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Dissertation Zomg


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Damn I have to write a 1500 word essay. and it has to be in in like 6 weeks. So I know how you feel monkey nutts.

On a more serious note I have:

- a major project to start (we're 6 weeks in)

- Learn how to use GDL scripting and create masses of fancy shapes etc

- fill a sketchbook that I was supposed to do in Berlin

- create a 3min video of Berlin

- Draw some historic columns (acurately) and design a garden temple

- Once I've designed my building draw up a fire escape strategy and do drawing details for building Regs part B, Part M and Part K.

- and afforementioned essay

maybe I'll leave the forum now. It does help that my bikes broken

Edited by James Quigley
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whats broke on your bike diddlers? i have a 2000 word essay to do .. due in end of month.. not even slightly fussed yet lol.. as well as once my dissertation is finished and handed in in like a week i then have to write a journal paper (8 pages) on my report to be published.. YAWN! then prepare for the presentation and my 2 100% exams.. fun times!

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I'd recommend some modifinil. Safer than that concuction of caffiene and guarana and likely to be much more effective.

Its basically a concentration drug. I've used them at uni, and in oxford its known as the revision drug, people were selling them at £5 each.

New scientist had an article on it and praised it for academic related use, stating that lots of lecturers and people in high work load jobs used the drug to great effect.

Search it in wikipedia if you want to know more :)


edit: 2000 and 1500 word essays? They kind of seem a bit insignificant in comparison to a dissertation...I reckon you don't quite know how he feels!

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I'd recommend some modifinil. Safer than that concuction of caffiene and guarana and likely to be much more effective.

Its basically a concentration drug. I've used them at uni, and in oxford its known as the revision drug, people were selling them at £5 each.

New scientist had an article on it and praised it for academic related use, stating that lots of lecturers and people in high work load jobs used the drug to great effect.

Search it in wikipedia if you want to know more :)


edit: 2000 and 1500 word essays? They kind of seem a bit insignificant in comparison to a dissertation...I reckon you don't quite know how he feels!

hahaha, I was only kidding about the 1500 word essay.

and it was Chris himself (doing the insane dissertation) that quoted the 2000 word essay.

I'm just happy that my degree has no dissertation.

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1 week and 4 days left? Easy :P Well, not easy, but quite doable.

Took me about 2 weeks for 28,000 words (most done in the last couple of days) and about 4 weeks for the 10,000 odd lines of code I had to do to go with it.

Reccomended shopping list:

  • Red bull
  • actually, feck red bull, you need 'relentless'! (times have changed)
  • tea
  • boost bars with guarana (if they still make them)
  • pro plus
  • lucozade

The perfect cocktail.

Good luck. I don't envy you.

The shitest advice I've ever heard.

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