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the mysterious leemur

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Everything posted by the mysterious leemur

  1. What's the similarity between myself and a neutrino ? We both penetrated your mother yesterday .
  2. Is it possible for me to completely insert a Zoo! Lynx frame into my anal cavity while riding a giraffe and making love to Clark Maxwell ?
  3. I used to do this but I can't remember the exact reason , I think it was to help stop bursting the brake or rubbing it with feet or cranks
  4. Loosen up as other people have said , your sidehops looked a tad awkward to me so maybe try and flex more and land with both wheels on the obstacle or getting on without much time between them . Apart from that good video !
  5. Well worst I have done is gotten on , leaned to far to keep up and fallen headfirst onto a brick :$ when I land it it's really smooth but when I fail , I fail spectacularly ... Example no 2. Tried to front to back from a triangle block onto 6 pallets , got the balance wrong . Flew forward and head butted the pallets and pretty much punched them and broke a couple fingers
  6. Just mainly I tend to stop just before jumping or get into the air and put a foot out . A habbit I picked up when I sidehopped the wrong way and was worried of hitting the disks . I ride with the same guy so he tried saying that and I landed it , I think it's also a bit of competitiveness and wanting to be better than him or the same skill level as him . I'm catching up and making up for the two years extra riding he has on me
  7. Yeah it's pretty much completely in your head , just not thinking you can do it . I think the reason I'm progressing quickly right now is the fact that ever since getting back on a 20" (two days ago) I have just continuously for about 3-5 hours a day sidehopping over and over and slowly upping the height . My biggest front to back was only achieved because my friend seriously threatened to kick me in the balls if I failed it again
  8. Lucky round eye haha I was just watching that , cracks me up everytime ! Tomorrow try doing more of a preload and tuck more but well is the fact I'm getting up without doing it a sign I could get higher? Maybe try for 36 inches tomorrow as a goal
  9. Hi . Well I've very recently gotten back on a mod and put a hope on ( much better than Echo TRs) and I'm also relearning sidehops in particular going up to the right . This is my technique and I'm looking for some tips on getting the most height or if there is anything I should change . The height in the video is around 29-30 inches and my current highest is 34.5 which I got today so a bit of an improvement
  10. Yeah mate I tried it with my Echo trs (front and back) worked pretty well for a few months but then it really f**ked up the calipers :$ Edit: They were echos so they would probably have died with "blood" too
  11. MY adapter got delivered yesterday , went out for a ride and it fits perfectly . Just need to get the brake bedded in now
  12. Is it bad that I wouldn't bitch , moan or ever contact tarty and just ride with it ? Or does that make me a real rider
  13. Guys ! I just tried putting tar and glue on my handlebars and it works well better than grips ! You guys should try it !
  14. No I mean I wasn't around whenever this happened I think ?
  15. They sponsor me ? I get free stickers and tshirts too!
  16. www.TRIALSYAY.com have the best selection , have a look on there !
  17. I don't believe I know about Ross's sense of humor ?
  18. Rubber ones preferably , especially if they are attached a rim and have a pumped up tube too! But I have heard some riders have been running just a rim with no tyre to save weight !
  19. I don't want this thread to go downhill and start arguments but is he for real ? Is he an amazing troll or just a bit slow and uncapable of using common sense and the search bar ?
  20. Mate we don't like racism on here even if you can't spell for crap .... Trialtech thins but make sure you don't buy from trialsyay ! He's a scammer!!
  21. I'm confused by your question . Are you saying that don't want grips ? Also your random placement of numbers makes it very confusing ?
  22. Another tip for disk brakes : Don't try cutting some TNN LGM compound and glueing it to a disk pad backing and using it , it works amazingly well for a small time but then it burns :$
  23. Double post ^ But actually I prefer listening to quite heavy stuff ie As I Lay Dying or Parkway Drive but my style is too smooth and not explosive enough to fit the songs rythem
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