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Everything posted by dngr2self

  1. 04 maguras are my favourite. A split clamp and better lever would make it better though. I'm a fan of the 04, 05 and 2011 style maguras but I'm not keen on the bleed system of the 2011, the 05 type being prone to splitting isn't good and the lack of a split clamp on the 04 and 05 can be annoying.
  2. dngr2self

    Remix 2015

    Thats the best vid I've seen for a while. Proper made me wanna get my bike out.
  3. He used to eat a lot of popcorn. Do you think it played a part in his death?
  4. There were some good moments in there but the video as a whole didn't really do it for me.
  5. A rider can't be an innovation but they can be innovative. I'd say that Danny Macaskill's innovative riding has done more to promote the sport outside of the trials community, so yeah his innovations in style have contributed massively. I'm not a huge fan of his though to be honest.
  6. All I can see there is improvement not innovation. Can carbon products really be called innovative? I suppose using a different material could be but to me innovation should mean more than taking a part that been around forever and making it out of carbon.
  7. The thing I've noticed from reading this thread is that there hasn't been much innovation this millennium. There's been plenty of development on things that already existed but not much new.
  8. Any chance of a few more pictures? I really like this.
  9. dngr2self

    Lukas Spindler

    The only thing I didn't like was the music. The rest of it was really good. There was some decent sized stuff in there as well.
  10. True. They've become trials specific now I guess because who actually uses magura rim brakes other then trials riders? There will be people I know but not on a large scale for a specific genre of riding.
  11. Thanks for the advice and the link. I did wonder where I'd go in the future when I start maxing out.
  12. Maguras were out in the nineties. The pads weren't very good though. I think v's might have actually been later than maggys but I'm not sure when the trials community caught on to them.
  13. The this millennium part of the question actually makes it really hard to answer. I'd agree that Mr Macaskill (if a person can be classed as an innovation counts) has probably done more than anyone or any brand to bring trials to wider public,along with his sponsors. As far as aactual innovation goes I don't think I can narrow it down to one thing.
  14. Just wondering if anyone's tried the 5x5 method and what they thought. A friend of mine recommended it for improving strength but I wondered what others thought.
  15. I like the frame design but not the yellow graphics. If I'd spent as much as this will inevitably cost I'd want it to be obvious it was carbon.
  16. I wouldn't be putting my wounded leg anywhere near that sill.
  17. Nice. I'm liking these group vids you keep doing.
  18. Yellows with a grind is pretty sweet as well I must say.
  19. Isn't this a repost? Regardless it's a good video.
  20. I wouldn't fanct magura originals without a grind.
  21. It says the same thing about all the pads on tarty. After seeing some of the stuff Damon used to do with Heatsinc yellows and no grind I'd say you can't go wrong really.
  22. I still think it's a dodgy bleed. I know you've done it before but so have I and I still muck it up from time to time.
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