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Sneakers O'Toole

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Everything posted by Sneakers O'Toole

  1. My thoughts go out to all that know him. R.I.P Oli
  2. Watching something about camels with the sound down. Last day of Uni tomorrow so i don't have much motivation to be up early.
  3. West Yorkshire police have been warned about a potential strike so i guess there is a good chance of it happening. Drivers start your hoarding on my first whistle!
  4. Yes i did used to be Beeco. Thumbs up to the Who fans, they rock. I love John Entwistle, best bassist in my opinion. I'm a big fan of Zep aswell but i don't think this reunion concert is going to be that good. I havent heard Plants voice for a while but i expect they are gunan have to play around with alot of the songs, surely a 60 year old guy cant scream like he used to.
  5. I just gotta say that Joe Walsh is probably the most annoying man i have ever seen. I think it was the Strat Pack dvd i watched and i just wanted to hit him, his face is so rubbery and smug. Good guitarist though i must give him that. The track Lifes Been Good, is really catchy too. On nother not, i've neber been a big fan of the eagles but i may give them another whirl.
  6. I'll probably go with Blu-ray just for the fact that i will probably get a PS3 in the near future. That and the fact that quite a few music dvds i want are on Blu-ray rather than the other one.
  7. I got Justin Timberlake, then with my 2nd photo Amisha Patel!!!
  8. My music taste covers quite alot of genres. I grew up listening to NOFX and Rancid then when i hit about 17 i started listening to Pink Floyd and Genesis. Now i listen to almost anything, just to name some bands i listen to alot at the moment - CKY, Pink Floyd, The Who, Genesis, Rancid, Agnostic Front, The Enemy, Flaming Lips, Black Sabbath, Bob Dylan, John Frusciante. Theres a load more and i listen to alot of Dance music, i got some cd's from Pacha that i love. Now and again i'll listen to some Tupac. So yeah, i don't really limit myself to one genre of music, i like to listen to as much as i can. Oh and i love Joh Williams stuff, like the Jurassic Park theme tune and all that kind of orchestra stuff he made! Top notch stuff
  9. Transcribing an interview for the morning. Very tedious
  10. God damn fire alarm has been beeping for hours. No way to turn it off and i smashed all the fuses in it. So gotta go to b&q at 7am to buy new fses then ring the landlord to come sort it out. I'm booooored
  11. Theres nothing more fun than getting drunk and fighting the other side. It's a proud british tradition that the middle class are trying to stop, and are doing quite well.
  12. Didnt get up till 7pm so i'm not tired. I am very bored though
  13. I reckon i'd go for Pink Floyd-Shine on You Crazy Diamond(1-9). It's a great track, kinda morbid music in places but hs some amazing guitar work in there and the lyrics are awesome. Suggest people give itt a listen. Youtube and such have the cut down live versions that are pretty good if anyone wants a listen.
  14. We got three groups of trick or treaters. The first group got some iced gems, the second group got some cereal bars and the last group had to make do with a pack of digestives and some chewing gum. But what do they expect from poor students? We weren't going to go out but due to the door bell being rung numerous times we thought it best to get out, so within 5 mins we were dressed as arabs and off to the pub. Damp tea towel, crusty bed sheet and some shit sun glasses was all that was needed.
  15. I was going to go to Les Arcs with my uni snowsports society but decided to go to courcheval with my dad insted. Probably going around end of January i reckon. Love it there cause there's so much to do.
  16. Raikkonen was at 11-1 a few weeks ago to win the championship, oh how i'm glad i took that one! He's a great driver and desevered a championship. Hopefully Hamilton will get it next season and he should because his driving is immense. Lets not forget Button either, probably one of the best wet weather drivers, hope he has a decent car under him next season so he can make use of his potential.
  17. Pills are naughty little buggers. I loved all sorts of drugs for ages but when they start catching up with you it really begins to mess your head around. Had some great times in Ibiza on some real strong clean garys and suffered no comedowns at all but then other times at home i've been bed ridden for days. I have since stopped all my naughty habits except drinking. Going insane is the most frightening thing i have ever experienced, luckily it passed and i am ok.
  18. There's been some good suggestions so far, i've done a fair bit of adventurous stuff so far in my short life but the things at the top of my list would be - See Pink Floyd live at Earls Court Backflip a Canyon Swing Learn to ski off piste properly Drive to the alps in a naughty motor Learn to play the whole of Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Guitar, Keyboards, Bass, Drums everything.... Trip my ass off in some crazy Inca type place Thats not a bad list really, most of it is quite easy to do. All ready done aload of bungee jumping and skydiving, travelled to OZ and Asia etc, its funnn
  19. Hands up if you've knocked one out while watching it! I always used to watch it at Uni and i will when i go back. It's a way to pas the time and is pretty funny sometimes. If you don't like cock and fanny humour then you are obviously take yourself too seriously.
  20. To be honest Uk airports don't seem to be too bothered about taking things out, more concerned with you bringing naughty stuff back. There must be so much stuff going out on Ibiza flights. I got stopped in New Zealand by a little doggy and i hadnt had anything in my bag for over 3 weeks but it still sniffed out the tiiiny specs of dust in there. As for freewheels i think customs have got bigger stuff to be bothered about.
  21. I prefer curvey girls far more than skinny girls. I also really like big girls, like mandy dingle big.
  22. Shine on You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd 20 odd minutes of greatness.
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