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Global Warming

Sam Ward

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ive just looked outside and its pissing well snowing, its not going to lay mind because its wet but never the less its snowing

surely all this talk about global warming has got to be rethought. think about it, it the end of march (start of spring) and the weather seems to me to be as cold as it did at any time during the winter, and think about it we didnt get snow this winter, well not in portsmouth.

they say about hotter summers and all, but the last peak temperature was a few years ago right, and the one before that was in the 60's or 70's, i bet they werent making all that fuss about hotter temperatures going to melt all the ice caps etc, which surely are going to melt 1 day, what happens when you take ice out the freezer, it melts. face it its been happeneing slowly anyway but just because its happening faster why is there such hype about it all.

granted this is a very narrow minded approch on global warming but its what i see it as.

and sorry if theres been other topics about it i just thought we needed one currently due to the complicated weather atm.

so how do you feel about whats going on with the worlds weather.

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The weather always goes mental at this time of year. Any meteorological website, or personal experience, should be able to tell you that.

I can't even really be bothered going into the 'global warming' side of things, purely because it seems like for you, we're too late ;)

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Global warming != everywhere getting sunnier/hotter

It doesn't really work like that, whilst the average temperature of the planet will rise, it all depends where you are on the planet, and the UK is actually pretty lucky considering were on the same latitude as most of central Russia and southern Canada.

The best theory I have read about was that global warming was caused by the increased number of sun spots at the moment, and that these sun spots were firing more radtiation further into space, which in turn heats our planet more, so infact there is nothing we can do to stop it. I don't really think it's us at all, because the poles used to be rainforests, and if it managed to freeze, it can unfreeze without any major problems, except that humans are now overpopulating the earth, so we're having to find a way of dealing with it. Global warming is natural, and yes greenhouse gases are real, and do contribute, but there was a time when there was no oxygen on earth, and only small algae were about, so it must have been prety hot then, yet it made no difference, if anything it sped up evolution...

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Global Warming is just annoying. APPARENTLY, it's caused by fuel guzzling beasts in America.... but yet, we clean, bike riding peoples of the UK take the toll of it all.

My rear brake doesn't even work in the wet anymore! Severely ticked of to be honest. Any tips on how to solve my problem, besides shooting the next person I see driving a car over 3.0 Petrol.... :lol:<_<>_<

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I think Haz got it spot on.

To my knowledge, the Earth goes through heating, and cooling stages. We're just slowly speeding it up...slightly?

I don't really care about 'Global Warming' anyway. I turn off lights, etc to save money, not the Earth. :turned:

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we should be under ice and snow but were not because of the the gulf stream. in a couple of hundred years the gulf stream will have moved away from us and we'll be one big f**king glacier. were only getting warmer for a short period of time.

Edited by G4vyn
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we should be under ice and snow but were not because of the the gulf stream. in a couple of hundred years the gulf stream will have moved away from us and we'll be one big f**king glacier. were only getting warmer for a short period of time.

Its more that thermohaline currents drive the gulf stream - Hyposaline warmer water rises, moved towards the poles. Hyper saline cold water sinks, moved towards the equator creating a 'conveyor belt'.

As the polar ice caps melt, the water becomes less saline, stopping or slowing the 'conveyor belt' and therefore the gulf stream. And as you've said, us being on the same latitude as parts of Canada and Russia = snow and cold in winter way beyond what we're used to.

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Notice the temperature on far left.. end of last glacial age... then look right and see how infact.. we had one big f**k off drop in temperature and look how much the earth has to heat up to reach the halocene and medieval stages. The earth aint f**ked people.. its fixing itself


Another great figure, ripped off wiki.. once again 0 million years ago nice and cold.. 75 millions of years nice and warm.

So what should we be expecting? hazard a guess at nice and warm on the frontier?

And finally.. if people would like a non pictoral view.. i found a very trials forum friendly link: http://home.austarnet.com.au/yours/Greenhouse_Bullcrap.htm

Edited by Spacemunkee
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I think Haz got it spot on.

To my knowledge, the Earth goes through heating, and cooling stages. We're just slowly speeding it up...slightly?

