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The Mind Boggling Puzzle And Quiz Thingy Thread


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For the first one.

The men aren't paying £27 between them, they're paying £25, as the receptionist charges them £5 too much.

So they pay £8.33(ish) each which equals £25

Get one pound back each so thats £28.

Then receptionist gets the last £2.

Thats my solution anyways.

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alright mate calm down!!! what do you mean 'were not back to the plane taking off are we?' we were only just on it?

like i said not everyone gets stuff at first, if at all. im sure ill understand some things more than you...but i wouldnt be such an ignorant t*t to tell them they dont deserve to breathe.

so yeh.....grow up and chill out mate

You've been a member for long enough to have seen the last "Does it take off" thread, did you not see it ? :o

It was amazing, for all the wrong reasons ! :giggle:

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If an airplane is on a large conveyor belt and is trying to take off by exerting the thrust needed to move it forward at 100 knots, and the conveyor belt starts moving backwards at 100 knots, will the plane be able to take off, or will it just sit stationary relative to the ground, with the backwards speed of the conveyor belt counteracting the forward thrust of the plane?

Yes. They proved this on mythbusters about a week ago.


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You have a garden sprinkler the shape of an 'S'. It is on a bearing right in the middle. The S shape is laying parallel to the ground raised up slightly by a stand.

When the hose connected and is turned on, it obviously spins anit-clockwise. However, if you were to connect the hose up to a pump, that sucked the water in, and the sprinkler was submerged in a pool, and the pump was turned on, which way would the sprinkler spin?

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You have a garden sprinkler the shape of an 'S'. It is on a bearing right in the middle. The S shape is laying parallel to the ground raised up slightly by a stand.

When the hose connected and is turned on, it obviously spins anit-clockwise. However, if you were to connect the hose up to a pump, that sucked the water in, and the sprinkler was submerged in a pool, and the pump was turned on, which way would the sprinkler spin?

No way, I was reading about the Feynman sprinkler last night.

Not going to answer though, I'd like to see what people come up with.

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You have a garden sprinkler the shape of an 'S'. It is on a bearing right in the middle. The S shape is laying parallel to the ground raised up slightly by a stand.

When the hose connected and is turned on, it obviously spins anit-clockwise. However, if you were to connect the hose up to a pump, that sucked the water in, and the sprinkler was submerged in a pool, and the pump was turned on, which way would the sprinkler spin?

I'm going to guess that it wouldn't spin at all? However, reading Dr. Nicks post I'm guessing it's a little more complex than that!

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right im putting myself up here for some abuse again......but ill have a go at the sprinkler one.

i think that it would not spin for 2 reasons. the size of the sprinkler holes would mean that the pull off the pump would be shite. plus the fact that i think the water would be pumped through the holes all at the same time thus keeping the sprinkler still? although i dont actually know how the sprinkler turns normally. guess its something to do with how the water enters the sprinkler or something?

lol.....go on then, make me feel like a t**t!


p.s- i am aware im using the word 'thus' alot....and i like it :mellow:

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ill post one to keep a few of you going for the day, or for you to try and figure out while your bored at work. post your answers/suggestions for this one and the sprinkler one and then we can add some more up.

One day Kerry celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Terry, celebrated his birthday. How come?

have a good day


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ill post one to keep a few of you going for the day, or for you to try and figure out while your bored at work. post your answers/suggestions for this one and the sprinkler one and then we can add some more up.

One day Kerry celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Terry, celebrated his birthday. How come?

have a good day


Well, twins can be born in separate labours as much as a month apart, but that ruins the riddle :rolleyes:

I'm guessing that the answer you're looking for is something along the lines of this: They were born either side of midnight on a non-leap year, and when a leap year comes along their birthdays are 2 days apart?

Ok, how about this one:

Four men are sitting in a room, having been given a hat to wear. There are 2 black hats and 2 white hats. The men don't know what colour hat they are wearing. They are sitting in a row facing the front of the room and can only see the other men in front of them, although they know the layout of the room. There is a wall separating the first person from the other three, and this is the colour of their hats:







One of the men can work out the colour of the hat he is wearing with the information he has. Which man, and how?

P.S. If you already know the answer, don't spill it.

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Well, twins can be born in separate labours as much as a month apart, but that ruins the riddle :rolleyes:

I'm guessing that the answer you're looking for is something along the lines of this: They were born either side of midnight on a non-leap year, and when a leap year comes along their birthdays are 2 days apart?

well its close to the answer i have mate, but you havent quite explained as to why the younger twins birthday is 2 days before her older twin

4 men are sitting in a room, having been given a hat to wear. There are 2 black hats and 2 white hats. The men don't know what colour hat they are wearing. They are sitting in a row facing the front of the room and can only see the other men in front of them, although they know the layout of the room. There is a wall separating the first person from the other three, and this is the colour of their hats:







One of the men can work out the colour of the hat he is wearing with the information he has. Which man, and how?

P.S. If you already know the answer, don't spill it.

sounds like a sweet puzzle this mate! cheers! i dont know the answer but ill guess at...the first man who is seperated by the wall takes his hat off and just has a look lol....suppose any of them could do that. plus im guessin a bit more of a sophisticated solution than that.

EDIT EDIT!!!!---- is their a mirror on the wall infront of the first guy?! so only he can see himself.

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ill post one to keep a few of you going for the day, or for you to try and figure out while your bored at work. post your answers/suggestions for this one and the sprinkler one and then we can add some more up.

One day Kerry celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Terry, celebrated his birthday. How come?

have a good day


Im guessing they were born on the 29th of February on a leap year and decided they had one birthday on the 28th, and one on the 1st of March

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Im guessing they were born on the 29th of February on a leap year and decided they had one birthday on the 28th, and one on the 1st of March

the leap year part is right however, their is a logical and real reason as to why the younger twin celebrates her birthday first.

Terry was celebrating with his twin. the riddle states nothing about kerry/terry being twins.

they are brother/sister twins

ill post up the solution later on.....so you still have time to guess


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It's something to do with International waters and the change in the Time zone somewhere..I've heard it before..

as you were closest and have heard it before i may aswell put up the solution

At the time she went into labor, the mother of the twins was travelling by boat. The older twin, Terry, was born first early on March 1st. The boat then crossed the International Date line (or any time zone line) and Kerry, the younger twin, was born on February the 28th. In a leap year the younger twin celebrates her birthday two days before her older brother.

o and tomm!! get your solution up for the men in the hats....i wanna know if i was right.

and to the lad who posted the sprinkler puzzle....JT was it? im waiting to be abused for how wrong i got it lol

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right ive found another one, fairly easy :huh:

Bob and Tom go out and play in the garden.

After a while their mother calls for them to go to bed.

Bob's face is very dirty, wheras Tom's managed to play without dirtying himself.

However Tom goes to wash and Bob goes straight to bed. They are both as aware about hygene and usually behave the same way in a given situation.

Why does the clean boy go and wash and the dirty one ignore his muddy face?

keep posting your own people....its no fun me posting them all


p.s- ive got another one i might post but its not a puzzle more of a debate. should i post it in its own topic? it will either create huge debate or noone will care lol, dont want to waste bandwidth or peoples time

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