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Chris Akrigg, Brakeless Part 1

John Shrewsbury

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didnt like the editing or the arty stuff really, was just drawn out and seemed to be there for the sake of it; and then when it did get to the riding apart from the up to ledge and the drop down(which is just plain silly without brakes) it was a bit repetitive and well basic for what chris can do.

as has been said, did he or anyone else doing those moves really need brakes to do any of that?

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The beginning part was a great build up where akrigg writes down whats going down in the vid (Y) , then it gets a bit weird and long with this horror theme in some old warehouse :o:S , before it kick starts into some brakeless action which at times looked a little repetitive. although the moves were technically hard, this vid would have been better if akrigg found various urban/street terrain to do all those bunnyhop variations and jumps off that mini kicker ramp. the bigger stuff nearer the end was mental :S . that fall at end of that big up was a bit clumsy :o what was chris thinking.

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all u critics... i bet u couldnt even manual brakeless or even have the balls to even try the shit chris does with brakes.

personally i luved it. reminded me of a few things.. 1 - what can be achieved through determination, skill, innovation and creativity, and 2 - why akkers is the best all round rider that iv admired since day one. thanks for posting john :)

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The arty stuff at the beginning was evidently a load of crap and lasted way too long.

The actual riding was preety amazing in parts but I find it dissapointing that Akrigg is regarded as one of the best trials/steet/crossover riders yet most of the stuff he does a decent bmx'er would piss on.


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very impressive chris, ill be having words with you when i next go into airevalley, abouyt nopt wearing your piss pot!!!!!

weres the place, i knew he was asking me where there was an indoor spot for him to ride but dont know where that is?

great vid ross. (Y)

I was talking to Chris in avc today and he said it was near ben's house around Denholme area.

it was a good riding, but to be honest the 4 minute intro was abit long.

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it deffinatly is different and i had already said to a few people they wouldnt like it because of the lack of riding. but the way chris had had to make everything from scratch, dont forget this video is to apply to EVERYONE who rides a bike, not just "trials" riders, this is why chris rides for mongoose.

his next vid will be much more impressive, but i think he sort of knew that it wouldnt please everyone, IMO the location and the "type" of riding suits everything about the vid.

The location is Denholme near where the "bike track" starts in the old mills on the right. no one will ever go there, because literally there is nothing to do in there unless you have a mind like Akrigg.

im sure chris is already aware of comments that there needs to be more riding etc. im sure the next one will prove that the riding is extremly amazing for the brakeless theme.


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