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Everything posted by Clownbike

  1. Surprise - Finger in the bum while getting a blowjob........? My ex/missus tries that all the time....not much of a present if you ask me.... Neil PS Chris - you're a funny one
  2. I watched it the other day Dude, you really have taken to stock like a duck to water. Very smooth riding and it was nice to see a few combo/lines in there. Don't see that much nowadays. I think the music suited the riding, smooth and chilled. Editing was good, not too over done at all! I really enjoyed it man, and it did make me miss riding with you guys. Especially Joe - what a winner! He always comes up with some funny shiz when he is filming. Hope to see you soon man Much love Neil xxx P.S. Joe, thanks for mentioning me - it pulled at my heart strings!
  3. You see, that just never happens to me
  4. 06 GU - LONG stock was 1100 wb, not sure on the rest. I had this problem too. Finding discontinued frames geometry is very hard. I think there should be a thread or page devoted to geometry of older frames. Good luck Sowwwieee! Neil
  5. Ok i'm trying to get out of doing any work, so i'll TRY and give some help. 1) Undo the allen key bolt on the slave 2) Unscrew the lever body from the hose. 3) Pump the lever body under water (10 times), when underwater take out the lil "grub" screw, pump (10 times) and then put it back in and pump (10 times) - Don't do it 11 times or it will break! Keep it in the water 4) Suck the hose with the slaves, making sure the slaves are under water. Repeat this for 1 min. Keep sucking and then screw the allen key bolt into the submerged slave, then the openend hose in the sink/bucket with the slaves. 5) Connect lever body to the hose under water, tighten all bolts and you are away! Hope this helped.
  6. Looks like you may have to go to Oxford as i really don't think i'll be out Saturday! Soorrrwiieee Dave
  7. I may be attending on the forthcoming Sunday of this month, however, i will be having sexual intercourse on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Luke (Mogz) - i will try and get out on Saturday, but not 100% sure. It really does sound like i'm avoiding Seany . Ohhh...and i'll only be out for a bit! Peace XxX PS If you don't come Dave, i'll see you soon i'm sure. PPS i think some of the guys i rode with last week may come along; Alex T, Chris, Callum, Scott and Nathen. Had a good fun ride with them last week so i hope they will join us.
  8. Meteor, i hope it all turns out for the best and if you do go to the party be yourself. Also, post your problems on here if it helps Take care Neil
  9. Lol! Technically i didn't just get in, but i'm still sooooo drunk! Here is a lil story of how my night went......... I've had so much work on at the moment so i've not been going out. My housemate's friend came over (mhhhhh......nice ), as she was pretty fit i thought i'd go out with them. I had way too much to drink (pretty easy as i'm a light-weight), the i preceded to turn on the charm. This ment giving her a piggy back down the road. The girls infront were skipping, so i decided to try it with this fit girl on my back.....big mistake. My leg immediately buckled and i went down.....pretty hard to be honest. Skinned my knee in two places. The worst bit was i saw her face hit the floor (the girl i was giving a piggy back to) and her arms didn't break the fall, just her face. She also managed to pull down one of my other housemates who hit her tooth on the concrete and the decided to cry. Another one of my housemates went down, but she was so drunk she just got back up! I was miserable at this night, i felt so guilty......then just to top it off, the fit girl i was giving a piggy back to also decided to cry. She got on the phone to her boyfriend () and just started blubbing. The we went to a club and my housemate locked herself in the toilet and started to cry.....oh my god. I tried to go in, but the bouncers wouldn't let me (for obvious reasons - i have a masive penis). I hate having all female housemates, especially the ones i have - don't know how to take a joke and just really into girl power and all that shiz - fooking lesbians! Phhhffff.......hope this made somebody chuckle (even i chuckled when i saw her face hit the floor lol) PS they're just upstairs talking now - wierdos!
  10. "Red raw" - because it jumped into my head "Holey Moley" - because of the holes "Stratus" - because it looks like it has "struts" but "stratus" sounds better and you can say "this frame is heads above the rest" "Pinky dink" - sounds funny Ok i'll shut up now......
