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Tf Is Dying A Death?

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Having watched TV for about half an hour I come back on to find about 8 posts in total. I remember the days when from 9pm til 2am it didnt stop on here. If I didnt check up at 10pm by the next morning I had shit loads to read. Just seems to me that lately alot of the older guys on the forum have stopped making the posts that caused all the conversation on here and a younger generation have come through. Not blaming this younger generation but this place just doesnt seem the same anymore. Anyway, the main reason I started this thread was to start a little bit of conversation on a decidedly dire night on tf.

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I think tf is getting a little tedious now that it's become a very popular site, TF gets tweaked here and there and after a few years of that it's become a well tuned site and most people are pretty content with it, the phrase 'don't fix it if it ain't' broken' is thrown around a lot. But because of that i think people are just getting bored and not really hanging round the site, and only come on when they want something specific.

TF does have official comps* every now and again, but don't really draw in any attention. The last photo comp, i don't ever remember it finishing. And the trials-shack comp (not strictly TF i know) didn't get one entry. So more stuff kinda like that would make the place have more staying power. People could even win jpeg trophies to put in their sigs. Could even have things like 'Best of 2008' at the end of the year, like best, funniest or stupidest quote etc.

I said this a few times, but i personally don't agree on the way new senior members are picked, perhaps if that was in the hands of us regular members in some big vote where you could vote in and vote out SM's a couple of times a year it would spice up TF a bit. Lets face it the only thing that keep politics even slightly entertaining is the elections - it'd be a fairer way to do it too.

Just stuff like that is a bit lacking round here.

* By which i mean comps ran by the amins and not some member opening a comp for people to win a mars bar.

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There's already a plan for a fair system to be put in place. Senior members shouldn't be voted out though. They've gotten their status through large contribution and good will on the forum. Why vote them out just because you feel like a change?

Changing the forum itself isn't the problem. Its the members. Having more competitions and stuff will be okay only up until people get bored of those as well.

What i think you'll find is more accurate is that a lot more people lurk on the forum now rather than contributing to it, presumably because of the repetition and constant influx of new people. Older members just don't talk as much on here any more but rather sit back and watch the kiddies bitch and moan, waiting for the opportunity for a witty reply to notch the seemingly stupid new kids down a peg or two.

As with most situations though kids nowadays have an all time lack of respect for their elders. They literally don't give a shit and instead of being sculpted into normal, healthy human beings that are capable of contributing in a decent conversation they continue in their ways of illiteracy and stupidity regardless of the warnings and concern, causing the more intellectual members to sit back at a distance and merely observe.

Iff, m8, aneones 2 blame. Its dem stoopid TGS kids, lmao, rofl init bledd slegg gregg................ :ermm:

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I just need to get hammered way earlier than normal. Could be fun. Job gets in the way, being about 8 hours behind all you guys.

I dunno, TF and the amount of postings seems OK to me, but I wasn't around here to carry on back in the 'glory days.'


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I said this a few times, but i personally don't agree on the way new senior members are picked, perhaps if that was in the hands of us regular members in some big vote where you could vote in and vote out SM's a couple of times a year it would spice up TF a bi

But then it'd just be the people with the most friends becoming sm's, or people like the circus, who as funny as he is doesn't need any extra encouragement. :P

What i think you'll find is more accurate is that a lot more people lurk on the forum now rather than contributing to it, presumably because of the repetition and constant influx of new people. Older members just don't talk as much on here any more but rather sit back and watch the kiddies bitch and moan,

Yup pretty much, i don't feel the need to join in about Fat pants latest fixie tricks, however funny the arguments are. Many posts these days i wonder why people bother and half the 'funny' posts aren't. But maybe thats just because i've grown up and was how the older members felt when i joined up.

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There's already a plan for a fair system to be put in place. Senior members shouldn't be voted out though. They've gotten their status through large contribution and good will on the forum. Why vote them out just because you feel like a change?

Changing the forum itself isn't the problem. Its the members. Having more competitions and stuff will be okay only up until people get bored of those as well.

What i think you'll find is more accurate is that a lot more people lurk on the forum now rather than contributing to it, presumably because of the repetition and constant influx of new people. Older members just don't talk as much on here any more but rather sit back and watch the kiddies bitch and moan, waiting for the opportunity for a witty reply to notch the seemingly stupid new kids down a peg or two.

