hasn't been brought up for at least 5 months.
  21. Yes. They are..."Mad Heads". Looks promising.
  22. I was bored, so I thought...Why not? It looks so much better, even with my poor, poor Photoshop skills.
  23. Manuals are so much more fun. There is nothing I like better than caning it around doing manuals for as long as possible.
  24. While in theory All MGS games are exactly the same fundamentals, there are some relatively major differences in 3 as opposed to the other two. No Radar, this would mean that you cannot rely on looking at your radar but by constantly looking ahead of you and planning your moves. Alerts can last up to five minuites, skulking around in hiding is horrendously tense when an alert is on. You can shoot helicopters and other vehicles etc. Much, Much Longer. I have been playing for ten hours and have really only got 50% through (I assume). The other two were possible to complete in 6 hours if you knew what you were doing. Finally, MGS3 is relatively hard (in comparison to the other two), but once you play for a long time you get used to it and it becomes natrual to sneak about.
  25. AMAZING! I love this game, I have just killed "the end". When I first saw it, I saw a person who shot bee's at you and a sniper that could photosynthesize and was horrified at what it had become but my god! This game is truly amazing. I would go as far as to say it was as good as MGS1.
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