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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. CalopS


    Thanks for the all the kind comments guys Glad the rail line was popular. Got my eye on some more for another edit! I get what you mean. I could have spent more time on the audio/edit. Finishing filming on Friday then staying down in Liverpool till Monday eve wasn't ideal Me and Mike have both said we are going to start next years filming a lot earlier!
  2. Nice work JD! Just makes me want to be back on tour :'( I didn't mind been waken up as it was only the first nights kip. Raring to get to London and sit in traffic!
  3. So much effort put into the lines. Well worth it in the end. Playhouse and Wakefield lines look ace on the big screen! Would definitely work as a "Welcome to the team" vid. Short and sweet! Looking forward to working on more edits soon (ish)
  4. You seem to barely get time to ride and have been injured but still manage to build this setup and ride like that. Huge hops! Great effort Dave. Ride soon.
  5. CalopS


    Thanks Dan! I wanted to move away from instrumental songs in my videos. Spent a lot of time on Spotify searching for new tracks but ended up with this which I had already had. I'm happy it worked out. I think with it been a competition I seem to be more motivated to try stuff I wouldn't usually. Hopefully I can carry that motivation through winter! Glad you liked it
  6. CalopS


    Here is my entry for GET in the novice category . Thanks to everyone involved. Another fun years filming! Please watch on vimeo.....
  7. CalopS

    GETcreative 2

    You can get a lot done in 3 days!
  8. CalopS

    GETcreative 2

    My edit is pretty much done Just going to see how my back is feeling in the morning then maybe go out and do one last line. Looking forward to all the new edits popping up in the next few days!
  9. CalopS

    GETcreative 2

    I think you just upload to vimeo/youtube and send the bens the links and they add them to the channels.
  10. Enjoyed that Aaron. Disappointed not to see an Akrigg style fence exit at the end though
  11. CalopS

    GETcreative 2

    We don't really have a problem if you use Vimeo. I think on Youtube your videos can get muted for copyright infringement still? but only popular artists from the large record labels usually. After a pretty disappointing weekend battling with freshers, freshers parents, poo sticks and aggressive morons I got a line I'm really happy with today. Feel so much better. Still not sure about what song to go with though....
  12. Great video Ross. Flowed really well. The hook to nose off thing and drop to rail...........
  13. CalopS

    GETcreative 2

    I've found plenty of fast songs I'm into but can't keep up with :'( Looking nice weather over the weekend Dave. Get building!
  14. Add Barry Clay and Aaron Browne on FB!
  15. CalopS

    GETcreative 2

    Could do with some more sunny weather Was hoping to have filming finished by this weekend to concentrate on the edit but looks like it'l be down to the wire again!
  16. There was some spam on this page before
  17. Exactly, he made some good points that Onza should take on. I'm not into the Integrated chain tensionor......chunky.
  18. I think Ian just likes it low down. Didn't feel nice to me but I'm used to plenty of stackers.
  19. Productive morning filming for GET. Mike bossed a line with 40 seconds left on the camera!, home to walk the dog then 20 or so miles on the fixie. Bikes are the best
  20. My holy rollers seem to be fine at the BMX track. It's just my gear ratio (and the fear of snapping more forks) that holds me back. That's at about 35-40 psi. Holy Rollers are pretty soft though. There are harder tyres out there probably more suited to dirt.
  21. CalopS

    GETcreative 2

    As long as your pushing your riding it doesn't matter. Still worth entering. Hoping for some sunnier weather after this weekend
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