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Everything posted by DeVal

  1. lol went there yesterday! keep an eye on the group, south west trials on facebook if you wana know when us southeners are riding!
  2. rabbits! they have been knawing at your spokes when your not watching! you have been warned! lol
  3. post a pic + how much have they bent by?
  4. sweet! done my good deed for the day! lol
  5. have a look at the pedals. usually they have an L or an R on them right/left check they were screwed in the right way. if not this would explain the stripped threads. so the second pedal wont come out even with a huge lever. probly best to get new cranks if the the threads are bust anyways though.
  6. strange the pro 2 bearings ive found are usually decent. (this was an old pro 2). so it was the axle rather than the free hub mechanism that was locking?
  7. if you imagine you are standing over the bike like when riding it with the spanner verticle, you are turning the spanner towards the back of the bike? sounds silly but your not turning them the wrong way? if your sure your unscrewing then i suggest leverage of some sort (after a spray of WD40.)
  8. so your rear free hub is locking up? which hub is it for a start?
  9. so you have broken the tight seal and have removed a quarter of the threads but then they go tight again. I would suggest there is dirt and crap on the threads, or when they were fitted the threads were damaged or you used something like locktight?. have you tried spraying WD40 etc on the exposed threads(remember the let it soak in for 5 mins) and then screwing them back in and back out a few times to loosen any crap that might be on the threads. if that dont work i can only recommend brute force (do this at your own risk) lol if your sure they are absolutly stuck and want to remove, take the crank arm off and put the pedal spanner and pedal in a large vice ( so that the crank arm can still turn but the pedal and spanner are clamped)then get a long metal tube and slide it on the crank arm,(for leverage, the longer the tube the easier it will be) after which start to gently work the crank arm off the pedal. remmember pedals are left and right hand threads so they wont screw off the same direction. check this before you start using leverage or you will tighten it more not loosen it off (IMPORTANT). If they wont budge doing this the i would say the threads have been cross threaded so they wont unscrew. the other option with leverage is to spin the crank round so its sitting on a concrete block or step etc( so it wont move when you puch down). put the spanner on and the put a long bar (for leverage) on the spanner and try and loosen it. I would only do it this way if you A) dont have a vice or cant remove the crank arms. Its not as effectvie unclanpped because things can twist etc.
  10. Can't wait for the 30 inch stocks! imagin the BB clearance!
  11. Ive just been learning up 2 front, as in going to front wheel on an object higher than my current level. did a small video with slowmo's at the weekend which may help you see how i personnally shift my weight forward. this is on something just about bars height... http://vimeo.com/27980620 check the link. p.s this is not a fool proof guide but the technique is clear. also notice the similarities between my launches to back wheel and launches to front wheel. hope it helps
  12. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/images/users/uploads/9132/kenner_stretch_armstrong.jpg
  13. in regards to the 11's i can see how people would have issues bath bleeding with water etc as you cant realy open up both ends of the line to let water in without using a syringe. Also the manual sais only to undo the spanner fitting on the level until 3 threads appear outside the level body. I followed this exactly the first time i bled mine and it worked great. the second time i loosened it off by one extra thread and oil leaked leaving it spungy and i had to re-bleed. It was fine after though. The levers are not the most comfortable but there ok. I upgraded from 04's only because one of mine broke. I dont notice much in the way of performance gains at all. As for Andrei i noticed his brakes when we rode up dartmoor the other saturday, i think he just likes the 04's more than later models and hasnt realy tried the 11's yet.
  14. thanks! alot of the probs with my riding is down to confidence and commitment to moves. once i get a technique/move im usually pritty fluid at them, touch wood! lol
  15. Hello guys, Beat my PB strait up to back record yesterday and sort of learnt to go up to front / frenchie(sort of) only had a few clips but got some gd ones. Thought it best to pot here rathr than mak a nw vid post! http://vimeo.com/27980620
  16. oh yeah i didnt recognise him without the beard! lol
  17. who's that? there nuts! love this video.
  18. looks like you were landing a bit hard down on the front wheel when hooking. unlucky m8 but seriously i would get a new frame. a weld around a whole tube will never be as strong.
  19. love the video and so jealous of that garden setup! I would have the same if i could (well mabye a little smaller) lol
  20. are you gunna run traditional rear free hub or fixed sprocket with a front freewheel?
  21. i had trouble finding chainrings for middleburn style bashes , apart from the middlebrun ones you can get on tarty! your looking at £20 though and also id pay the little bit extra and get the hardcoat version which will last longer.
  22. if you missed it its on again now on ch4 +1 freeview channel 13. + dont miss the combined vid at the end!
  23. yep just watched! class as usual! hoping across an old steel frame building then dropping off! no thanks! lol
  24. DeVal

    Star Nut

    Think of it this way the tighter it goes in the more serure it will be to tighten your forks too!
  25. Just seen it on the listings and i know peeps have already spoke about it so this is a reminder! hopefully we will see some quality riding from danny mac and the athletes in the other disciplines lol as long as they dont make out trials to be in any way related to the antics of street gangsters ill be happy! lol
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