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EDIT: Relic'd parts and guitars are a con in my opinion :giggle: I ain't paying you more for something that's already damaged. I want my shit new and pristine!

I've been trying to decide between daphne blue or jade green for my maple body. I like both. thought about doing the sides one colour then the front and back the other. Can't decide.

Edited by weirdoku
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Boom. I'm in love...


Hold the bleeding' phone! It sure does look lovely, but that's a 70's headstock so it should be a 3-play pick guard. You're mess in' with my decades man! An off-white pick guard would look good on that, however sometimes the ages/vintage ones come out looking pretty green.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Technical time!

I'm building a Tele at the minute as a toy/experiment. I want that real Mississippi bluesy fat tone, straight from the guitar. Now my plan is..

Rosewood neck to shed the brightness of maple, solid Basswood body, single alnico mini humbucker in the neck position and a half sized 3 saddle tele bridge. All that stuffs on order, I've made the body and using a Warmouth neck (epic quality for the money!).

My trouble is when I come to wiring. Aesthetically I want it to look like a standard tele but with no selector switch, I'll be using a volume pot and a 3 position rotary switch as my selector. My idea is to wire the 3 way in using resistors, to replicate the effect of the tone pot and giving me quite a range of sounds..

So my wiring will go ..

Audio jack - volume pot - 3 way, 1st position 100k resistor, 2nd position 250k, 3rd position 500k, then pickup -ground to volume pot..

The idea is to achieve a real shitty deep fat tone on the 100k, then the 250k/500k for regular rhythm and lead stuff. Any advice or downfalls in this? Other than me building it, realising it sounds shit and have wasted my time :P

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Anyone? :(

It's for this pretty thing...


I can't help from a technical perspective, but those guys had pretty shitty $10 guitars that weren't in the best of shape so I wouldn't get too hung up. One of the truest thing I heard about guitar playing is that the tone comes from your fingers…..

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I can't see any logical reason why it wouldn't work. Give it a go, the worst that could happen is you have to revert it to a more 'normal' setup.

To be fair, if it works I'd be sorely tempted to do the same to mine. I'd have to get all the dust off it though, hasn't been played since a very fleeting appearance last year :(

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Get it out JDrizzle, your a tele man too aren't you?

Frankentele looks good...


Got the 3 way sussed out with a multimeter, just need to get it wired which I'm hoping to get sorted tonight. I'll pull it apart then and paint it a god awful colour :lol:

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To be fair, if it works I'd be sorely tempted to do the same to mine. I'd have to get all the dust off it though, hasn't been played since a very fleeting appearance last year :(

It works like a charm dude, on the 100k resistor it's not as muddy as I'd hoped, but it's got some real drone to it. There's quite noticeable difference in all of them. I'm contemplating a 5 way switch now for even more options! I did wonder if it's possible to split the humbucker across the selections too, for a 250k single coil screamer...

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Glad it's worked... I'm tempted to have mine apart and make it a little more my own now. It's never been the same as the one I lost in a burglary, because that one had some custom wound pickups and whatnot.

Maybe a 50k in position one...

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Ah man, that sucks. I'd be gutted if mine went and they're both just standard MIM Fenders.

Funny you should mention the 50k, I ordered a few 5 way switches this morning, to play with voicing and phasing on a strat. 1st switch dictates the ohm, 2nd Switch will be pickup selection, split single humbucker through to out of phase hopefully!

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Tonight's the first time in a while I've managed to just sit any play some tunes and it feels good, the backs of my hands and knuckles are killing but it's good to enjoy it again.

The frankentele is coming on, I got the scratchplate drawn up the other night and devised a cunning plan for that too...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Can anyone help me with choosing an amp?

I'm going to buy my first electic guitar tomorrow, I've been playing acoustic for over a year now.

I'm going to be buying a Mexican standard telecaster, because I love the way they sound and look. and to me, they've felt amazing whenever I've tried them in guitar stores.

I don't play any particular style of music. Nothing too heavy.

I have a budget of £250 .I'm going to be trying a few out in the store I'll be buying my guitar from tomorrow (dawsons), esentially I want to know what kind of amps (brands/models) I want to be trying out and which ones to avoid.


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Just try everything you can in the time you have, with as many different settings as you can. Don't get fooled into whatever works for the people who can actually play guitar, enjoy whatever works for your ears. As well as that, don't be fooled into grabbing more wattage just because the salesman says so. My favourite amp ever was 10w and I wish I still had it.

This is all assuming you're not planning on gigging. If you're gigging then you have a whole different set of requirements, but I assume you'd have said if that was the case!

In terms of names, personally I'd be looking at whatever I could get in terms of old fender amps for that money - not a lot, but more than new for sure. If you want the piece of mind of buying new then the first bit of advice is what I offer. Enjoy!

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I don't intend on gigging, being a novice. So I was thinking 30w max, it would be nice to have as many built in features and what not, so in a years time I'm not wanting to buy something fancier. Which was why I'm putting more money into it now. I've been looking at a few orange amp reviews on youtube because I really like way some of them sound.. I just don't want something thats going to hold the guitar back.

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In my opinion you're better off going with the less 'features' as possible. Every feature costs money, which gets taken from the budget for pure speaker and tone quality at any given price point. Get an amp that sounds great clean, and you can always add pedals to your rig in the future. Just my opinion of course.

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I'd echo everything JD says, but I'd thoroughly recommend anything fender, I love my super champ! My friend has a mustang and guitar teacher has an old Princeton which sounds gorgeous. The mustang range seems great to me but I'd still echo what JD says, you've gotta get out there and listen to them!

Fantastic choice in the mex Tele, I love my mex Tele + Strat so much!

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Thanks JD, I'll bear that in mind.

The mexican seems like the most sensible offer in the Tele range. £80 more than the squier. And £700 cheaper than the American, which in my oppinion doesn't sound £700s worth of different in compatison. Of course I'd like an American, but I know I wont regret buying the Mexican.

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