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Everything posted by fathopper

  1. Yeah it could knowing my luck ill drop it and end up denting the chasis. And the winch rope doubles back 2 or 3 times so do you reckon it would be ok for one man lifting?
  2. No i dont think i can lift it directly, i think i would cripple myself. garden swing??, the winch is mounted to the roof of my garage. And as for lifting the car chasis I'm not sure, I might bend it out of shape the cars really old. Was mentioned about it ages ago. Robins the ropes fine. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=83289
  3. Right I have an engine in a car which weigh approx 300kg, can i lift it single handedly?, ive got a winch to lift it out with but its one that you pull not electronic. So would anyone have a simple idea to take it out without killing myself in the process??
  4. Do not try and re direct a mole at your local trails, it will die, (it came up from the ground so Robin(Dont You Just Hate It When) decided to poke into another hole, got half its body in then it didn't move after that.....) Oops
  5. Well it depends if you feel the person who died would want you to mourn for them or not?, Because some wouldnt want you to go through that pain.
  6. No matter how much you put it off it will catch up with you, didnt mourn for 10 months(lost my dad bout that time) but it does catch up with you, no matter how much you think to carry on and just get on with life, it will catch up with you. Not the best feeling in the world. So in answer to your question i think feeling the pain would be better, because life is full of experiences so its just one experience you have to go through. If you understand what I mean.
  7. hers a short tester video i made of my riding just testing out editing and music and the settings on i movie on my mac, critisim very welcome
  8. Your best bet is Mercury messenger for mac, got all the same qualities as msn, and the apple web cam will work with it, it works using the same email and password as your msn account. also you can send a nudge one after another ulitmate nudging
  9. Lets face it we will all be riding our girls, whether 4 limbed or 2 wheeled we will give them the tlc they deserve lol
  10. Stock more freedom, but the unltimate question would be what would happen if an immovable object met an irresitable force, no one know the answer lol
  11. Ali C how about ashtons lol, snappage
  12. Girls are sucker for roses lol
  13. Knight Rider style I like it wonder if you could get one to start my sherpa campervan, be awsome
  14. Going to spend the day with her then go out for a meal in the evening, then got some fun games lined up after. oh and get her a rose
  15. Hmm oh dear, just my apple mac needs an upgrade one to run final cut editing software, hmmm and its all one interal unit built into the monitor
  16. Speaking of graphics cards can you get external ones?
  17. lol took about 5 hours, 3 A4 pages of sticky paper with kitkat logos printed on and about a full can of clear lacquer, then bobs your uncle kitkat forks
  18. Well for those who cant decide which wheel size to go for this would be a good one lol, what the hell thats just not right have one size or the other not both thats just greedy
  19. But once youve been given the cash couldnt you just break the rule of no sex? And keep the cash? Or am I just an Idiot
  20. Its me mucking around on Apple photo booth
  21. i'm not a homo lol just quite gay(happy) the hoff star of knight rider best show ever made
  22. Lack of confidence is so annoying, ever wish we had an unlimited supply of confidence that would be good, either that go grow bigger balls
  23. There was a topic in New members chat about the ashton seats heres a link http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....2&hl=ashton
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