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Everything posted by poopipe

  1. try it to front wheel with your arms locked straight?.. I jest. Trashzen has a page somewhere that explains why you're supposed to do it the way you already are.
  2. blah blah - t-mag crap, t-pro great etc etc. (search the forum - you'll see what i mean) i had the same dilemma but opted for the t-pro as it's reputed to be stronger and i smack my bike into things a lot. i dont regret my decision in the slightest - not even after i discovered i couldnt get the 300-odd onza decals off without sanding the frame down. - i only know about the 05 version , couldn't possibly comment regarding the 03 / 04 ones the thing is, if you're willing to fork over 400 quid for the oldschool t-mag you might as well get the new t-pro, its only 20 quid more and comes with sexy hog rims with little hedgehogs cut out of them.
  3. if you're buying a full bike new get the shop to do you a t-pro with the front brake / fork / wheel setup from the t-mag. you might have to wait a few extra days but its well worth it - plus it'll save you a fortune compared to getting a new front wheel / forks/ brake etc Should cost the about same as a t-mag (£500 ish) mine did. The louise FR disc is very nice, it feels more positive than the old louise and the hope I tried out (could just be because its new though).
  4. I dont want to grind really - i figure it cant be good for the rim - .. so, the general concensus is that i sand the pads down a bit and wash my rim. I thought it might be aluminium dust - the rim's only a week or two old so its probably just left over from manufacture. I did get the bike wet recently as well so that probably why i noticed it . nice one. thanks everyone
  5. wonder if its wise to experiment... ill post back with results in a few days then
  6. thats reassuring , thanks :angry: i hadnt thought of freezing them - ill give that a try if the nice hot bath doesn't work (i know what i'd prefer). I got me some ultra strength cod liver oil joint fixing tablets today as well - my mum said that was a good idea too - kuffing horrendous price though. Id rather extract it from the fish myself than pay that regularly
  7. you need shinpads no you really need shinpads - i like ones that are closed at the back cos you get smaller gashes in your calf muscles - they do get hot though gloves - personally I wear them, you lose a bit of feel of the bike but your hands hurt less . Ive got hardass motocross gloves so my fingers dont get crushed but they're probably not the best trials gloves you can get - Ive heard 661 gloves are pretty good but don't quote me dont forget to get a lid. You can't ride trials if you can't move your legs
  8. I've got funny silver stuff on my brake pads - it looks like someones coloured them in with a pencil. My brake has become poo - which is why i checked. so, i have 2 questions 1: what is it? 2: how do i get rid without knackering my pads? I've got a shiny new Hog rim and Kool stops (i think - whatever cme on the t-pro)
  9. My knees hurt the morning after I've been out riding and it's beginning to creep into my fingers as well. I put it down to being old and knackered (Ive always done sports that are bad for knees ) - but I'm wondering if anyone's got any suggestions on how to reduce the effects a bit cos its embarrassing hobbling about like a pensioner for the first half of the day...
  10. so you'll have 2 freewheels - one front and one back? ( i dunno what a dmr singlespeed kit does) is that safe? er - if not, the rear cog is fixed so while rolling the front cog will freewheel if you pedal backwards. anyone else noticed how it fascinates bmxers?
  11. poopipe

    X Game 11

    Anyone else think Scotty Cranmer deserved the gold there? He was more consistent generally, pulled that icepick that Mirra missed and then of course there was the frontflip. congrats to Jamie Bestwick, proper homegrown talent that.
  12. Is it at the bottom of your neck? I had a try-all stem and flat bars on my old mod and used to get a sort of warm pain in the bottom of my neck after riding for a while. I think it was because the stem/bar combo was so low and I was having to tip my head a long way back to see forwards. When I got my t-pro with its funky highrise stem the neck pain magically went away. maybe try some spacers or riser bars ?
  13. I'm getting a bit out my depth now - never having had a go on those frames (except the toxsin with the single top-tube which I really liked) I suggested a streety frame because they're usually made out of thicker metal and you seemed worried about breakage - that said, 'learner damage' on natural stuff is going to be less pronounced than on streety stuff - what with the lack of sharp corners, concrete etc. Like most people on here I'm sure you'll just end up riding over anything that gets in your way - street or natural. It's not a completely different game as soon as you find some rocks to bounce up.
  14. that had me stumped for ages first time i did it - sound advice indeed
  15. I came from bmx originally (i had a few years off though) and was quite frightened of stuff snapping - Aluminium is proper girly metal after all. The thing is you just dont smack your bike into stuff as hard as you do when riding bmx, you aren't going so fast for one thing and everything is a lot less burly so less major bits will snap off. I havent bust anything important yet (only really been riding proper about 6 months though) I'd recommend a streety frame rather than a fancy comp oriented frame to start with - unless you like buying new frames a lot.
  16. do they not come in purple then ?
  17. damn right - never did me any harm. My girlfriend's taken to slapping me when I come home with blood on me - that's taking a bit longer to sink in though - back on topic. cheap TSG lids from the skateshop are fine for little spills, i tonked my head on a rail after brake slippage recently and barely felt it. They get quite hot though
  18. its european kilograms - they weigh more. british inches are longer than american ones too :)"
  19. I won't hear a word against those bikes (unless its about the bashring - which shatters) I still love mine even if I dont ride it anymore
  20. everyone should ride mod - big wheels are silly and mean your bike won't fit in the back of a punto ( - its an important requirement for me anyway) I reckon get a t-pro but ask the shop nicely to put the disk setup from a t-mag on it - shouldn't cost more than 500 or so. Well chuffed with mine so far..
  21. I just got a spanky new t-pro and the rear maggie was cack until i did the following first, wipe the aluminium dust off the rims second, add tar third, ride till the pads bed in a bit. it was complete gash out of the box - I've got an 05 on the back of my other bike with standard black pads and that works much better. - - oh and the frame flexes like buggery which doesnt help matters, a booster might be a plan.
  22. looks like a da bomb school to me. not a bad price if in good condition gotta love the spellings though
  23. everyone on here will be raving about the hs33 - the hs11 is the cheaper version. The hs33 is lovely and probably works out cheaper than the spanky V setups mentioned (£60 ish for the whole lot inc. lever). Dont get the idea it won't ever slip though - you'll still need decent pads and it'll still put you on your arse occasionally.
  24. forgive my naivety but is that monkey for real?
  25. new cranks will creak because the arms havent bedded themselves in properly - i just got a shiny new t-pro and it started after an hour or so on the bike. my last bike did it too when i first got it. just tighten the bolts that hold the crank arms on and it'll stop. It'll probably start again after a few days so you have to do it again but after you've done it a couple of times it will stop permanantly. It tells you to do this on the bit of paper that comes with the t-pro no need to send the bike back.
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