I don't really care about 'Global Warming' anyway. I turn off lights, etc to save money, not the Earth. :turned:

pretty much for the simple minds out there.

there's so many explanations out there, and this topic and post will actually be about 30 odd pages if we were to try explaining, there are seriously far too many factors out there thats a positive feedback to the warming system:

-albedo runaway effect (melting ice caps reducing ice caps ability to reflect sun rays)

-deforestation, decomposition causing the increase in methane contributing to GHG, lacking of o2/co2 cycle, increase in bacterial activity in soil increasing co2 and methane emission.

-methane clacthenes which are trapped ice in deep oceans containing large amounts of methane, once these melt-we're f**ked.

-cycle of water vapour: for those who don't know water vapour is the largest contribution of GHG, as it gets hotter there's more evaporation hence more water vapour and speeds up the heating...and don't forget the clouds which also trap GHG.

-active positive feedback loops, such as decrease absorption of co2 in ocean due to increase acidity of surface water...

and at this moment in time we're near the tipping point, once we pass the threshold there will be no turning back for us, pretty much doomed.

and spacemunkee for the love of god don't read and believe a word from wikipedia....... :mellow: and to be quite honest with you most things you read especially through media, is complete balls.

if you want decent reports and published paper try the IPCC website.

anyway to conclude, if its going to happen then in my opinion and how the world is heading at the moment, its going to happen, the international legal instrument is shit and we all know it, kyoto protocol for example took 8 years to enforce, and with targets for countries out there that can't achieve (UK especially at this rate) sooner or later we'll reach the tipping point.

its not just a matter of oh no we can't ride anymore because the weather is shite, it is some serious stuff, and before we know it it'll affect each and everyone of us.


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Notice the temperature on far left.. end of last glacial age... then look right and see how infact.. we had one big f**k off drop in temperature and look how much the earth has to heat up to reach the halocene and medieval stages. The earth aint f**ked people.. its fixing itself


Another great figure, ripped off wiki.. once again 0 million years ago nice and cold.. 75 millions of years nice and warm.

So what should we be expecting? hazard a guess at nice and warm on the frontier?

thats an interseting one. there is evidence though that its heating at a faster rate than its meant to. i do believe it may increase as the earths weather goes through cycles.

its like britney spears' mental condition, its more erratic than just a one way degrading (or in this case heating) effect.

i think weve doomed, or done more damage than anyone suspected

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Ive heard similar shit such as the earth goes through heating and cooling cycles, and currently we're in a heating cycle, but apparently by the time this shit actually happens we'll all be dead.

So what's the timescale on that kinda shit happening? It's not exactly going to happen overnight, is it?

Those graphs, however ficticious they may be, show that sometimes the drop from the peak of the hottest areas is actually slower or a similar length to the heating up phase, but i'm really eager to know how long its gonna take.

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So what's the timescale on that kinda shit happening? It's not exactly going to happen overnight, is it?

but i'm really eager to know how long its gonna take.

from what i know is that some scientist believe that another raise of 2 degree c of global temperature, will trigger the runaway/positive feedback.

runaway effect-climate running away from us

positive feedback-anything we do or the environment will do will finally kick in and enhance the warming effect into a 'progressive warming' stage - when we can do absolutely nothing to stop it continuously heating up.

but it is all theory, no one knows when we will hit the 2 degree mark and reach the tipping point (or the point of no return)


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its quite simple really. we can't do anything about it from what everyone in the world is contributing. just live with it.

The Earth is basically on a knife edge with regards to temperatures - Any slight change can spiral into something huge. Are our actions making a difference to the rate this is happening? Who knows, but when the stakes are as high as literally ending the world, is that a risk we should be taking?!

On the other hand: It's my parents' wedding anniversary today, they got married 28 years ago today. And apparently it was snowing then, too. So there's obviously no such thing as climate change :turned:

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Here we go.. discussion can be fully ended. This was the report which caused thousands of scientists to support the petition against global warming. If it cant convert trials-forumers i think there is no hope for this place...


"We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that

was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals.

The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the

advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide,

methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable

future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of

the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that

increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the

natural plant and animal environments of the Earth."

And finally the petition...


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