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Everything posted by Al_Fel

  1. I smell a hacked account...
  2. Al_Fel

    North Korea

    If I was Kim Jong Un I'd be saying "April Fools" right about now...
  3. Insurance wise I've got a trade policy already so it will just be going on that so it wont cost me anything to insure. I'm really liking the 2005 Warrior model of the L200 I like the look of it, the features and it seems to be considered better as a pick up truck than the new ones! I wouldn't have a Defender if you gave me one! Haha my mates dad had one and all he ever seemed to be doing was fixing it! It drank the juice and they are prone to getting stolen. Plus they are way out of my budget. I've been reading reviews and watching videos of L200 and Navara. So far the L200 seems better off road and Navara seems to be better on road. I don't think I'd be able to get the later Nissan with in my budget so I'm swaying towards the L200. Please keep the advice coming chaps and anything else that you think is worth a mention let me know and I'll look in to it.
  4. I'm looking at this on eBay at the moment. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MITSUBISHI-L200-WARRIOR-4X4-/271175993352?_trksid=p5197.m1992&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D14%26meid%3D6427055950755249361%26pid%3D100015%26prg%3D1006%26rk%3D1%26sd%3D271175993352%26
  5. I'd like to be able to take it snowboarding. I'm sure I could get away with 2 wheel drive though. I don't really want a van. I'm sick of driving round in a van and I've got a van for van stuff.
  6. Great minds of trialsforum I need a little bit of help. I need a new car and I'm thinking about getting a Mitsubishi L200. Insurance isn't a problem, I don't do many miles a year and I'm looking for something to get 5 people and 5 bikes/snowboards/whatever in. I've been looking at 05 models and I really like the look of them. Could anyone share their experiences good and bad about the L200 and also anything else they would recommend. I don't really want to spend any more than 4k and less than that would be brilliant.
  7. Hello, I'm Anal and I nearly broke my tail bone after a chain snap.
  8. Al_Fel

    TRAton indoor 2

    Oh yes! bring back the side hop to pedal/crank!
  9. Had a great time! The first day I decided to have a lesson and it was well worth it! Helped me so much. No major injuries either. I did slip running back to the room to get my goggles and hurt my elbow but that wasn't too bad. I also got some rare footage of a Wild Snow Faggit.
  10. Right boys and girls I think I've got everything now! Bought everything new (needed it fairly quick because I'm going on Saturday) and it's cost me about £500. Absolute-snow.co.uk had a deal where if you bought a bag, board, bindings and boots you get 10% off so I took advantage of that! I'll let everyone know how I get on in a couple of weeks time!
  11. I've got a pair on my koxx mod. They are really good! I'd recommend them. They bedded in in about 15mins and have been great ever since.
  12. Yeah I see what you are saying about the bindings but I've just checked and they work both ways! So you can strap in from the front or the back. I think I'll be heading to the Chill factor a few times too so I think the quick step in will be good for that. I think I'm just going to take the plunge and go for the stuff I've listed. Like you say worst case scenario is I'll lose a fair chunk/half of my money selling the stuff on eBay. Thanks very much for all the help people! It's really appreciated. I'll let you know how I get on if I don't die haha.
  13. Al_Fel

    Math Help!

    I can help. It's "Maths"
  14. I'm really tempted to go for this package http://www.absolute-snow.co.uk/V/FTwo_AIR_FLITE_2_Snowboard_Package_162cm_W_XL_BB_Wheel-(55153) And these boots http://www.absolute-snow.co.uk/V/Northwave_FREEDOM_Snowboard_Boots_UK_12_M305_Orange_2012-(40949) Is there anything that jumps out about it why I shouldn't go for it? I can't really go down the eBay route because I need this stuff next week. I understand its probably not the best I can get for my money but its a simple package and seems decent value to me.
  15. Another board that caught my eye is this one.http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230844902366?var=530074991164&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 I'm quite limited to what's recommended because I'm fat and I've got big feet. I'm 5'11" 95kg and size 11 feet. I think I like the look of the eBay one more. But it would be nice to have a bag with the board.
  16. I was looking at these for boots. http://www.absolute-snow.co.uk/V/Northwave_FREEDOM_Snowboard_Boots_UK_12_M305_Orange_2012-(40949) You get 10% off when you buy boots board and bindings. I'll go for the strap in bindings rather than the step in ones. I'm usually a size 11 in shoes but the 11 snowboard boots I've tried on have been too small. Granted that's only 2 pairs so far but I'm willing to take the risk of 12's being right for me. I've got wide flat feel (like flippers) My idea is the main support comes round the ankle area so if I've got a bit of toe room its not the end of the world.
  17. Ok so its all booked to go on the 26th! I'm going to Les Deux Alps. I'm going to go mad and buy my own board. I've been looking at this package http://www.absolute-snow.co.uk/V/FTwo_AIR_FLITE_2_Snowboard_Package_162cm_W_XL_BB_Wheel-(55153) . Remember I'm only a beginner. Is there any reason why I shouldn't buy this?
  18. Thanks boys. Makes sense. I'm going for the size up but I'll get to a few more ski shops and try some on. If I can get those Van's cheap enough I'll take the risk of having to put them back on eBay if they don't fit.
  19. On the booties front I've got my eye on these... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321055342483?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648 And these... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/230911940208?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648 Anyone know if either are any good? I assume the Vans will be alright because they are Vans. But my logic is Landrover make off road vehicles that are good and off road bikes that are bad. So just because a company does one thing good doesn't mean they do the other good too!
  20. I'm 28 so I'm an old man. Bum pads knee pads and helmet sounds good.
  21. Just in sports Direct and they have got Nevica gloves and goggles here. They look pretty good to me but in a noob! Anyone know if the brand is any good?
  22. Thanks for the tips boys! I went for the second time on the dry slope today. I had the little go of turning round and facing up the slop and going down backwards on the front edge. I got the feel for "braking" with the front edge so I feel a lot more confident with that now. I just need to learn how to transition from back edge to front edge. (I'm probably using all the wrong terms here haha) Gloves wise I had a little go with them ones today and there's a slight tear by the thumb so I think I'll be looking for a decent pair of gloves. Really appreciate all the info so keep it coming! Any idea on goggles?
  23. I forgot to mention I've been snowboarding on a dry slope in Runcorn once! I'm going again at 2:30. I know the dry stuff isn't anything like snow but hopefully I can get the basics down. I wasn't too bad and could get down the slope doing the "falling leaf" I felt confident for a first go like. Any tips for using the front edge of the board would be nice!
  24. Thanks boys! I've just been to TKmax and got this jacket and these pantaloons for £40 each! The gloves are just Head ones from Costco I've had for ages. They seem pretty good though. The jacket is a Billabong with 5000 mm water proof and 3000 whatever breathable. Pants are Tresspass and they are 5000 each way I think. I'm quite happy with this stuff so hopefully it will be alright! Next on the list is boots. I tried a pair of 11's on and my toes hit the ends. I've heard that the boots stretch and shrink though? What size should I got for? I'm size 11 usually. But these DC boots were far too small!
  25. Hello wonder people of trials forum with your vast array of knowledge! I'm looking at going snowboarding in the next couple of weeks and I want to buy some decent clobber. I'm sure there are snowboarders on here that will know what to get and what to avoid. As you can imagine I'm a total noob when it comes to snowboarding and I haven't got a clue what brands, shops or stuff I need! I'm looking for the Tartybikes of snowboarding gear. Any info and tips on what I need and where to get it from would be great. I'm not looking for cheap crap, I intend on getting into snowboarding and getting good quality stuff that will keep me warm and dry. Thanks peeps!
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