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Everything posted by 1a2bcio8

  1. Sam, you just contradicted yourself. You say being gay is alright but within that same sentence you describe it as "adverse" and the individuals who are gay as having "f**ked up genetics". Adverse - preventing success or development; harmful; unfavourable. If it is adverse then really, is it ok? And is genetics the means by which we should judge if something is right or wrong? To say genes that produce somebody as a homosexual are f**ked up is to effectively insinuate that a gay person is f**ked up at least to some amount. I'm not having a go, just pointing out what I see as a statement that doesn't quite fit together.
  2. I'll tell you something else I find interesting about this subject. It's that the only word that seems to exist in order to describe prejudice towards gay people is the word, homophobia. Surely not all disliking of gay people and thier activities arises from fear? Despite what I previously said, I can still imagine people having a dislike for reasons other than fear. Wouldn't different words to describe the different motives of dislikes towards homosexuality be more sensible? A similar but different problem arises with the word racism. Racism exists in many different forms, levels or motives but we don't have words to directly describe those differences. Racism is a loaded word, usually with an extremely strong negative association. When somebody is racist to a very small degree (anyone, instantly see the problem with this potentially oxymoronic statement? ), say making a snap judgement based on something which I can't know based on something like say skin colour (an example - "this person is black which means they might mug me"). Something which I personally do to all people, in different ways, that I have unconsciencely divisioned from myself and something which i think 99% (that includes minority toward majority) of people do. Anyway, the problem is that labelling somebody a racist when they are doing something that ultimately isn't as bad as the assumptions that the word "racism" carries and is potentially not the intention or want of that individual can create a viewpoint that can be quite inaccurate and is effectively just another form of prejudice in itself. Because of the history that has contributed to peoples understanding of the word racism, other words should be coined to more accurately represent different different forms of race prejudice. Sorry about how ill-constructed that second paragraph is. I'm stoned and knackered.
  3. According to research, it's the individuals that have an aversion to homosexuality that are the ones who are most likely to have homosexual interest. My guess is it's a manifestation of self loathing/fear and an attempt to hide what they don't want others to see. The research was done by asking indivduals what their opinion was towards homosexuality. Some said they had a problem with it, some said they didn't. All of these people were then made to watch gay porn whilst their sexual arousol was measured. By - if I remember correctly - not a small but a large amount, more of the individuals with the problem towards homosexuality became aroused. Perhaps all you individuals with issues towards homosexuality should take some time to think about how you truely feel towards being gay. You might find a different reality. In other research, it was found that for most people, sexuality exists, not in absolutes but across a spectrum. With people having sexual interests towards both the opposite sex and their own, but with differing degrees of interest. So it may be that most people actually have a sexual interest in the same sex even if only a small interest. In the society we live in I can easily see how people wouldn't recognise this however. Especially with the prejudices that exist. Very interesting stuff though.
  4. I loved it. The world became something else afterwards. I could hear the birds singing. Beautiful.
  5. Sounds like you've got a problem.
  6. The last one did it for me
  7. Could be highly amusing. It's all about the "A widely circulated fake promotional image for Snakes on a Plane" on wikipedia. Pure windows background material.
  8. Adaptation Aliens Donnie Darko American Beauty The Thin Red Line Star Wars IV Good Night and Good Luck I Love Huckabees Life Aquatic Sideways
  9. A good movie methinks. The main actor blokey initially put me off wanting to watch but I really enjoyed it. It has that standard time travel flaw though. Or at least something which I perceive as a flaw but I won't say as not to spoil it. The butterfly effect comes from chaos theory. It's the idea the smallest change to a system can cause a large effect or alteration to that system. Thus the (inaccurate on my part) expression, "A butterfly flaps it's wings in California and causes a tornado in New Orleans". Interesting science stuff.
  10. That picture's got to be from a porno. Highly amusing I love sexist jokes mainly because there's something deadly serious and true lying behind the humour.
  11. The Christian God is omniscient, so in knowing everything, he must know the future. If he knows the future then it's already set and we're all just going through the motions. Unless perhaps God is actually more limited than the bible says. I can see how preying, if you believe in god, could help somebody to recover faster from an illness. Unfortunately, the idea of God actually intervening to help somebody recover from an illness cannot be proven. I would personally prefer to follow the idea that preying, for the religious individual, would relate to a positive frame of mind which might aid recovery. This is something which can be proven moreso than God's intervention. If I'm completely honest, although in one sense I find it interesting and I can accept it, I also find it a shame that people have faith in something which is metaphysical. They are living their lives based on unprovable concepts. I see it is a limiting factor to the potential of human experience and thus enjoyment of life. It's the idea that Christians, especially evangelicals, have ideas about how the world should be, which I don't think it is and I don't think it ever will be. Religion is a projection onto the world, it's not an interpretation of the actual world itself. Ideas about existence cannot compete with the reality of existance. So these ideas are always unachievable. This can cause problems of perception of the self and of others. Certain types of behaviour are deemed sinful. People can feel guilty and bad about themselves or judge other people with a negativity, especially evangelicals. War is a common result of such opinion, at least in the past. There's also the persecution of "witches" who were people usually just practising another religion if even that. Perhaps they were just behaving a bit "odd". Of course it's not quite like this anymore, but religious ideology still manifests in other forms. Unfortunately I have to leave this unfinished. I'm off snowboarding for a week! Sweet. Enjoy your debate.
  12. God loves the incest mate. All part of the soap opera we call life.
  13. I live in Britain, that doesn't mean I know exactly about everything to do with Britain. My point is you're formulating an opinion based on only one individuals opinion. Are his opinions based on direct experience? It might be like asking an American KKK member what his opinions are on black americans. What do you think this KKK individual is going to say. Where do you think his ideas spawn from? Experience or stereotypes/propaganda? This documentary contains lots of different opinions from both sides of the conflict. All claiming direct experience in regards to the situation. It even has a father who lost his child to a suicide bomber yet still holds the opinion, if Israel was not behaving the way it was, it would not have happend. I'm not saying watch this and then hold the same opinion that I do. I'm just saying watch a different opinion, one backed with what appears to be strong evidence of direct experience and see how you feel thereafter. My opinion does not come from just this documentary. I've read a decent amount on the subject. Again though, I confess, I might still be completely wrong. But lots of opinions, from different people in different situations in this conflict saying the same thing makes it seem more probable. I really suggest watching this documentary as a starting point to forming a more balanced opinion. You're heard this one jewish bloke, now hear some additional jewish people and some palestinians point of view.
  14. Andyroo. Try watching a documentary by John Pilger called, "Palestine is still the issue". I got it off emule, I'm sure you can get it from any of the download programs though. The documentary shows various experiences in the israel/palestine conflict. I think it might change your mind about what you are saying. Watch it if you want to base your opinion from a wider range of sources and evidence rather than just one individual who's a jew and who's statement doesn't make fact. No statement is ever fact, it just makes things appear more or less likely.
  15. I heard prostitution can pay well. Drug dealing also. Old ladies and their handbags are a prime source of revenue. You certainly don't have to follow the normal minimum wage rubbish. Be your own boss.
  16. 1a2bcio8


