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Trials Uk Legitamately Robbed Me


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Ok so here is the situation. I order 2 viz rims (red) and he tells me he only has blue and green. So I notify him telling him to cancel the order and refund me. After 3 days he just sends the package and does not refund me. I only bought them because of false advertising, and now he won't let me return them. What kind of bs is this? This is also the second time he has done this to me. On this one its more fair because in one email i said screw it just send it, but I sent 3 saying to cancell it and clearly stated my final decision is to cancel the order. Theoretically he could have just read the one that said send it and missed the other 3 because they were sent at slightly different times. Is the guy a theif? Now I have decided just to take the order because I would rather end up with 2 rims and -200 dollars, as opposed to just -200 dollars. Also 3 days before the order I asked him if he had red and he didn't respond, but immediately after i purchased them he responded instantly to my email. He seems to be able to reply at very convenient times. This one isn't a perfect case because he could have just had bad luck.

This one he has no way around..

The first time I bought 2 forks from him and he only had one, so he billed me for 2 and sent one. He also said he can't refund me and all he could do is give me credit on my next order. Great system funny how he conveniently ends up with all my money this way.

Edited by sayshell
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Anyone think it's time for a "do not buy from trials-uk" sticky in trials chat?

But its people’s choice if they buy from him. It should just inform every one about what happens whit Dan, so they can make there one minds up (which will be of course not to buy from him)

It should be an unbiased topic.

I think I’ve confused myself.

Edited by Danny
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Anyone on here seems to be all against T-Uk , I just want to show that there is another side to the arguement.

I have orderd from dan many times, and never had any problems with his service.

His price's in many cases are cheapest on the market , and his postage rates also are very fair.

Admitdly i have never had to return anything!

I accept that in your case he is in the wrong , and you have every right to demand your money back , although t-uk is not all bad!!!


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I accidentally ordered the wrong pads and didn't realise until I got them, straight away emailed him and within an hour he had emailed me back to say it was no problem to return them. I never bothered in the end cos i needed pads pretty desperately. I've never had a problem with Dan/T-UK but from all the topics and replys on here I'm starting to wonder whether or not to buy from him.

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to be honest; he's screwed now...no-ones willing to buy from him...if tarty get the zhi / neon products i reckon that'll be the final nail in the coffin for his shop...

I doubt that will happen Tarty only stock good quality parts.

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i remember hearing from aguy who ordered a set of cranks, he got the drive side of the right crank, but another driveside of another cheaper crank, and wasnt able to get a refund or anything (Y)

to be honest, i think your just plain stupid to by from him after this topic, if you do then youve been warned so its your fault i guess haha

tartybikes ***!

if this really is a forum to help trials riders THEN THIS SHOULD BE MADE A STICKY!

Edited by adrian@eastcoasttrials
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