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Old Trials Videos... Better Than Current?


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Well I've just been scanning through my old videos, watching a few and been thinking... these are all really enjoyable - more than current ones?! They just seem to have more of a fun and enjoyable 'air' to them, better (although that is personal preference I guess) music... A lot of the riding is as impressive/more impressive than now, certainly more varied and good to watch, despite the relative lack of specific bikes and parts.

Am I just an old man living in a dream world or does anyone else think the same?

Maybe we should have a video competition where the emphasis is on making a FUN video (rather than the biggest moves), see how people enjoy it? Or is 'biggest' the best nowadays? I guess it is only human nature to want to go bigger/better all the time, but now I can't really do that any more I think riding, for me, becomes more about enjoyment/relaxing...

PS: Pleeeeaaassee don't let this turn into an argument, I'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed/thought it.

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Maybe we should have a video competition where the emphasis is on making a FUN video (rather than the biggest moves), see how people enjoy it?

Anyway, on the way back from work I was thinking about this... My idea:

Run a Trials-Forum Fun Video Competition.

Basic 'rules':

- No blatant marketing/sponsorship stuff/shop web links in the videos.

- Anyone can enter (even if you are sponsored), but be aware of the above.

- There should be 3 or more people in the video (not sure on this one.. hard if you can only ride yourself, but it's generally the vids with more people in that are more fun, banter etc?)

- Videos should be on TrialsTube or YouTube so anyone can see them (download versions also welcome).

- Stuff other than riding is encouraged... we all know trials riders like to muck about and have a laugh, the videos should show this!

- Have fun making the video, the more you enjoy making it the more enjoyable the video will be to watch!

I will provide prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd - forum member's votes (poll on a topic) decide. In the event of a tie I will cast the deciding vote.

Prizes: (to be split between each rider in the video as the 'captain' (the person who posts the video) sees fit - I would suggest an even split or work it out by time/amount of riding per rider?)

1st: £100 TartyBikes gift voucher.

2nd: £60 TartyBikes gift voucher.

3rd: £20 TartyBikes gift voucher.

Thoughts, questions, suggestions? Yay or nay?

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Even though I haven't been riding that long, I still know what you mean. I'm bored of TGS and the biggest sidehops. I've been trying to get some more individual clips together, just something different. I've seen too much gap to rail etc, far enough its impressive, but my god is it boring and repetitive, you then get the same trick repeated from the different angles and in slow mo.

This is what I enjoy about Jonny Johns' MISC2007 video, it has so much varied content, it just makes you want to ride, unlike the norm.

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I'm down with that.

There are certainly a few riders/groups of riders who still keep the same[ish] feel to things with their media

One recent vid that springs to mind is the Boon/Rowan 'Old Guard' vid. It wasn't filled with slow mo, black and white, fading out shots, and wasn't edited to music that only a small minority like, and that doesn't reflect the feel of the riding.

I think that part of this stems from people often riding specifically to make a video, as opposed to filming them riding, if you see what I mean (perhaps I'm going crazy)

A few riders seem to manage to find a good compromise here, but others just go out, film a move they like, and put it in. Yeah, it may seem silly, but I put it down, in part, to the TGS one move wonder style of riding that's taking over lately

There are always going to be exceptions to the trend, but in general, there's a big air of pantsness about it...

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jonny jones vids tend to show the fun attitude to trials well, as do rowans videos. but best video ever has to be the randomness. one of the first videos id seen was awesome, would love to have that video again actually.

another sick vid is cousts in nottingham

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I agree with you Adam in pretty much every way, I only really watch videos now when I'm recommended a video or when it's someone I know personally. I watch the odd vid to be amazed at the progression at the top end of the trials world but I never enjoy them like I do with the older videos and the old style videos.

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I agree. I was watching a video today and thinking it must be pretty old because the guy was actually riding some nice lines and I haven't seen that for a while. It turns out that the video was actually from last week - Cap's MJCycles 2 video - but the point still stands :P

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I agree. I was watching a video today and thinking it must be pretty old because the guy was actually riding some nice lines and I haven't seen that for a while. It turns out that the video was actually from last week - Cap's MJCycles 2 video - but the point still stands :P
Added: March 12, 2007... 2007 :P


Anyway, an saying comes to mind.... "old is gold".

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Randomness was a sort of pinnacle of fun-ness in trials vids. DJ used to always make fun vids that made (I actually typed that as "maded" then :S) me want to ride. But yeah, back in the day when the Trialskings dudes were dominating the video scene and CLS was just starting to go mental on street (early Zoo vids) was the ideal time.

Ad, empty yo' f**kin' PM inbox already :P

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to be fair.. when ive been on group rides there never seems to be the like.. strict/unfun-ness that comes across in videos.. even if its a video and you were there. People seem to like cutting out the bullshit nowerdays and just filling vids with move after move.

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I agree.

I'll still sit and watch new video's, although sometimes I get bored because it's all the same.

I've started getting some footage now for a new video, and trying lines out, and 24" kinda stuff, but on my Zona. Just to be different. :P

Me and my mate were saying the other night about a good intro for his bmx video. I said that video's with just riding in them just seem a bit unsocial, and makes it look like you JUST ride.

Saw a bmx video of footage of going past on a bike, filming everyone riding,sitting, chatting. Looked really relaxed, and actually made me watchthe whole video.

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I used to enjoy the trials-star / trials rider.com vids because i could watchthem and then go out, ride those spots and not be able to do any of the lines for a long time. I think the older vids tended to be more line based rather than just one move. One trialskings vid comes to mind, Holroyd ups a small wall, spins off, does another spin up another wall and then another spin off that one. Not a massive move but looked mint.

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I have to agree, most new videos are more boring than the classics.

But we only remember the classics. so we'll remember the best 10 videos of each year, but not any of the average ones that are in the videos thread right now.

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Good to see there are plenty of other grumpy old men about... haha.

Maybe we should have a video competition where the emphasis is on making a FUN video (rather than the biggest moves), see how people enjoy it?

Anyway, on the way back from work I was thinking about this... My idea:

Run a Trials-Forum Fun Video Competition.

Basic 'rules':

- No blatant marketing/sponsorship stuff/shop web links in the videos.

- Anyone can enter (even if you are sponsored), but be aware of the above.

- There should be 3 or more people in the video (not sure on this one.. hard if you can only ride yourself, but it's generally the vids with more people in that are more fun, banter etc?)

- Videos should be on TrialsTube or YouTube so anyone can see them (download versions also welcome).

- Stuff other than riding is encouraged... we all know trials riders like to muck about and have a laugh, the videos should show this!

- Have fun making the video, the more you enjoy making it the more enjoyable the video will be to watch!

I will provide prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd - forum member's votes (poll on a topic) decide. In the event of a tie I will cast the deciding vote.

Prizes: (to be split between each rider in the video as the 'captain' (the person who posts the video) sees fit - I would suggest an even split or work it out by time/amount of riding per rider?)

1st: £100 TartyBikes gift voucher.

2nd: £60 TartyBikes gift voucher.

3rd: £20 TartyBikes gift voucher.

Thoughts, questions, suggestions?


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