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Sneakers O'Toole

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Everything posted by Sneakers O'Toole

  1. Beeco - From when i insisted on wearing italian football shirts everyday, my mates thought it sound kinda italian. Beecsy - Uninspired shortening of Beecroft Shpeeno - No idea where that came from Peacock - Some stoned guy couldn't say Beeco but could say Peacock, and it stuck Peanut - Same guy, forgot how to say Peacock and changed to Peanut, again it stuck Dickens - Apparently i told people i was Charles Dickens one night. Think thats all of them
  2. Been listening to Black Rebel Motorcyle Club, Steve Miller Band, Alan Parson Project and some Goa Trance stuff lately. Top Dollar
  3. All GP's should be run in the wet, much more entertaining. Plus the slower speeds allowed people to actually overtake! Now it's sunny it's gone back to the old follow the leader. Glad i had no money on todays race, i would have certainly lost.
  4. My Uni wanted about £380 to park my car for the year in the halls car park. I didnt bother and got a rail card insted. If i want to take my car to my house next year its £60 a year from the council. So i won't be bothering again.
  5. Just mooch in from Mexico, works for everyone else. On a more serious note, i know some people who moved over there, i'll see if i can get any info from them.
  6. Moota - Bingo (161) Closely followed by---- Sugar Hill Gang - Rappers Delight (159)
  7. I like to watch it, some of the shots they play be crazy! Only sports i refuse to watch are rugby and superbikes, my go dthey are boring. I have even been known to watch a whole game of crown green bowling. I just love watching sports.
  8. Haha nah that tobacco you wack up your snozzer. Is it called snuff??? I saw it on that Long Way Round programme with Ewan McGregor.
  9. I've just come back from the pub and as usual it was full of people smoking which doesn't really bother me, i accept that if i go to a pub its gunna have smoke in the air. As for the essay in the first post i don't think it is taking away any freedoms, it's just placing a restriction on something that can harm other people. You can still smoke to your hearts content. As for me i think i'll take up chewing tobacco or that stuff you sniff, i havent had a cig in a few months now.
  10. Samsung D600 i think. Nice little unit, has a bright flash that i use for finding my way around in the dark. Only problem is it vibrates about 3 times before it rings, thus no one gets to hear my cool ringtone.
  11. Round my area you get the riots every 5 years and then just the usual small stuff. I think i've become used to people fighting and gangs and stuff cause when i'm at uni down in lincoln i'm actually amazed by the lack of police presence! To be honest Bradford is alot safer than it used to be i think, gangs seem to sticking to their own area in my part if town anyway. Even our local hooligan firm the "Ointment" have stopped fighting these days. I have actually just remembered three lads got stabbed a few weeks ago not far from me. Luckily they all survived.
  12. Yeah his mechanic said summat about bent rods. Gunna be a costly job.
  13. Well he made it through the deep bit and was basically out of it when it conked out. He is mighty pissed off though due to the fact he had just collected it and was on the way to sell it for a tidy bit of profit, but thats now going to go on fixing it. I will call him a mong in a few days when he's calmed down. I shall also tell him the story about the man who built his house upon the rocks, he hates it when i do that.
  14. My dads Merc is flooded. He went through a very deep puddle in the road and its completly arsed the engine. I went through a deeper section (nearly coming over the bonnet) in my Astra and drove away happy. The beck behind my house has rose about 2ft and is washing away huge boulders that support the weight of some guys driveway.
  15. I've used tent pegs before. Just jammed em up between the window and rubber seal at the top and wiggled it a bit then got the hooked bit over the window. Then it's just a matter of pulling the window down, gotta be careful not to sash the window though. Possibly only works on older cars havent tried it on anything newish but your Polo may be alright.
  16. I now seem to be getting speeds between 60-70kb/s. Seems the internet gnomes are messing with my mind.
  17. I'm stuck on a measly 15kb/s,,,i have to download things overnight a watch them in the morning. Oh well, live and ye learn as they say.
  18. Sounds tasty, unfortunatly i have less money than a pensioner. Might just make my own, cant be that hard...can it?
  19. I've been playing guitar for a while now, got a nice black Fender Strat with a maple neck. It's very swish. Really need to get round to buying some better amps cause mine are shot. My style is a cross between having no idea what i'm doing and trying to be David Gilmour, a very unique mix if you ask me.
  20. So i've had this skeleton cd rack for years but i've never seen anything like it anywhere else, my quick search of google didn't give me any info either. It's pretty cool i think but i ideally want rid of it, problem is i dunno if it's worth £2 or £2000, well probably not £2000 but anyway, does anyone know owt about it or anything similar? There he is, picture quality is crap but you get the idea
  21. I had a similar thing happen to me, got a sore throat which was no big deal but then all my joints swell ed up an i got a strange rash. So i ring the NHS direct line thing and they go through all the emergancy rubbish and after aout 10 mins of me telling them i find it hard to move they got me an appointment. Went along and was given a prescription of antibiotics because the doctor assumed i'd had an allergic reaction to summat. Then i gets home and has a sleep, woke up next morning and couldn't walk due to the swelling. At this point i just thoght screw it and jumped in a taxi to hospital, yet again the doctor has no idea whats wrong with me but admits me anyway. So i have three days of laying in bed without seeing a doctor and struggling to move around with a walking stick. Then a nurse comes and tells me i'm being discharged because they need the bed. So back home i go, but luckly my mum had got me an appointment at another hospital where i was diagnosed with rheumatic fever and put in a private room for 2 weeks and loaded with good drugs and painkillers by friendly nurses. So basically i was screwed around alot but eventually i managed to get into a decent hospital. I used to be private but they overcharged my ada or something so now i'm back on the good old NHS.
  22. Well i've just applied to be a cashier at the local bookies. I spend a stupid amount of time in there anyway so i might aswell work there.
  23. Can't see Hamilton winning today to be honest, too hard to overtake. Although he does have 4 laps more fuel so if he stays right up Alonso's arse he could nick it.
  24. Oh well, seems general feeling is that these hubs are shit. How i wish i was still on the Uni network. On the upside my brand new laptop blew up last night, losing all my files, sweet. Got a new laptop this morning though, 3rd in 3 weeks! Wahey, i love technologygoygy
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