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Everything posted by dngr2self

  1. That really does look like a snakes head. I didn't notice until I read the comment but yeah. Weird.
  2. Is this a repost? Anyway it was quite good. Did anyone else wonder why there's a guy in full American Football kit at 1.44?
  3. +1 for liquid chalk. Or regular chalk.
  4. There's a shopping centre in Hull called Princes Quay. The word prince shouldn't be too difficult to understand, however, everyone calls it Princess Quay. I've even pulled people up on it and at one point been told " it's just a different way of pronouncing it".
  5. I enjoyed that. Videos like that epitomise what trials is for me.
  6. The lads a beast. Just watched the ones Rusevelt posted. Theres an over to front on the second vid that I thought was pretty cool. I've never seen that before.
  7. That dropgap on the first video. Holy cow!
  8. Inspiration shminspiration.
  9. I'd love stickers for my rim....... They'd say dngr!
  10. Quite sad but inspiring at the same time.
  11. Modern geo comp bikes are good for both because they're good on the back wheel, so well suited for sidehops and gaps ect and the type of obstacles popular in comp riding. The modern trend towards lightness is bad for tgs though because a lot of modern frames can't handle the hammer.
  12. Could you remove the axle and get a better grip of it. Maybe use mole grips to hold the axle. Then use the same method you used last time to refit them but use washers on the bolt.
  13. The noveltie's worn off for me as far as the road bike thing goes but this is cool as fork so who cares
  14. It is but can be frustrating. Have fun.
  15. I've got a damaged 04 body you can have. I may have a few other bits as well. Send me the address and I'll get them posted.
  16. Seen it had been bumped so had to watch it again. Once again mate I love it.
  17. Inspired Hex's or Elements are good but maybe a bit pricey. The bikes you mentioned would be ok as well. A lot of older 26" bikes would probably fit the bill and you could get a decent spec for a good price.
  18. Welcome to forum. The bike looks like a good starter rig. What made you wanna get into it?
  19. Thats my sort of video. Just riding and having fun is all you need. None of this ott pretentious stuff that too many people do these days.
  20. I don't think its any harder than it ever was. I've managed to find some pretty horrific stuff with relative ease.
  21. Its strange that the frame and forks wouldn't match up despite using the same batch of paint. Were they different colours to start with or did you prime them or base coat them or something?
  22. Some pretty big stuff in there but some of it seemed a bit wobbly. Good stuff though. I didn't get the Damon Watson thing though.
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