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Hair Style/cut Help Needed


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Right im abit bored of my hair and its getting to the point where its inbetween being long enough to straighten and leave flat and short enough to spike and look good. I'm going to get a hair cut this week but really don't know what I should do with it. I would grow it long but itl take me months and I cba with the inbetween short and long hair state that it's in now, and I don't want a skinhead!

Anyone know whats in fashion for 2008?? How do you have your hair cut?

What is layering :S?

Some pictures of popular styles would be helpful, I searched on google and didn't find anything useful.

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fringes seem pretty big, not neccesarily massive emo ones, and long sides, or burns. averagly short back, experiment abit?


That sorta shit.

I have fringe down, top messy/spiked, starting to sorta straighten the bottom layer of the fringe to get it abit longer, but keep the top abit messy.

Jesus Im so gay.

layers are literally layers of hair cut to different lengths. gives a textured look or some shit.

Edited by Tom_
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fringes seem pretty big, not neccesarily massive emo ones, and long sides, or burns. averagly short back, experiment abit?


That sorta shit.

I have fringe down, top messy/spiked, starting to sorta straighten the bottom layer of the fringe to get it abit longer, but keep the top abit messy.

Jesus Im so gay.

layers are literally layers of hair cut to different lengths. gives a textured look or some shit.

Good advice mate, about 2/3 weeks ago my hair looked like that, my sides were starting to get nice and long, fringe and back wa long too! Thought it was time for a hair cut to remove all the split ends, neaten it up abit etc, told the barber exactly what I wanted, I remember telling him not to touch the length of the sides, and what does the f**ker do... cut my sides so that wher just below the top of my ear and made them really thin :ermm:

I think i'm going to have to go with a shorter style now because to grow my sides and that back to the length they were will take months, and I cba having shit hair for the next few months :(

I quite like the look of Sam Sparros hair in the Black and gold video, just shorter fringe, shorter back, spikey and messey on the top and needled sideburns... but I run the risk of looking like a twat (N)

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while its sorta growing in, trim it yourself or get a girl to do it, Its not difficult and to be honest its fairly hard to f**k up aslong as they dont just cut it dead straight, then once its like the rightish length, let it grow in abit more, then go to a proper hairdressers like designer type shit, and get them to just trim it up, theyl charge like a million quid for nothing but you wont look a twat.

Gel works wonders aswell when hairs in between length just mess it up, I find garnier fructis surf hair (not the wax) is good, if you work it in alot it gives a matted sorta effect, dunno, just doesnt look that bad.

my sides are getting down towards my ear lobes now, fringe is near eyebrows un-straigtened so its kinda in the middle but I still get the odd compliment towards the hair.

only thing I found when I got my hair cut shorter was a limited choice of styles if i got bored, also when i decided I wanted it longer Its taking forever to grow in.

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while its sorta growing in, trim it yourself or get a girl to do it, Its not difficult and to be honest its fairly hard to f**k up aslong as they dont just cut it dead straight, then once its like the rightish length, let it grow in abit more, then go to a proper hairdressers like designer type shit, and get them to just trim it up, theyl charge like a million quid for nothing but you wont look a twat.

Gel works wonders aswell when hairs in between length just mess it up, I find garnier fructis surf hair (not the wax) is good, if you work it in alot it gives a matted sorta effect, dunno, just doesnt look that bad.

my sides are getting down towards my ear lobes now, fringe is near eyebrows un-straigtened so its kinda in the middle but I still get the odd compliment towards the hair.

only thing I found when I got my hair cut shorter was a limited choice of styles if i got bored, also when i decided I wanted it longer Its taking forever to grow in.

You sound pro at hair mate :o

Cheers for the advice like, might talk to this girl I know whos always doing her hair differently and see if she fancies having a go at cutting mine for me :P

Gonne take me ages to grow my sides back :( I'd bin waiting ages for them to grow an all (N)

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haha, nah Im just really vain.

Haha :P

Long gay emo fringe + shorter at the back.

unless u wanna be a pretty boy like u are jonny hah :)


Haha you can't pull off the emo look if your fat, have short sides, don't live in topman stuff and don't have snakebites or flesh tunnels...

