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Everything posted by PaRtZ

  1. "Hello, Im dying. I was wondering if you could help" "Ahhh Im sorry to hear that! Do you have lots of money?" "Err no I don't" "Oh crumbs! You better start the funeral arrangements then. Bye bye!" I only read the first part of the thread, but thats my understanding thus far (and very simplified) People have always whinged about the NHS for whinging sake, but if thats ^^ the alternative I dont see how they can. Also, apart from the new owners, who will benefit from owning the NHS? IE why do the tories want to sell it?
  2. It just looked like fun! I miss those days...
  3. 4 minutes onwards. An absolute powerhouse finish, followed by the coolest method of descent
  4. PaRtZ

    Dual Bb7's

    I ran dual BB7's on my hydroxx a few years ago, did the job but wasnt fantastic as above posted the rear cable is so long it feels a bit naff(er). They will do the job though, don't be put off by this!
  5. Another bouldering video, apologies for nudity
  6. [media=] This is great. Also the music is nice too EDIT: Take the child, fall into water carefully
  7. Vimeo Video -> Original Video Not best of the internet by any means, but a bouldering video I made with ducko recently
  8. http://jalopnik.com/5922349/watch-an-engine-rebuild-itself-in-this-3000+photo-stop+motion-video?utm_campaign=socialflow_jalopnik_facebook&utm_source=jalopnik_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  9. P = RT/V Assuming the temperature increase/fluctuation is small enough to not cause a variance in volume, then it should be pretty obvious that as Temp increases, so does Pressure. So yes pressure increases, however as Forteh said unless its increased loads (ie, not from 10 degrees to 30 degrees) its not going to really cause a blowout! consider your answer quantified!
  10. 'Our primary local language is screaming'
  11. PaRtZ

    Craig Lee Scott

    Very nice. Liked the finish, and I thought he was going to bunnyhop the gate blast from the past!
  12. http://youtu.be/TVNe4STHWsY
  13. seriously good stuff. Nice to watch!
  14. Is that windgather? Which climb is it? seriously get off the grit and on the limestone, much more thuggy Good effort on the belaying though! I just got back from spain... all I can say is, UK climbings a bit poor in comparison! Had a FANTASTIC few days of climbing including: 13 pitches haha. Took 6 hours and we were running it out pretty badly! Was cool as hell though!
  15. After seeing this on facebook Thought we could play a game for fun. How many bikes can you fit in your car? Take a picture for evidence/lols. The rules are: 1) The bikes must need minimal assembly. This means taking 1 wheel out, both pedals off and (if you want) the bar/stem combo. Having a load of bikes in several thousand parts doesn't count. 2) Obviously car size is a factor so car's will be grouped as follows: Hatchback (corsa, punto, fiesta etc) saloon (406, mondeo. Ill put berlingo etc in here too), estate (yeah you should know what that is) and van. 3) Bikes must be INSIDE including all parts. Components on passengers ALLOWED. 4) Rear visibility is NOT a requirement. 5) Bonus points for extra passengers able to travel 6) No prizes. Just usual internet glory 7) Its fun, if you don't want to take part f*ck off 8) Also extra prizes for ingenuity... Ill start the ball rolling with an estate entry: I got 3 passengers (4 people) and 3 bikes
  16. My mate dedcked off a mod at stanage so you can ALWAYS fall off As for the naughty things Id be happy with that. Super anal: Use double ropes not single (checked the topo, its quite sidewaysy tbf) Short quickdraw used not long. Also with single critical as rope drage would be pretty big if you're placing gear in that photo Can't tell but I was taught the silver (free krab) should be attached to gear and the orange to rope. Then rope movements can't lift the gear out as easily.... Run out HELMET (You'd be the bane of my life in SUMC for not wearing one ) Still 2*, looks good too Ive added you as a partner btw so I can sneak a look at your logbook EDIT - my point 3, see last post here: http://www.ukclimbing.com/forums/t.php?t=443429
  17. definitley... BUT you got the have an end/edge to give said finish before you can start! End mills aren't designed fo cutting 'holes' or 'slots' they are as you say designed for that beautiful edge. Just wondered if there was another reason thats all! If not then meh who cares
  18. How come you used an end mill to make a slot? Surely a slot mill makes sense...
  19. "I don't like the look of that rock, its got green on it" I loved that vid. I think it sparked a riot on TF about wearing white trackies to ride trials in.... EDIT I did have it, but my hard drive got corrupted then I lost it
  20. PaRtZ

    Lost Videos

    Haha nice Appreciate the upload matey! thanks alot
  21. PaRtZ

    Lost Videos

    Thanks matey. How are the tights coming on?
  22. PaRtZ

    Lost Videos

    This post will probably not get any replies but thought Id give it a go Due to hardware failure Ive lost the hard copies of ALL of my videos made (60 odd) The only ones left in existance are on youtube + vimeo So if anyone has any of my videos any chance you can let me know and upload them to vimeo so I can grab them off you? Thanks all Matt
  23. I was doing some reading and the number of syllables the adjective contains has something to do with it. As mentioned above green = 1 syllable => greener is ok fast = 1 syllable => faster is ok homophobic = 4 syllables => homophobicer is not ok (sorry, only other long adjective I could think of) interesting = 4 syllables => interestinger is not ok eager = 2 syllables => eagerer? Id say no but internet dictionaries say yes clever = 2 syllables => cleverer?
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