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steve sturt

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Everything posted by steve sturt

  1. Anything where the word Baby is taken out of context and used to reference a loved one or something. An example would be "Hit Me Baby One MOre Time." Or from that Will Young CLASSIC "Come On Baby Light My Fire" Also Excluding the Doors Classic "Come On Baby Light My Fire"
  2. Im returning to London South Bank University to finish my Special Effects degree. Luckily Ill be commuting in fromWoking, so wont have to endure living in London.
  3. If you can find it, I think Cool Edit Pro is shareware, and you can do allsorts with that. Its like a primitve version of Cubase (almost) but different.
  4. Please dont think Im being rude here but have you over tighteed the screw that bolts the lever to the body? Its a 5mm allen bolt that acts as a fulcrum. Hope thats all it is, if not then its something more srious.
  5. Looks way too trialsy. Comp orientated. Short stem big risers and a twin triangle frame like the ashton would be much much better. HAS to have a seat. Looks like a big mod, the others so far have looked like small stock bikes. I wouldnt want one.
  6. "Youth seen making vain attempt to nudge rocks out of his way with childs bicycle"
  7. I hang my cables loosely wound on hooks. Mikes are kept in their bags in a draw box similar to exhibit a, but with a variety of different size drawers. As are plectrums, screws etc. Pedals are on a home made pedal board that turns into a suit case.
  8. steve sturt


    Such as a race track? Theres a time and a place for driving like a loony. Its called track day, at a local race track.
  9. When the shoe rule was starting to become enforced heavily, I always admired the guy who turned up at comps in Converse Allstars. Made the rule seem quite silly.
  10. steve sturt


    I was refering to the lateral g forces brought about by cornering. Cenrtipetal Force if you like. Under braking an F1 car can do about 4G easily. It cans top from 230 mph to 0 in a little over 150metres. Bear in mind though, that this is all taking place on race tracks where most variables (pedestrians in the road, kids running about, traffic from an opposing direction) are removed, not on the street of Bilericay or wherever.
  11. steve sturt


    Did you say that the roundabout is by a pub? Surely the last place to be speeding, late at night, with drunken revellers about and all.
  12. Sapim do spokes for Tandems. They are uber strong
  13. She is an adult and has a profile on myspace.com. I cant remember what her name is but if you trawl the ebaums forum looking for weird video thread, you will find it. She had polio as a kid.
  14. Apparently she is an actress/ dancer, thus would love nothing more than for people to see her work. She does stuff like this to make people feel edgy and uncomfortable. To put people on the defensive. Its her way of sayng "Here I am"
  15. Ive got a grossman 04 stock frame. I dont like it much as its not twitchy enough. Head angle is way too slack for me. It also has that tube that looks like a handle. Could be worse. It is very light. I got it cos it was cheap in ebass
  16. True as people get angry at problems. Problems need solutions. If people are happy, they dont have so many problems and in the words of Colin Chapman (I think) "If it aint broke, dont fix it"
  17. Get him a rubber bike? Sedate him?Make sure your out of range when he throws his bike. Get better than him. Shouldnt be hard as your bike wont be broken as often as his.
  18. Just to see what the average trials riders mood is.
  19. Looking at the amount of pages for both the happy and angry thread, it appears that trials riders are more pissed off than they are happy. I would insert a poll here asking if you are happy or pissed off, but I dont know how to. It would be Are You a) Happy b)Sad c)Melancholic
  20. I think those ankles supports that work as an insert are much nicer, then you have a shoe made by someone who knows how to make shoes. Like DC or Etnies or Clarks or Faith, even Dolce and Cabane(?).
  21. I think that unless you do ballet, then trials shoes should never be worn.
  22. Its as real as the screen in front of you.... Apparently she had polio as a kid and likes tap dancing.
  23. Geroge Antheil - Ballet Mecanique This sounds like a piano with tourettes being beaten by an epileptic and some sirens and a buzzing noise. Its supposed to be classical.
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