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Urban mammoth

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so we have had a panasonic viera tv for a while now.

it has built in freeview and it has been fine so far.

but recently it has started loosing channels!!

so i got to auto setup and it tries to find all the channels, but sometimes they come up and sometimes they dont!??

its mainly the bbc 1, 2, itv, channel 4!! they are so hit and miss.

all the connections are fine.

any ideas?

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Instead of add new channels to exsisting channels try and replace existing channels then autosearch the channels.

On my freeview in the living room its a panosonic 1 we can do sticky channels which means if we wipe the memory then those channels will be there wen it f**ks up.

Try that!

or you area coverage is shit.

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Yeah it's most likely the signal. My digital box used to crash all the time, and find some channels and not others. I thought it was the box (OnDigital box from circa 1998), but it all sorted itself out when I got a proper aerial. I mean a roof-mounted one.

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My signal on my house roof arial was the same, buying a digital specific tv cable and mounting an aerial in the loft sorted the problem completely.

Even if your only using a cheap indoor aerial the shielded digital cables make A LOT of difference.

Those plug in signal amplifiers sometimes work as well, but be aware that if your already subject to noise in the signal (distortion and break up when mopeds etc drive past) it will amplify that as well so the signal overall is improved but you'll still see break up and for fractionally longer than without the booster.

Edited by Krisboats
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Hey i have a stand alone Panasonic free view box and it does the same.

Was completely fine up until i did a search for channels about a month ago then did as you say channel 4 didn't show so did again and it did but then bb1 didn't show.

Maybe is a common problem with Panasonic free view.

I have all the channels i want at the mo so have left it alone.

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Get a signal booster. Used to think they were shite, which they were - probably because for some reason the only ones I ever happened to have access to were about 15 years old, until I got a new one. Signal on my box used to be at 5 (theres a signal strength thing), would work fine when it was raining but was crap when it was sunny. Now all channels are 9-10 and work whatever the weather. Smashing.

PS I live in Wales too (not known for its technological advances), get my channels from across the Bristol channel, so I'm always up to date with Plymouth and Devon news. No excuses for those of you who are lucky enough to live in England where they actually put up freeview transmitters :P

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fixed mine!!!! woo hoo

had that many cables coming into and out of the tv, sky box and dvd recorder!!!

in the end i took one cable out completely (from my dvd recorder to sky box) and then switched the aerial cables over from the dvd recorder to sky box and everything is hunky dory!!

dont know if my dvd recorder will record now but it's never been set up cos i dont use it for recording (it was a hand me down) and it still plays dvds so that is fine.

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