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Alright, after starting trials a couple of months ago, I saw how m hands toughned up.

I have those callouses along under my finger bit and their fine (bit ugly though)

But recently my fingers have been really hurting where they make contact with the lever, which sucks because every time I use the brakes my fingers are in pain.

I've been using gloves but they don't seem to make much of a difference.

Should i just continue riding and let them turn into callouses? (Do you people have tonnes of callouses?)

Anything I can do to help my poor little hands?

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If they're really sore - give 'em a break.

You're probably just forming callouses there, but if you put 'em through too much, they'll turn into blisters, which puts you out of action for a little bit - AND ruins all that hard work of callous-forming you've done.

Only a few days or so - but yeah.

If it's just an ache - keep riding :P

Edited by aener
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Alright, after starting trials a couple of months ago, I saw how m hands toughned up.

I have those callouses along under my finger bit and their fine (bit ugly though)

But recently my fingers have been really hurting where they make contact with the lever, which sucks because every time I use the brakes my fingers are in pain.

I've been using gloves but they don't seem to make much of a difference.

Should i just continue riding and let them turn into callouses? (Do you people have tonnes of callouses?)

Anything I can do to help my poor little hands?

Keep riding them, Trust me I had it.

Does it hurt like its your bone hurting?

If so keeps riding it goes away. (Y)

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When I first got a trials bike, I got blisters on both my lever fingers. (I had 06 HS33s though).

But still, the skin does thicken up after a while, just keep riding unless they go really red/pink then give them a break.

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When my callasus build up on the palms of my hands (at the stem of each finger) i HAVE to chew them off or scrape them off otherwise i cant grip my bars properly. They are there to protect your hands but if they build up too much they don't allow me to grip my bars and they really hurt.....

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When my callasus build up on the palms of my hands (at the stem of each finger) i HAVE to chew them off or scrape them off otherwise i cant grip my bars properly. They are there to protect your hands but if they build up too much they don't allow me to grip my bars and they really hurt.....

I get that too! Plus, they're fun to pick when bored.

It's not really the bone that's hurting, just the skin

Thanks again

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When i used to have a magura louise the lever pressed in on a certain part of my finger and after prolonged use i lost all feeling in the end of my finger. I ended up changing the brake completely and a couple of months after the change i regained some of the feeling in it. Its never been quite the same as the other hand since though and this is nearly two years on.

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+ 1 to exactly what everybody else has said, pre 05 maggies are extremely poor for finger comfort due to the sharpness of the lever, adjusting does help and in my case so does adding insulation tape to my brake fingers, but that's when it gets really bad (Y)

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Its been over a year since i rode often (ive been on about 5 rides this past year) and i still have hard skin and massive callasus

I just pushed through the pain, it soon goes away! Try and make sure the callasus dont get too big, mine did and used to get torn out and that was incredibly painful

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It's one of the older HS-33 (with the more exposed red thing(forget what it's called))

I'll fiddle with lever position tonight, see what happens.

Thanks for replys

its called the TPA.

and put insulation tape or something around the lever, thats what i do and its fine now (Y)

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Try foam grips instead of rubber ones too - I couldn't believe the difference in how my hands felt once I changed - way less pain, way less blistering/callous forming. I've been messing about with trials for over a decade and this was the biggest change I experienced. I usually wear gloves too as my hands get quite sweaty in summer and it's to cold to be without them in Winter...

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Try foam grips instead of rubber ones too - I couldn't believe the difference in how my hands felt once I changed - way less pain, way less blistering/callous forming. I've been messing about with trials for over a decade and this was the biggest change I experienced. I usually wear gloves too as my hands get quite sweaty in summer and it's to cold to be without them in Winter...

True, but your hands hurt more once your grips fall off in the wet!

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That's true for all grips though. Mine haven't got loose in the wet yet and I put them on with a little bit of water for lubrication. A friend of mine uses hair spray, which is supposed to hold them in place even better...

Edited by psycholist
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beware letting the callous build up too much, i have a problem where my callouses get too big.

After a while they can grow up to and over the joints (on both the palm and on the brake finger, where the skin is thin) and this hurts

if you ever have them get suddenly very sore, i'd say ease off.

I ignored the signs a few times and on occasions, the next time i checked my hands, i had huge bloodblisters under the callous. When they split, they bled everywere.

shortly after, my tough bombproof callous, just fell off! much to my annoyance and this put me out until i had worn in the raw skin underneath.

I'd usually say just crack on but i'd also say in general to listen to your body, it hurts for a reason!

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GT 85.

Calloused hands they stop hurting after a while, I wouldn't worry about ones on the palms of your hands but it's a bit different if they are on your fingertips, that can't be good, never had that.

The most painfull I ever had was on the thick muscley bit at the base of your thumb, turned out it was from shit bars, it went away when I changed them.


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beware letting the callous build up too much, i have a problem where my callouses get too big.

After a while they can grow up to and over the joints (on both the palm and on the brake finger, where the skin is thin) and this hurts

if you ever have them get suddenly very sore, i'd say ease off.

I ignored the signs a few times and on occasions, the next time i checked my hands, i had huge bloodblisters under the callous. When they split, they bled everywere.

shortly after, my tough bombproof callous, just fell off! much to my annoyance and this put me out until i had worn in the raw skin underneath.

I'd usually say just crack on but i'd also say in general to listen to your body, it hurts for a reason!

Yip I have to agree, that has happend to me too. Its one of the worst pains I've ever felt!

Thats what you get for riding too hard!

I say, rub them down with a Callus-Reducer1.jpg then moisturise daily.

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