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Everything posted by MesaMan

  1. MesaMan


    You mean "G" and "g"?
  2. MesaMan


    I run and develop my own website business and know that loads of people us a computer who are blind. That's what Alt text was invented for and should be used as a description to a picture so a blind person knows what it is about. That's why giants Google reward sites with proper alt text and not just stuffing it with "keywords". Don't people realise that nearly everyday the Google logo changes to show the significance of the day? Also if you click on the logo it will show you what/why.
  3. LOL so the other guy's got a 350bhp group 20 insurance GTi-R? Can I go to this college?
  4. I'll do you a vid if you want to change your opinion on how good all us British dudes are Liverpool's got a great trials scene, even though not many come out to play in the cold, pussies.
  5. WARM UP! Doh think about what we're doing, usually from cold. I always stretch wrists both ways all the time I'm out (also like a habit). I also stretch my arms, legs and back quickly before setting out, and slowly build into the more physical moves. I used to get really sore wrists, then it went to elbows when I learnt back wheel. Now it's not too bad. I also started trials after a year of bodybuilding so all those extra muscles don't help - if anything you won't have nice stretchy flexible tendons and ligaments. Stretch, keep stretching when out.
  6. I think you knew what I was talking about - especially as I did say brown rice. I did used to body build for 3 years Simple carbs can be useful anyway (CAN).
  7. MesaMan


    Same as you dude, right handed and right footed, left foot forwards and only have any technique going to the left. Weird, I know I should be practicing to the right but I figure I'll improve technique more then learn bad side. Loads and loads of people have opposite chocolate foot to natural foot, loads of top riders too. But everyone does seem to go away from their good foot.
  8. MesaMan


    There's not FIVE of you in real life, how about that? Seems you're picking on the car.
  9. Stock 26" I rekkon about 15lbs as it's King'd up
  10. Sorry was a bit pissed myself last night. Yea I meant complex carbs, Brown Rice and the such. Pasta Macaroni Spaghetti Brown rice Potatoes Other root vegetables Wholemeal breads Granary bread Brown bread Bagel Porridge oats All bran Wheetabix Shredded wheat Muesli Corn Oatcakes Peas Beans Lentils Phew
  11. True, but to lose weight you're best eating more, more often and crucially of the correct macro nutrients. But keep it simple huh - stop stuffing face, move body so sweat.
  12. Don't expect to get on the back wheel pedal kicking that soon. Takes most 6-12 mths and then another 6-12 before you're doing the good stuff I started with front wheel on things, hopping sideways on them, getting higher and higher. Then I kinda leaned back into position on the hops and it slowly happened.
  13. Us MerseyTrial guys ride on the Wirral and over in Liverpool sometimes. Good guys, good riding, good rocks.
  14. Best way to lose fat is through mild cardio. Heart rate should be increased about 60% Max Heart Rate. To determine max heart rate it's 220 - your age. Eg. If you're 20 then your max heart rate is 200 - 60% of which is 120bpm. Do this about 20 min a day, more is not more in this case. Working harder will be better for cardiovascular system not for losing fat. Knock the beer on the head, at least till it's lost. Eat more protein, clean simple carbs and fat (non saturated). Tons of protein, lots of clean carbs and a bit of fat (Omega 6&9). Riding your bike for twenty min at a constant slowish speed would be good. You should feel slightly out of breath, as if you could easily hold a conversation, but feel slightly breathless if you were to.
  15. MesaMan

    Xbox 360

    You can plug them in, as you can 360 - but will they work? Microsoft wanted to create the Xbox as a console and were keen to keep any associations with PC's separate. And as such never had support for one. The Xbox was DirectX7(custom) and it's worth pointing out that they only at the end of it's life brought out a FF wheel - pathetic. I'd imagine keyboards and mice will definitely play a major role in both the PS3 and 360 (entertainment hubs able to connect to multiple devices etc) I still prefer a decent joy pad though, sitting at my desk makes me tired more than lying on a sofa/bed arms released. Errr Xbox live anyone? OK so it's not "free" but the community is great, well not so great as it's full of fat American kids who sound like they've got a have masticated burger in their mouths playing a rated game they're years too young for. But CAN be great, clans, friends etc.
  16. MesaMan

    Xbox 360

    Apologies if I offended anyone, comments about "kids getting stuff bought for them" withdrawn. I agree with tank_rider, a 65nm processor will reduce heat problems, although it appears the heat problems with the 360 is power related (power pack). The 65nm processor will be more useful for portables. Top Spec PC's are great, shame they cost so much more. A top card and compatible PC would get you a 360 and a cheap HDtv.
  17. MesaMan

    Xbox 360

    SAD Not that I need it, but listening to some "geek" compared to my brother who is a games developer, who could run you down and blow you mind with what (and who) he knows - just isn't worth it. He was developing on the Xbox dev kit before you knew what graphics card was in it. Don't believe the hype. Is your opinion bias? Propaganda? Do what you want kids I won't bother offering an opinion next time.
  18. MesaMan

    Xbox 360

    PS3 has/will have more development time. Try naming some original games! Where's the 360's killer app? LOL And just because you can name a handful of games - all sequels doesn't mean new "original" (term used loosely) aren't dual format. One game, for example, Splinter Cell 4. Well that extra time means, hardware better tested/fixed, games more time in development = more games. Hardware will probably be more, but you're getting better hardware (Blue ray). They (like Microsoft) will lose on each unit. The games are going to be competitively priced though, less than you think. The 360 cost more than the PS2 and people bought it. I agree, SOME good games (one or two and not enough for me to spend the best part of £100 just on 2games), still not showing anywhere near the potential of the 360. Ghost Recon 3, Gears of War and Oblivion I do look forward to. Rob
  19. MesaMan

    Xbox 360

    I fail to see how you can call the PS3 (and thus the Cell) a kids toy, without calling the 360 a toy. The cell is being used (and soon to be used) everywhere and is also being used in military applications. Just offering my opinion, I don't need all you fan boys having a go. Let's live in your fascist world where there is no choice, just 360's and lets see how hard games and hardware is pushed huh? Tom Booth, wow you impress me with your pathetic comments - go do some homework.
  20. I can't believe you guys, you crack me up. Yea big deal I copied and pasted, you think I was going to write it all out again? DUHH And I've not seen it before, normally in the pub at Xmas so sorry!
  21. Get something radioactive and keep it with you when you get it done. You might get superman type laser eyes!
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