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Everything posted by JonCongreve

  1. Downloading now Joe. I thought it was gonna be ages til it's done, also good to see i got a mention ha. I'll edit when done. EDIT: Very nice Joe. Quite amazing how much new stuff you did yesterday. I was joking about that sidehop and that rail gap off the roof btw, they were huge
  2. Nice and relaxed video, i liked that Good controlled natural riding
  3. That looks amazing, and the geometry sounds really good aswell I want one! I hope they're not too expensive.
  4. I never heard that he got a new sponsor. He seems really use to the bike already. He has soo much utter control and skill it's annoying. Can't wait to watch a full video from him
  5. That's pretty cool to have it in a national newspaper
  6. My bike, i think that's what you're looking for [attachmentid=8179]
  7. 6ft 4" now. I don't want to get any taller
  8. If you had more clips i think that would be quite a good video A bit off topic but.....Could you please tell me what the music was...? And also what could you describe that music as (genre wise) because i've really grown to loving anything like that style i've heard
  9. I'm pretty sure you can't get titanium freehub bodies, but correct me if i'm wrong. Why would you one though? isn't your normal one tough enough or something?
  10. I should be able to if my parents are going to see my sister there then i'll be able to shove the bike in the car I take it Adrian and Dave will be riding...?
  11. I've been in a similar situation when i go out for the night my my gf, she wants to go to one pub with her mates and i don't want to. She then gets annoyed with me when i don't want to go to this pub, but when i used to go she just ended up talking to all her mates from school, pretty much ignoring me . If i was you i'd simply tell her how you feel about her 'changing', trying to explain that you feel she's becoming what you don't like. If she doesn't want to go to your gigs and you're fine with that, then she should be ok that you don't wanna hang around with people you don't like.
  12. Julien for me it only plays the first second of it, and then stops...... EDIT: Good vid, was nice and relaxed to watch. I didn't even realise i was being filmed I can't believe how bad i rode that day, dunno what was up with me.
  13. I bet you are due to the corner being off camber and quite sharp, plus it being in the wet
  14. oh my god Joe. I take it that was from coming back from mine last night. Glad you're ok and everything Bit of a bugger that after having to sort your gearbox out . I think i know where that is you come off, after a bend?
  15. Seriously....you don't stop to amaze. It's awesome watching you progress, and you made a lot of moves look like you were hardly putting any effort in .And with that gap to front wheel at the start you sort of tucked up the bike in the air, never seen that before
  16. Really good video Julien, loving all the spinny stuff Shame about your ankle, hope it gets better soon
  17. Some nice pictures there Joe That gap to front Bessel was doing was hugeeeeee. Shame i rode s**t I wish we could of rode more places, other then that was a really good day.
  18. JonCongreve


    I liked that alot, all of the riding was very good, with some creative lines and moves in aswell ....and Rich with that front to back on the wooden post , i always thought to myself if anyone could do that
  19. The calipers are the same, but are made to fit different size rotors. If you have a 160mm front brake and would like to run a 180mm rotor then you just have to buy a Hope +20mm adaptor like so... Hope disc brake adaptors I hope i've helped
  20. Woah. I really like this video, it's got a nice fast pace to it. The editing is good, and the riding is very good. Going big on everything Since your last video you seem to have improved loads! Keep it up
  21. Good to see one fully built up, they look very nice
  22. Well Joe, i have to say i really loved that video. The whole feel of it was achieved very well due to the good and simplistic editing and music. Quite depressing watching it though. The riding was very good as usual, and the filming 'Bring back summer '
  23. That looks like a mtb hub by profile, capable of using 8/9 gears i think, which means it'll be 135mm spacing, although i may be wrong. To find out the exact length all you have to do is measure from one axle end to another
  24. Some good riding in there, nice I don't really like all the slow-mo at the start where each clip fades out as you're about to do something, while the song is quite slow, but you can tell it's gonna get faster and heavier. I see alot of that in videos and i don't like it myself. Just my only fault with it really Other then that i liked it as the riding was quite big. Keep them coming
  25. Both bikes look awesome, you're very lucky. Bikes that are all black look very nice
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