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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. PaRtZ

    eno skipping

    Christ what are you doing to these things? Im still using my 4 year old tensile freewheel (granted Im not riding often anymore, but it still took a good year of continual riding). ACS Claws ***
  2. PaRtZ

    North Korea

    I think you're right, but going a bit overly anti-illuminati etc on it all. The BBC says this happens every year: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22006055 first paragraphs
  3. http://youtu.be/u4QAnCFd4iw
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_graffiti Not BOTI but cool as!
  5. http://youtu.be/jrje73EyKag
  6. Everytime Aurelien landed something he did another hop to keep it on the back wheel, just seemed really un-smooth and jerky. In comparison to the less 'flash' Vince and Giaco, how can you say he had control? But he got away with it because he was riding huge objects and blocks, not sketchy rocks with 5cm surfaces. I think he was just riding like that to give the audience a decent show. Whereas Giaco and Vince didnt really get that and carried on thier usual clinical-precision comp style with no wasted energy. Don't get me wrong and start trolling - Im not taking anything away from him at all. Those moves are pretty god-like in themselves and he didnt seem to struggle on any of them. I just wouldnt say he was silky smooth though...
  7. Can someone translate? I dont speak BMX
  8. PaRtZ

    3D Printing

    Lol soon, is a bit of an understatement... I think we're still decades away from that even optimistically. But yeah it is madness....
  9. PaRtZ

    3D Printing

    That was great thanks for the share Ironically Im just having some models 3d printed for my masters project, they should be done in the next few hours. We're then going to test them in a water flume to examine streamlines so we can develop our model further. As an engineer, the rapid prototyping aspect of 3d printing is really quite amazing but not that surprising. I know this is off-topic from your discussion but its just a thought to consider - FEA has come on leaps and bounds only in the last decade or 2. So surely a massive development in the modelling stage is just 'keeping up' with that? But anyway I think you're spot on Alex and its only a matter of time. Why wouldn't you print your own stuff? Ofcourse you would! This leads to further issues about branding and fashion, sure they'll exist still, but they're going to lose alot of market to the home user making their own stuff instead! Worth a google: REPRAP. Its a 3d printer that prints....3d printers. You ask someone to print you the parts and they charge you for them. A few more generic bits and pieces and you have your own 3d printer Its completely free and you can actually do this RIGHT NOW and start building your own printer... This is another interesting concept I think polymer 3d printing will become VERY home user available pretty damn quick....metal sintering will probably take a while to get it safer and laser sintering longer still (or perhaps never to be honest). I went to a lecture on 3d printing 3 weeks ago from a guy in the aerospace market who is working on bloodhound in Swansea uni. He's said that 3d printed parts are already making their way onto aircraft (currently non-structural items, but things such as lightweight door hinges, nacelle covers, air ducts) but given development and time there will be no reason why you can't print some major components.... Exciting times indeed! Get on the band wagon now
  10. http://youtu.be/5pNhqdsh2XU
  11. Black Stereotypes http://www.oh-lol.com/black-stereo-types_787.html
  12. http://www.miniclip.com/games/trial-bike/en/ you knows it
  13. well this unescalated quickly
  14. http://www.viddler.com/embed/70d1d214/?f=1&offset=0&autoplay=0&secret=48017121&disablebranding=0 This restores my faith in humanity!
  15. http://youtu.be/ArGg3fdqLj4
  16. https://vimeo.com/56298775
  17. Hi guys Got caught doing a dodgy overtake at the start of January. Surrended my license a few days later, but not heard anything back - this is now the 4th week. How long does this normally take, as the officer who arrested me said 2 weeks? A friend said he escaped points on his license due to a paperwork error that they couldn't process it. Im wondering if this is the case as the woman who wrote my details down when I surrended the license made an '8' look like a '6' (saying i was born in 1968)... thanks
  18. http://youtu.be/hlhSLV4HzFQ
  19. http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=psy+curve
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