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Everything posted by hezzay

  1. I had the same problem, I just cut the bolts..
  2. Id rather strip threads every now and again than throw €400 out for that set...
  3. hezzay


    Yea I know the feeling, it's because of the low gearing. Bad news for me cause I can't bunnyhop if my life depended on it...
  4. hezzay


    If anything shorter cranks will make it harder; less leverage..
  5. Splined crank to ffw? Would be awesome..
  6. How the bleep did this happen? I was on top of an obstacle, pedal kicked and the threads just busted. The thread in the freewheel is still fine, though.
  7. Excuse me, just the side ones. Did it with a stanley knife, went quick enough. Just watch out where you put your thumb. :')
  8. Well, I just cut off all the knobs on my Try-All sticky. Cut myself too, wooh! Tested it out, did feel a lot more bounce and easier to turn on the back wheel. Grip is pretty much unchanged.
  9. Did this drop today, was pretty pleased with it. My highest drop to this date..
  10. Exactly that. That's my vision on trials. I have nobody I can ride with regularly so I'm on my own. Videos help me out a LOT! I'm far from fluid though, but I'm confident that will come over time. First off; I don't ride everyday. Sometimes my schedule doesn't allow it, sometimes the weather hates me. I'd say I ride about 3-5 times a week depending on how busy I am and what the weather's like. Also I don't keep time when I'm riding. Sometimes I go out, break something after an hour and go home. Other days I stay out for about 2-3 hrs. I've never been longer than 3 hrs though. I'm a smoker (need to quit BADLY) and I can't keep up. I do have to mention I barely take breaks in between, I just keep going til I drop. Also, what kind of flattened my learning curve was confidence. As for the 'jump to back wheel', seen when I'm on the two blocks. I only tried that yesterday, and it seemed to work immediatly just because my mind was set on it.
  11. Well, I got my bike fully built up in June this year and this is my progress thus far. Watching these clips alone has shown me a great deal of areas I can improve on when comparing them to other riders on the forum. Just wondering what you guys think and if you have any valueable tips for me! Thanks http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Je-iY7OZE1s
  12. I'm having the problem that my front wheel drops a little every hop I do while turning in a direction. I can do about 90 degrees and after that I just have to either kick my pedal to get the front up again, or I have to roll away on two wheels.
  13. McCarthy is this guy that has a bloated belly in some Stephen King book I read a couple of weeks ago.
  14. Gotta get that guy to take some more soon, got way better since!
  15. hezzay

    Close Thread

    That's quite.. stupid.
  16. Get your ass over to Holland by ship or plane and I could meet. :bow:
  17. hezzay

    todays superfinal

    Finally a superfinal I live close enough to so I could attend. It was an awesome day. Didn't take any videos though, wanted to enjoy the entire day through my own eyes. :x Sorry about that one.
  18. I started may this year and started off on a 26". I'm just a wee bit taller than you are, and I love the 26". The 20" feels too tiny for me personally. More advice I can't give you since I'm only starting out myself! Just go out riding as often as you can and enjoy yourself while you learn!
  19. LOL! Great riding, but please, don't make a carreer out of rapping!
  20. Can't wait until I have the money and time to build something like that. Truly beautiful! For some reason I just really love the look of titanium bolts all over.
  21. Played around with the setup, this is what felt best with my ginormous fingers. ;p
  22. Front: Avid BB7 w/ cleansweep 160mm rotor, will order a 180mm soon. Rear: Magura 2011 HS33 oil bled w/ CNC heatsink yellows
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