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New Sponsor

Sam Oliver

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im not moaning infact the exact opposite congratulations but why do people right topics like this? why nmot jsut send tsg an email thanking them.

i dnt post topics saying thanks mum for the dinner tonight and for my bed for 2008.

over exagertaed yes i know but just my veiw and point.

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im not moaning infact the exact opposite congratulations but why do people right topics like this? why nmot jsut send tsg an email thanking them.

i dnt post topics saying thanks mum for the dinner tonight and for my bed for 2008.

when you get a sponsor your job is to help promote their goods whatever it might be , so if you have a new sponser thats helping you with trials products what better place to give them a plug than on a TRIALS FORUM.

well done sam.


Edited by bonzojim
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im not moaning infact the exact opposite congratulations but why do people right topics like this? why nmot jsut send tsg an email thanking them.

i dnt post topics saying thanks mum for the dinner tonight and for my bed for 2008.

over exagertaed yes i know but just my veiw and point.

I agree. This is what we have the happy thread for, surely?

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It a more valid reason for a topic than many on here. If your not going to say well done Sam, best of luck, you'll go far, then quite frankly you shouldn't say anything at all. Who are you to be telling Sam his topic isn't worth the space on the forum?

Nice one Sam, best of luck for 2008, I hope you make it to the worlds one day as I reckon your going to head up the next generation of UK riders.

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It a more valid reason for a topic than many on here. If your not going to say well done Sam, best of luck, you'll go far, then quite frankly you shouldn't say anything at all. Who are you to be telling Sam his topic isn't worth the space on the forum?

Nice one Sam, best of luck for 2008, I hope you make it to the worlds one day as I reckon your going to head up the next generation of UK riders.

get a fecking grip thefirst sentence of my post says congratulations. its good people are getting sponsored and helping promote trials but my question was justified as was the answer below my post.

as the answer below my post.

Edited by Synergy
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