If I could fit into that scene I would do, birds are hot and don't care what you look like, so long as you have long hair and a myspace etc your in...

But yeah I wanna be a pretty boy :P

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Take TheScientist approach:

1) Purchase Clippers

2) Fit blade number 1

3) Get a mirror

4) Shave it until you hear no more trimming

5) Get family / friend to tell you if you have any longer bits you've missed

6) Hoover that shit up

7) Shower your head and shoulders to remove loose hair

You're done.

5 mins and once clippers are bought, free! No more waiting in hairdressers...

EDIT: Beaten to it :( damn you OBM.

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Haha thats easy enough for you to say... but some reasons why I couldn't pull off a skinhead:

- My skin is shit

- I have a big forehead

- I wouldn't say im particularly good looking, and I fear that by getting a skinhead, it will make my ears look bigger, my nose look pointier etc...

- My hair is light brown and imo skinheads look best when dark brown or black

- My beard/stubble doesn't grow right, imo skinheads look best with good stubble

- Everyone in liverpool has a skinhead

But I might just man up abit and do it...

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Haha thats easy enough for you to say... but some reasons why I couldn't pull off a skinhead:

- My skin is shit

- I have a big forehead

- I wouldn't say im particularly good looking, and I fear that by getting a skinhead, it will make my ears look bigger, my nose look pointier etc...

- My hair is light brown and imo skinheads look best when dark brown or black

- My beard/stubble doesn't grow right, imo skinheads look best with good stubble

- Everyone in liverpool has a skinhead

But I might just man up abit and do it...


grow your hair + it'll look way better :).

you'll pull it offfffffffff lol


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I've decided this year there's quite a large niche in the market for private school girls. So I'm gona have slightly longer messy looking hair an say 'yar' alot. Aim of the game is to get them all pregnant an bring disgrace to their family names. Whoop Whoop!

By the way, I'm not actually joking.

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Take TheScientist approach:

1) Purchase Clippers

2) Fit blade number 1

3) Get a mirror

4) Shave it until you hear no more trimming

5) Get family / friend to tell you if you have any longer bits you've missed

6) Hoover that shit up

7) Shower your head and shoulders to remove loose hair

You're done.

5 mins and once clippers are bought, free! No more waiting in hairdressers...

EDIT: Beaten to it :( damn you OBM.

#2 for me. Takes about 5/10 mins depending on how long your hair is, last time mine was about 2.5" long so it got caught up a bit, but I just powered through and it's all good now.

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I've decided this year there's quite a large niche in the market for private school girls. So I'm gona have slightly longer messy looking hair an say 'yar' alot. Aim of the game is to get them all pregnant an bring disgrace to their family names. Whoop Whoop!

By the way, I'm not actually joking.


Was gonna write something more constructive than that, but I can't...

Just LOL.

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#2 for me. Takes about 5/10 mins depending on how long your hair is, last time mine was about 2.5" long so it got caught up a bit, but I just powered through and it's all good now.

Yeah my clippers struggled last time, let it grow too much - you could hear the little motor struggling to get through it :S

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Worried about it taking a few months? Try 6 years :lol:

In 6 years time I'll be getting on for 25. Having the hair of a peasant, because you can't wash isn't gona scream out stuff like 'give me a job, give me a mortgage an most importantly sleep with me'. Sorry but it's not cool.

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Worried about it taking a few months? Try 6 years :lol:

Haha once you get past them first couple of months its all good... because then your hair is long and you can do whatever you like!

How long does it take for hair to grow :S

Edit: Good night everyone, going bed now

Will read everyones replies in the morning!

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because you can't wash isn't gona scream out stuff like 'give me a job, give me a mortgage an most importantly sleep with me'. Sorry but it's not cool.

A myth, I wash my hair as much as anyone else (Y) and chicks DO dig it, plus - it's an instant point of conversation! Although yes I am pretty much unemployable, which is ok since I'm in noooo hurry for a mortgage, least of all in this country! Sorry, but it is cool B) haha

Approx 1 centimetere per month.

Aka, a f**king long time to grow long hair.

And half the speed/twice the time for dreads since it grows in knots ;)

If I didn't have them my hair would be half way down my back by now :P

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