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The Google Earth Challenge And Info Thread...


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I think the 'hidden' Google Earth Flight Sim must be on an old version - Mine is definitely not hidden at all.


And then you get...


And then...


I downloaded it fairly recently though, it's version 4.2.0198 (Sept 12th 2007) Beta. Not sure why it's a Beta, I'm pretty sure it was just the one on normal download page.

EDIT: According to Google, it's a feature of Google Earth 4.2 or higher (Y)

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50° 0'38.20"N 110° 6'48.32"W

see who sees it, the indian and his IPOD

WOW @ 15.298693,19.429661

If you look slightly above the hole to the right you can see a guy looking u

one of many high res images supplied to google earth

Best quality images without a doubt here -33.892351,151.27538

skate park just above it and surfers in the sea

52.069207,4.3139865 < zoom in on that and work out whats wrong?

10.903497,19.93229 < again zoom in on that.another high res image supplied to google

30.541634,47.825445, again quite interesting

46.765669,-100.79274 = ooops, little accident

48.825183,2.1985795 = free parking for all???

Well, thats all I got

Happy hunting


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48.825183,2.1985795 = free parking for all???

Nice. On the subject of that, this is just around the corner from my house. 53°25'39.87"N 2°14'21.45"W

You can't really make it out unfortunately, but it's a tank and a personel carrier :huh:

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