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Everything posted by boris_on_trials

  1. Horrible bike good video. Its nicely edited too. Good Job
  2. That was a good game until i got stuck on level 4.
  3. Just phone the police and get them to serve an ASBO. That would be awsome. I know the policeman that gave the first ever ASBO. Ill give him a ring .
  4. Oh wow thats pritty kool. I would like to have a go at that.
  5. Does the stigg have a nectar card. hahahahaha pure quality. How slow was Steve Coogan.
  6. Hahahaha seen a better one. Hope this doesn't count as porn.
  7. Hahahaha i can see it now. Monty breaking you bone by bone
  8. He must do considering he started 2 weeks ago.
  9. What are you talking about i said the editing was good the music i liked. I didn't think the video was bad it just didn't thrill me. Riding is suppose to be like woow but it was just like any other video. If you want good editing just look at some other videos. The Danni Holroyed video thats on the forum right now thats edited like a god. Or (just so i can big up my friends) Caps last MJC video not the one with matt.
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hahahaha. The chunnel. You could have used the channel tunnel though. But considering the car your using i would be supressed if you got down the road. GOOD LUCK
  11. I think it was because you forgot the most important rule of driving. If you stop at traffic lights and you meet eyes with they guy next to you, your suppose to rev your engine twice and drag race with him until either you or him are hurtling from a cliff in a blazing ball of fire. (just watched family guy) Now did you do that? Sorry mate better luck next time.
  12. Not to bad for two weeks. I've only just learnt to gap hop and I've been riding since christmas but i don't ride a-lot. Are you the guy that transformed the gimp bike. i thought i recognised it.
  13. Hahahaha . That video was pure comedy cap. I need to come riding with you one day.Matt your pritty awsome too. When ever i watch a new MJC vid its like wow i wana do that. Then i cry because i know i can't.
  14. I was looking for some videos for the new Transformers movie. It should be a beast it looks awsome. Anyway i found this its hilarious. Transformers Dance Off
  15. Does your dad happen to be Steven Hawkins . Just use a jet hose and flush them out.
  16. I thought that was good. Where is it you are riding it seems like a really good place to ride.
  17. It was ok i suppose. The music was the best thing in it. Riding was ok. It wasn't bad but it wasn't that good either.
  18. I haven't see that video before so i thought it was pritty good. It seemed a bit bmx-ish. I've see better Danny Holroyd videos before.
  19. Especially when they make better posts than members. Shouldn't your post say need to BE respected Welcome to the forum mate.
  20. Doesn't water rust your hose's and wreck the break. Don't know just something i've heard.
  21. I used Microsoft outlook for my old one. Considering i didn't have a clue what i was doing it turned out pritty good. I used it for my end of term assessment got me out of 2 months of work.
  22. All the contact details are on there website under contacts.
  23. I don't think so. Just buy a bleed kit there not that expensive and it would be worth it considering you can reuse the pipe and syringe. Just give the oil to some one els. You could try the doctors they have those types of syringes there, they use them to make little children drink medicine in stead of injecting them.
  24. I'm pritty shure i said the same thing a couple of posts up i claim that idea as i said it first. ooooh yher
  25. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh god i need to get out of the new members place. I try to get validated but it just doesn't work.
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