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Everything posted by TrashZen

  1. I may as well get used to it now
  2. Definitely an amazing spot! Love Ali's sidehop over the see-water pond. Top pics of top riders
  3. Love the bike funny paint work , and yeah, riding spot is class!
  4. Sure you forgot how to ride Joe ... I thought I would have showed up at least to take pics and vids, but I can't even cripple around properly (two fractures on the same foot to heal in a plastic boot). Let alone following you guys around London. That really sucks!
  5. that's mental! (by the way, nice site Snappel, surfed in a lot ) Did some UE when I was a student, climbing on chimneys etc.. was always a blast, but some day, I really shitted myself, slipping backwards on a steep tile roof, stopped by a 5 inch gutter pipe :$ . (7 storey building)
  6. Well, it's about knowing what you can afford to loose vs what they have to gain from you
  7. I am a freelance editor for a trade publication in electronics (started as web assistant, ended up managing editor of the print). Freelance because, after getting the top job, I couldn't be arsed travelling so much and working long office hours any more. So I resigned to offer my services on a freelance basis, working from home with ultra-flexible and less hours, less international travel (more time to ride basically), and I can charge much more for it because I dictate all the fees (that's 10 years of experience let loose in the negociations)
  8. ha well, if any one turns up, I am happy to take pics for a couple of hours, but won't ride at all (broken foot, say the X-rays from addenbrook)
  9. That sounds like a plan... , I can still creep around and take pictures
  10. Same , not riding trials for the next few weeks by the look of it
  11. Geometrically, the smaller rims of mods 've got to be stronger. The tires are also beefier on top of that
  12. Forward all the way Only side hop if its' not rollable...
  13. Nicely done, What was the biggest difficulty you encountered in your career as a trials rider ? The french.
  14. That's absolute class!!! (I like the willy wonka model! )
  15. TrashZen


    Probably operating on a different gear ratio too? Speed is dangerous...
  16. But well strapped, they do prevent a fair bit of ankle twisting (ok, if you bail off high and land in the middle of an awkard angle, its' not bomb proof either). I just twisted my ankle again and blame it on temporarily wearing non-trials-specific-shoes . They also protect that rounded inside bit of your ankle (against magura cylinder/brake booster attacks, and other such nasties which I find rather painful) Definitely worth it if you ride a lot. Apparently, the Montys are not as strong as they used to be, the side fabric goes off. Waiting for the new Ribos that look very well designed.
  17. Nice playground! She couldn't possibly get bored
  18. Was very close to hit passers-by or their dogs, when jumping back, but never actually hit anyone...ish.... Once stopped with my front skewer very close to someone's head when doing a spin on the rear wheel (I stepped out last minute to stop the move, the guy was very lucky) Another time, I sent out a small dog flying (he came out of a big kerb jumping into my pedals :$ and then flew 180 into my rear wheel ) The owners were not happy, but was not my fault ....
  19. Really nice lines, very urban , excellent riding but nice filming too. Enjoyed, even with that sort of music.
  20. that's how Id' define it. It lets you decide exactely how much compression before the pedal kick etc... and focuse for the "chi", even if we 're not all barking mad when riding...
  21. Hey nice, That's gonna change you from the planet X!
  22. Must say I tried one in france, two weeks ago, and it felt great (even though the bars/stem combo the guy had was not high enough for me) It is really light , but still I am a bit shy with high BBs.
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