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The Mind Boggling Puzzle And Quiz Thingy Thread


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as you were closest and have heard it before i may aswell put up the solution

At the time she went into labor, the mother of the twins was travelling by boat. The older twin, Terry, was born first early on March 1st. The boat then crossed the International Date line (or any time zone line) and Kerry, the younger twin, was born on February the 28th. In a leap year the younger twin celebrates her birthday two days before her older brother.

o and tomm!! get your solution up for the men in the hats....i wanna know if i was right.

and to the lad who posted the sprinkler puzzle....JT was it? im waiting to be abused for how wrong i got it lol

That's shit.

The sprinkler one does actually spin the opposite direction.

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Probably a really old and easy one but was sat working his out for agggggges:

You throw away the outside. You cook the inside. You eat the outside. You throw away the inside. What am I?


With the numbers 123456789, make them add up to 100.

They must stay in the same order.

You can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Remember, they have to stay in the same order !!!


What 10 letter word can be spelled using only the letters on the top row of a standard keyboard?

Edited by NBRCycles
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right ive found another one, fairly easy :huh:

Bob and Tom go out and play in the garden.

After a while their mother calls for them to go to bed.

Bob's face is very dirty, wheras Tom's managed to play without dirtying himself.

However Tom goes to wash and Bob goes straight to bed. They are both as aware about hygene and usually behave the same way in a given situation.

Why does the clean boy go and wash and the dirty one ignore his muddy face?


because the clean one assumes he must be dirty because his brother is dirty, while the dirty one assumes he is clean because his brother is clean

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Has the one about the guard to heaven/hell been answered yet? if not then surely the question is 'which direction do you come from' if he comes from hell he'll lye and reveal which way heaven is, equally if he's from heaven he'll tell the truth and point you in the same direction.

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With the numbers 123456789, make them add up to 100.

They must stay in the same order.

You can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Remember, they have to stay in the same order !!!










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