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Everything posted by fathopper

  1. Ulead is also good for that kind of thing although being a free version its quite limited but good enough, Nero is also good and cheap too
  2. fathopper

    Wet Day Bail

    I'm bored its a wet day so I thought I'd post this funny crash of Don't You Just Hate It When on his old Koxx Levelboss mod its quite a funny crash also looks painful. This was taken last summer I think.
  3. Yeah ill put you a copy on disc pm me your home addy
  4. i have a copy of adobe premier 6.5 or 6.0 i can send it to you if you like via post ?
  5. hmmm ok, I thought that t rexs were similar geo to ashtons, would ther be anyway of modifiying the seat plate?
  6. Does anyone know or have a picture of the onza t rex seat plate thing would fit onto an ashton justice, does it have the similar geo or fittings? I'm probaly asking the stupidest question ever ? Just i would like to maybe fit a proper seat to my ashton because i can't actually sit down the plastic ones with out bending them, my fat arse
  7. Kitkats, Ive eaten atleast 40 in week for the 6 months its not good, i also tried to eat a 40 pack to celebrate new years it really isnt good.
  8. Pro 2 hands down never had a proper problem with mine, only when i ground my rim some of the aluminium swarf got inside and broke a few pawl spring clips, but after a service its fine, I would really recommend this hub PRO2
  9. Boiled egg and buttered bread every morning for breakfast for the last 12 years of my life ive only been alive 17years lol its not an addiction i swear just got a habit lol.
  10. Jebus my body aint worth that much, hmm how immoral is immoral lol
  11. Where do you get Final Cut Pro from?
  12. I've got another year and a half roughly of this course, ive already got one first diploma media qualafication in the bag done got the papery bit, its just this year ive found i havent settled in to the National Diploma course in media as well and am jusr finding it hard to keep up with the workload and deadlines and stuff and one of my lecturers is a complete a hole, i need to get a job feel I cant because of the work load and other commitments. I've just recently applied for this ema thing and to be honest i like to work for my money so not sure on that one. And as for the car its kinda like an oaps retirement hobby, only ive got this at my age so ever wonder why retired oaps do up classic cars, its baecause they have time to do it and i dont. My ideal situation would be to just get a job just to live off for now do up the car then apply for a functions/wedding lisence then drive the car around that way id be making money off it. Also if I did stay on at college the place I'd want to go after would be to get a job in adult enteraintment industry lots of money in that so these choices are screwing me over I don't know what to do Or I could get into the clasic car business?? I don't know
  13. Has anyone been in this postion where your not sure wether to quit or not, U've spent the last year and a half doing First Dip, media and half way through the first year of National Dip Media, I just havent got the feel for college as I used to all i seem to be doing in my spare time is assignments, and all I want to do is my car, I'v thought of a few pros and cons, but the biggest con would be not seeing mates as often or my gf so, my question to you lot is have any of you been in this position before and what has been your solution to it?
  14. At the mo I've been watching: The Girl Next Door, quality soundtrackm The Who yay, Thunderbirds, Yes Oh my gosh why. Knight Rider 2000, the cheesy spin off which came with knight rider season one I bought, Layer Cake, National Lampoons Animal House, Classic John Belushi Blues Brothers, Blues Brothers 2000 Daredevil. And a few adult ones which I wont mention. The Crow, Brandon Lee's first and last film I think. (Got shot on set by a blank of a gun) Transformers The Movie The Original, Prime dies:( So Theres my fave pics (Why Am I So Sad??)
  15. Pictures, yes hes right its done thanks to broomer and other peoples. Now just gotta sort out the engine lol, Unseize the thing its just randomly seized up now Chuck Norris we need you
  16. It aint from a jowett chuckle chuckle
  17. 20/17 but wouldnt mind trying a stiffer ratio cause my legs find it too easy now
  18. Chuck Norris would look at it and it wud just jump out of the car to where it needed to go.
  19. I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at ???
  20. Are you joking??, Hmmm might try
  21. Nah I havent been caught, and ive stopped now lol business dried up
  22. I had an idea of what i wanted to do, but then its changed, it always changes. At college ive been studying media (moving image) I thought yeah ill get into that perhaps start filming biking videos or adult entertainment when I'm 18, but now i'm not so sure, at the moment all i seem to want to do is work on my car and ride. But I need a job to fund this but I cant be arsed with one. So at the moment I'm stuck with the decsion of quitting college or staying on, i'm just getting sick of the whole coursework deadline thing. so replying to where is my life going, at the moment I dont actually know just sticking at it and seeing where it goes.
  23. All I have to hand is this so I'm just gunna take it steady with this
  24. We did that last tine to put it in almost killed them, so rather do on my own, but now i have a mate whos just gunna guide me out so should be able to do it now, took like 5 of us last time to put it in.
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