    Well, I don't think I'd do it. I don't really like the look either. But fair play to that guy none the less.
  17. 1a2bcio8

    The Uk

    I'm not sure what's actually humour here and what's not. I'd hope everyone doesn't see America, as a whole, a bad place. It has it's bad elements, mainly that reside in the government and rich elites, but that's just the same here in the UK. We inject unsustainable amounts of polution into the world as well. We also use unsustainable amounts of energy. We also went to war and are still occupying Iraq. We sell arms to dictators and countries involved in civil war. We kill for political gain in what effectively constitutes as terrorism. The list goes on and on. Perhaps we're the lesser of two evils in some sense, but that doesn't mean we're not evil, in some sense.
  18. Cool vid Dan. Was it supposed to be only 1.23 mins though? You're riding for the time period was minted. Not surprised though.
  19. 1a2bcio8

    The Uk

    Trying to be funny because I can't get to sleep. I like the photos on your website by the way.
  20. 1a2bcio8

    The Uk

    Come on Andy T! You've not run scared have you? Under the almighty power of blighty. Our british words resonate godly sounds and you've poo'd your pants. Rubbish American. Rubbish America. "Tina Turner - Simply the best" is playing in my head.
  21. He's probably pissed about the various forms of terrorism the western world, especially America, has performed upon the islamic world. I can tell you it's far far worse than anything Islamists have done in retaliation. America is the no.1 terrorist in the world. Military funding to Israel is possibly another example reason. Israel has f**ked palestine, an Islamic state, for many years and it wouldn't have happend without the help from the good ol' western world. The list for reasons is a very long one. Cause and effect. We're the cause.
  22. Mike. I tried reading the topic, but I could only skim. It's just too much for my child sized motivation. Right, basically, I wasn't being direspectful, I was satirising a flaw which I feel that I see in the Christian faith. I wrote about it in the other post to do with those comical drawings of a muslim prophet. It's about that God is supposedly omnipotent. All powerfull. So he knows everything. Future, past and present. With this knowledge he created Adam and Eve knowing that the way he'd made them would lead them to break the rule he had made about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He set them up as far as I can see. The only explanation I can put to this is that God enjoys the suffering of humans. He wanted drama. Thus a world of suffering. Can you give me a better explanation? Actually I'm sure you can but I doubt I'll agree with it. But who knows. I'm afraid you chose to take disrespect from my words Mike. No disrespect exists in those words, there was certainly no intention on my part to make those words disrespectful. I prefer to find humour in whatever I can, that's just the way I am. I think if we laughed at everything, didn't take everything so seriously, we'd all be better off. Personally, I'm not fussed about people targetting me with religion. I enjoy talking to people, even listening to them about a god that I find to be improbable to exist. It's interesting in it's own way. I also understand that people, for the most part, do it because they believe they are helping you. That makes them decent, at least in one sense, in my opinion. Religion though, I think causes a lot of problems for us. I don't find dogma based on metaphysics to be very sensible. I prefer objectivity which science better provides. However, I don't think science is the bee all and end all. It has it's limits, for one reason because of the tools which use it - us. Being dogmatic in science is also not sensible. Especially when you look through history, you'll find that everything people thought they knew several centuries earlier turned out to be quite different several centuries later. I personally practise zen buddhism which I don't find to be a religion, although I could see why people might. Zen doesn't work on faith or distorted/limited knowledge that science does. It works on direct experience for the individual. Meditation helps remove the conditioning of development that makes you see the world as associations rather than what lies under the associations. It helps you to find your basic perception and in turn, I think, a more accurate understanding of the nature of the world. If everyone practised buddhism, which you can easily do, even with a religion, the world would be a lot more chilled. Everyone would be digginng the flowers and indulging in tantric sex. Sweet. You're more than welcome to insult me or what I've said in any form. I, hopefully, won't take offence
  23. If that's how you feel, and you find the need to express it then yes I think you should say it. My momma should be able to deal with the idea of relativity and that everyone percieves in a different way. Someone telling someone else they are ugly doesn't mean it's the universal feeling. That it's a fact she's ugly. It's just a subjective opinion. But yeh, just because you hold an opinion doesn't mean should be automatically required to express it. But if you feel the need, then go ahead. In my opinion, neurosis is what makes us all worry about others opinions. It's all needless.
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