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Well personally I think it is all down to personal preference. Some people like skinny ones others like fat ones. When you go to the shop try feeling the grips and picturing your self ridding with them, that way you will get that you will be happy with. Its horrible riding with grips you don't like.

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ODI roughnecks worn completely smooth, very thin and grippy, about 6 years old :D

Will probably replace them with some ODI longnecks when they finally die.

Tried foam grips, couldnt get used to them, maybe I have small hands but they just made them ache (N)

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Greetings Jordan.

Personally, i find that grips are a choice of our own and can only be decided by ourselfs. choose ones which suit you the best and feel comfy. Don't buy some grips thinking they look good then find out half an hour into a ride your hands are worn to the born.

stuart :)

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I would go the the Tartybikes raffle grips in soft.

They not too hard and grip really well.

Aye, griffles are great, apart from the fact that they fall off when water gets near them.

I shall be trying some of those new Rockman foams when I next order from Tarty, they look really good, and they are pretty light as well.

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Aye, griffles are great, apart from the fact that they fall off when water gets near them.

I shall be trying some of those new Rockman foams when I next order from Tarty, they look really good, and they are pretty light as well.


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