As with most situations though kids nowadays have an all time lack of respect for their elders. They literally don't give a shit and instead of being sculpted into normal, healthy human beings that are capable of contributing in a decent conversation they continue in their ways of illiteracy and stupidity regardless of the warnings and concern, causing the more intellectual members to sit back at a distance and merely observe.

Iff, m8, aneones 2 blame. Its dem stoopid TGS kids, lmao, rofl init bledd slegg gregg................ :ermm:

I always compare the way TF should be ran (with regards to SM and mods) with how the government is ran. If people like them, and they're doing a good job, they stay, if they aren't, they leave, can you imagine what would happen if that once they were in, they in for good.

Comps was just one example of something to spice up tf. I'm sure there's another 101 things that could be done.

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I always compare the way TF should be ran (with regards to SM and mods) with how the government is ran. If people like them, and they're doing a good job, they stay, if they aren't, they leave, can you imagine what would happen if that once they were in, they in for good.

But its not really the same thing at all. Becoming an SM is more like receiving a (not congressional) medal of honour.... and you certainly don't ask for them back or strip them away. Its awarded to you, in the same way SM'ship is.

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I always compare the way TF should be ran (with regards to SM and mods) with how the government is ran. If people like them, and they're doing a good job, they stay, if they aren't, they leave, can you imagine what would happen if that once they were in, they in for good.

Are you serious? This is an internet forum in existence for the discussion of a sport involving people with little seats and no gears on their bikes. Yeah, fair enough, a good part of the forum is not related specifically to trials, but voting in SM's? Jesus. I normally have a wank when I get that bored, or perhaps just go outside and see whats happening in the real world.

Older members just don't talk as much on here any more but rather sit back and watch the kiddies


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I don't know about other people, but I don't come on here anywhere near as often as I used to. I got fed up with people not being able to take it on the shoulder anymore on here. It used to be a really good 'atmosphere' if you can say that about a forum, where banter was constantly thrown about, but now everybody's always on the offensive, so you get some pretty brutal replies to the smallest of offenses.

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but now everybody's always on the offensive, so you get some pretty brutal replies to the smallest of offenses.

Yeah, like that Romanian bloke in NMC who got a whole world of shit for poor grammar. I found his English to be better than that used by a good deal of other members who speak it as their first language.

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What i think you'll find is more accurate is that a lot more people lurk on the forum now rather than contributing to it, presumably because of the repetition and constant influx of new people. Older members just don't talk as much on here any more but rather sit back and watch the kiddies bitch and moan, waiting for the opportunity for a witty reply to notch the seemingly stupid new kids down a peg or two.

I think thats quite perceptive.

As with most situations though kids nowadays have an all time lack of respect for their elders. They literally don't give a shit and instead of being sculpted into normal, healthy human beings that are capable of contributing in a decent conversation they continue in their ways of illiteracy and stupidity regardless of the warnings and concern, causing the more intellectual members to sit back at a distance and merely observe.

Iff, m8, aneones 2 blame. Its dem stoopid TGS kids, lmao, rofl init bledd slegg gregg................ :ermm:

I disagree with that completely and I think expressing such an opinion is probably only aggrevating matters rather than helping (just my opinion :) ). I think kids have always been the same, perhaps back in the day when trials was younger, there were less people into it, and they were more dedicated to the sport then the people that frequented the forum were different, but I think kids have always been kids. And if there has been a change surly its the fault of the adults (not necessarily parents) caring less and being less dedicated?

What I am saying is that if you want a change, and you care enough, then do something about it. Encourage debate, make a point of not making those witty comments. Dont just sit back say "oh kids today"! I'm not saying this is what you are doing, but just trying to make a point :D

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I feel I still come on the forum as much as I did in the past; but I have noticed a massive change in the way attitudes have changed.

It's true what Tom said, nobody can take a joke anymore. I remember when I could come on here and take the piss out of anyone without getting suspended or banned - because everyone knew it was clearly a joke and wasn't anything personal.

I think the majority of the 'regulars' on here are of similar age - 19, 20, 21 so when some 14 year old somes on joking about 'f**king ones mother' or posting some picture up that we found funny 5 years ago, none of us really find it funny and its just boring.

I guess only we can change the way the forum goes though...post something fun, debatable, controversial and it'll soon liven up :)

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