  11. I'm telling you Dave it's Monty stems! I really liked that stem too, i have to go back to this really crappy low Echo "Hi Fi" one. Maybe we should try to be smoother.....WTF....we are the smoothest f*ckers around! See you soon guys and gals <-----aka Ben Jones! Neil XxX
  12. I never really reply on this thread .....but hey i thought i'd give it a go. I'm usually the one my friends come to with problems of their own, i guess talking face to face is easier than this. Anyways, i read your situation and it really touched me. I like you am a very emotional kind of guy even though i don't show it so much. But back to your problem......i've been in a similar situation to this. I know "Jessica" said she will never trust you again, but keep trying anyway. Keep up the compliments, opening doors, making her laugh etc etc, you have to show her how fun you are to be around. Obviosuly this is difficult as you are quite a shy guy, but try to overcome that mental block. You have to get into a "social" frame of mind before you meet her. Think of questions to ask her, jokes to slip in to specific conversations, ways of showing commitment (you can use trials as an example ). I know this doesn't really help but i can't stress enough if you think she is worth it you have to make her see that your are trying (and this means being outgoing). Another way to look at it is, she is not giving you another chance and if she liked you so much she should really give you another chance. Just a "trial" period (no pun intended), to see what a great (or crappy) guy you are. So you went out with another girl, it's not like you and "Jessica" were going out. You can tell "Jessica"the reason you went out with the other girl was to fill the emptiness inside that she left you with. One last perspective, she told you things will never happen between you, so f*ck it.....she is the one missing out. You go and be you, do the things you want to do. At the party (if you go) it will REALLY hurt to see her with some other guy, but thats when you know you are better off with out her. She knows it will hurt you and if she does it - F*uck the bi@tch! She is outta there like ice cubes in a fanny. Ok one more.....promise last one....get her really drunk......you know the rest or you can stick to her like glue all night and not give her a chance to go with another guy....... Sorry i can't be of more help, i don't really know you and stuff, but i hope i helped (even in a small way). Good luck Neil XxX
  13. I should be there with the Wokigham crew! My housemates are bi@tchs lol Ohhh Ross....i snapped my stem Neil
  14. Sounds good to me - apart from the "subheading" bits.......but anyother suggestions or samples? Ta
  15. Hi guys I've been trying to write a literary review for ages and i'm not getting anywhere! For those who don't know what a literary review is - I'm taking 5 sources and critically analysing them in 2000ish words. So the topic is Airline Deregulation and i've narrowed it down to look at price wars. My first question is, should i know that i'm looking at price wars in the industry or after the literary review should i find out i want to do a methodology on price wars? My first journal is a theoretical and the other four are empirical. I've been reading loads on how to write them, but it doesn't really fit into economics too well. I've never had to write one before, but now they are introducing it on my course - stupid F*ckS! Does anyone have a sample of a literary review (ANY SUBJECT), as i'm really stuck on how it should flow and how i should go about gutting the papers. Any help would be apreciated.....because i feel like crying Cheers Neil EDIT - sorry if this makes no sense!
  16. I think my message on facebook gave him a nudge . So..... if everyone who received their bits could paypal me £5 for the trouble it would be much apreciated. Or give me a stem as i've snapped mine. I need to get off the form and do some work......need ......mhhh blahhhh...ignore me! Neil
  17. quite funny really, especially as an ex member of our uni MTB club was called Rob Stewart...........maybe i should ring to see if it was him???? I wouldn't put it past the guy to be honest.
  18. Hi guys I used to ride with Joe fairly often. Unfortunately i do not have have his number, however, i will stick a message up on Facebook to let him know. He is a really really nice chap, but this does not excuse him for not replying to you guys. I'm sure he will send the items out when i message him through Facebook though. Apologies Neil
  19. Hey There are some people that may have a go at you for not providing enough information about yourself, as it is hard to say whether or not a bike would be suiltable without knowing your stats. To help you out a bit just tell us a few details about yourself; 1) Height - Rule of thumb, the taller you are the longer frame you should get 2) Weight - It's not a major issue, but if you are on the heavy side it's best to stay away from "snappable frames" e.g. Koxx 3) Style of riding - There are many different styles, but i'd say either you play on rocks or urban objects or you like to do spins and manuals (Main 3 IMO). This will infulence the size of the frame they recommend. The shorter the frame the easier it is spin, the longer it is the easier it is to tap etc. 4) Price range - Prices vary a great deal, i'd recommend trying to buy off the forum. As you can't post in the "classifieds" yet, look in people signatures and email them. Many won't mind selling to a new member as long as you give them the money. I hope this helps you out a bit. Good luck Neil
  20. Hey Nick Cool vid of Jack - just nice and he seemed to be having fun. Good to see him on a new bike, suits him. Does Jack have any other stocks lying around as i want to get back into stock....just for a bit of fun. Or do you have any frames lying arouns (not the planet X i hope!) Hope to see you soon, Neil
  21. Snapped chain, lots of work = No fun for Neil
  22. Git - you've made me want one!
  23. Lol! Cheers for the help! I found a few through the library....well there are literally thousands of journals, but i'm just very fussy about which ones i'd like to use, so i was wondering if anyone knew where to get some good ones. Looks like i've changed my mind to price fare wars in the airline industry......but hey i'm getting there, but any/every bit of help is MUCHO apreciated, so cheers guys! Neil
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