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The How To Make Money Thread

16 years later

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Ok so there's getting a job. But once you have done that then what.

Have any of you found crafty ways of making some extra dollar.

There's the obvious Ebay. Tell us what you sell to make you self some extra pocket money for the bike

I have also found these




If you do use these I would suggest you open a new hotmail for the surveys and such because you get a lot of junk emails

So any of you got any other ways of making money online and offline (apart from the really obvious stealing lead from a church roof)

Thanks Bruce

Edited by 15 years later
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A while back I bought a load of palatised end-of-line stock, we're talking, cookers, microwaves, bouncy castles, ball pools, fans, radio, vaccuums, TV's, dvd players, CD racks, wine glasses...anything and just about everything.

Thing is, it costs nearly £2500 to buy a decent amount of stuff. Then you have to sort out the shite, and fix what can be fixed, and get rid of what can't. Got to think abotu storing it all, and the cost of posting such items, and then even managing the stock, and then finally selling it all.

I managed to make...£3200 or there abouts in 4 months. Taking in the time and effort, worth it..? Well..I'm not doing it again.

I used to do something similar with BT home phones, I bought catalogue returns, fixed what needed to be fixed and flogged the rest. Managed to turnover £1500 on a £500 pallet in 3 months. I'm not doing it now because the return was too low, and I CBA.

If you have nothing better to do then it's quite easy.

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and I quote...

You open a company called the Arse Tickler's Faggot Fan Club. You take an advert in the back page of some gay mag, advertising the latest in arse-intruding dildos, sell it a bit with, er... I dunno, "does what no other dildo can do until now", latest and greatest in sexual technology. Guaranteed results or money back, all that bollocks. These dills cost twenty-five each; a snip for all the pleasure they are going to give the recipients. They send a cheque to the company name, nothing offensive, er, Bobbie's Bits or something, for twenty-five. You put these in the bank for two weeks and let them clear. Now this is the clever bit. Then you send back the cheques for twenty-five pounds from the real company name, Arse Tickler's Faggot Fan Club, saying sorry, we couldn't get the supply from America, they have sold out. Now you see how many of the people cash those cheques; not a single soul, because who wants his bank manager to know he tickles arses when he is not paying in cheques!
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Website advertising... you've got to have quite a lot of site traffic to make decent money but it's quite an easy way to make some extra cash. I made 10 quid from one person through Amazons affiliate programme, some guy bought the DVD rental thing through a link on my site and I got 10 quid just for that.

Or obviously just eBay, find some bargains (car boot sales etc) and re-sell for a bit more via eBay.

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other than bombardment of junk mail what other catches are there? 7quid to tell a mate, i'll be making lotts of hotmail accounts.....

Nothing, just don’t bother doing gambling ones if you are under 18 i lost £30 that way. But yeah it's real good. You can sell the info about the sites as an ebook and send them a link for the friend thing.

and you can get cheep stuff to sell on hear but you need a 40 foot lorry


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those websites are well confusing, wtf is cashback, how'd you actually get the money physically in front of you?! as witht eh surveys i keep trying to find one but it just keeps trying to get me to sign up to something else, i just want to tick a few boxes and get some money is that so hard to ask!?

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Well first you have to sign up. Then go into easy money and start doing some stuff. Then once you have £25 you get it paid into you bank account. The best i think is the film rental ones Blockbuster and love film you will get about £20 from them then your nearly at £25. Or you can just go to surveys and do them and it all adds up fast

Why you get the money is that the sites (greasy and cashbin) get money for getting people (us) to sign up to the sites advertised and they give you some money to get you to do it.

Look on the left it says my info go to help desk look in there it will help (that’s of greasy)

I think that greasy is best

Let me know how it goes

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People i knew sold phone boxes over ebay, and people would bid on them thinking they were getting the phone, even though it said it was just the box.

Similarly, there were alot of xbox, boxes sold around the time of their release... Gutted :lol:

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How long does it take to fill out a survey that gives you 22p.

Some let you just put you details in and then skip the rest

The best things are home/car insurance, heating suppliers stuff like that you can get like £70. Say to you mum/dad that you will do there car insurance for them and do it throw greasy/cashbin and bag your self some cash.

And when you buy stuff online you can get cash back

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What a film, what an idea :lol:

What film is that? Sounds like it's worth a watch.

People i knew sold phone boxes over ebay, and people would bid on them thinking they were getting the phone, even though it said it was just the box.


Bet the postage was quite a bit.

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does that greasy palm work everywhere in europe or just UK?

i might give it a try if its possible

Not sure matey

The gambling ones work buy you signing up to the gambling site put in £10 they double it to £20 you play with the money when it's all gone you get about £12-£26 cash back (depending on which one you do) and you make you self some cash and have fun betting

so say you put in £10 and get £25 cash back you make £15

Edited by 15 years later
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