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Getting Smacked ..


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Curl up in a ball, take a battering, leave. its all gonna end in tears if he G-unit back up krew are there. Leather gloves with about 100g of lead shot in them, invented for a reason, never used to leave home without them.

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There is no f**king way i would ever stand and take a punch for something i probably didn't even do wrong.

Even if i had done something wrong i'd still fight back however big he was....

I think that's just me though, there's so many cowards out there.

Yesterday at the skatepark (i drove to maidstone skatepark, we've never been their before), there was a bunch of chavs from 'Tovel' with mullets. And if anyone knows tovel it's a f**king dump full to the brim with lowlife.

Anyways, we went their and got friendly with most of the BMXers, however there was about 6/7 in a corner not really doing anything.....

Then 10 minutes later this random 14 year old came up to my mate olly (also 14, really good BMXer for his age) and said 'have you got a staring problem mate' and just smacked him clean in the face :o

I don't know what most people would do in this situation, olly just took it and was a bit dazed...and I out of instinct just got off my bike and went up to these kids and said what the f**k are you doing etc etc and eventaully they walked off.

Thing is, I don't care who they are or how many of them their are but if you where faced with this situation who would of done something?? I'm just asking because my other 3 mates that where with me just sat there and didn't do a f**king thing and it kind of shocked me because i always have and always would stand up for myself and my friends......

Anyways, just curious because it's amazing how many people say they would have done something and then just sit there (i was left surrounded by 7 chavs but they eventually f**ked off and i didn't get smacked.

Yea so everyone near maidstone... be weary around Tovel....

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What a disappointment. I was looking forward to the pictures of the results of whatever you did.

I’m pretty let down to, it sounds stupid, but I LOVE the adrenalin! Might just keep winding him up so he does it lmfao.

What makes me laugh, is he came up my area.. thinking he was bad, with a golf club.. Then went one of the chav in my area (Lewis) squared up to him, he went all soft going, I’m not going to hurt anybody, its just for laughs, and Lewis said if you touch anybody with that, I’m going to F*ck you up so bad. Then Liam went on to say I thought we was tight and all this shite. Lewis said we are, but if you come up here acting all big, things will change..

It was something like that, don’t really know the whole story, but that’s the basic thing..

I just don’t know how this Liam would react if I started hitting him back..

One of my old mates Harry Rudland one of the hardest in year, beat the shit out of him and attempted to rip his face off.. all because he throw a pencil at him and it hit him in the eye, harry is a sound guy, wont see the bad side of him more then twice, I’ve only ever seen it once.. And that was with Liam.

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Right, forget about the smirk. It's not going to help you. 'cause if you just stand there and smile, you'll look like a priick anyway.

Tip; get drunk just before you see him. That way, if you get battered, it won't hurt as much and you won't remember what happened. And you might just be cocky enough to do something bad back to him.........

Edited by Ben John-Hynes
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I live a 10 min train ride away, went there other day.. Fight as soon as i arrived at the skate park, probably the same people who was there when i went.. and they was all ok with us.. even though two of us was in skinnys and the other one was ginger :P. I don't really get it..

I think from now on I'm going to try and stand up for myself.. but then theres standing up for youself.. and looking like a complete w*nker infront of everyone when you say something and they just laugh?

Right, forget about the smirk. It's not going to help you. 'cause if you just stand there and smile, you'll look like a priick anyway.

Tip; get drunk just before you see him. That way, if you get battered, it won't hurt as much and you won't remember what happened. And you might just be cocky enough to do something bad back to him.........

I was talking to my sister about this one :D.

Ok.. Been informed. It was because I had sex with my ex, and him and her are close, thought it might be that. She still really likes me.. but i dont want to be with her. I'm 14, so yeah, have fun right?

BTW.. I'm not a sl*g my virginity was only taken friday so don't go thinking I'm a little man whore.

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stick a pin to the side of you head.

i play buy a "dirty fighter" rule

if im out and about and some guy kicks off on me for no reason, i will kick him the bollocks uppercut him, and kick him when he's down. i dont care.

*not in that order lol i dont have a regime*

Edited by The Joker
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do actually want to take the punch or fight him? taking 1 punch is easy enough. but theres no garentee it will stop then. and if it doesnt your already at a disadvantage. so stab that fanny up if he goes for it. i rmember some massive guy wanted to fight me, i just told him theresno way i could beat him so i would just stab him. havent had a problem since, and i was completely bluffing, i wouldnt stab anyone

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Learn to fight/ punch properly?

If he does the usual 'school badman' big swing punch, get in there and cross him right in the face before his fist even reaches you, or duck then do it, either way.

Or you could just avoid it.

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Hammer him up first, Get in there and take it by supprise, Wack him and continue, Don't stop until hes out cold or hes had enough. Ive heard from people that fight in the street quite abit that if the person your fighting starts screaming in there face going f**king nuts find it quite intimedating, Just because hes black doesnt mean he can fight and is hard, Means about the same as he could get away with going to a funeral naked.

Black people think they are harder than white people, When they are not.

Edited by Connor Powell
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You can seriously hurt some one with a single punch .

Especially if your planning on standing there and just letting him punch you. A decent punch to the face if you don't do anything will anihilate you. All the people saying they have taken punches etc, it's probably different cos the punch is in the heat of a fight or they ducked a bit to dodge it and soften the blow etc.

You're not a movie star, things like this don't happen. Either fight him or avoid the whole thing completely. Besides, even if you do try and just stand there and take a punch, it's almost an impossibility due to your natural reactions so you will duck and cower and just look like a bigger pussy/idiot then you make yourself out to be.

Having said that, most 'hard' people aren't all they're cracked up to be, especially at the age of 14. Shit like this is usually just hyped up by various groups when in actual fact you can go their, he might push you a bit and play to the crowd but will do f**k all.

Alternatively, if you do want this hard man rep you go on about, and he is as much of a fanny as you make out, walk up to him, grab him by the collar, pull him in and nut him in the nose. You might take a bit of a beating from his mates but they'll probably respect you enough to leave you alone after that.

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There is no f**king way i would ever stand and take a punch for something i probably didn't even do wrong.

Even if i had done something wrong i'd still fight back however big he was....

I think that's just me though, there's so many cowards out there.

Yesterday at the skatepark (i drove to maidstone skatepark, we've never been their before), there was a bunch of chavs from 'Tovel' with mullets. And if anyone knows tovel it's a f**king dump full to the brim with lowlife.

Anyways, we went their and got friendly with most of the BMXers, however there was about 6/7 in a corner not really doing anything.....

Then 10 minutes later this random 14 year old came up to my mate olly (also 14, really good BMXer for his age) and said 'have you got a staring problem mate' and just smacked him clean in the face :o

I don't know what most people would do in this situation, olly just took it and was a bit dazed...and I out of instinct just got off my bike and went up to these kids and said what the f**k are you doing etc etc and eventaully they walked off.

Thing is, I don't care who they are or how many of them their are but if you where faced with this situation who would of done something?? I'm just asking because my other 3 mates that where with me just sat there and didn't do a f**king thing and it kind of shocked me because i always have and always would stand up for myself and my friends......

Anyways, just curious because it's amazing how many people say they would have done something and then just sit there (i was left surrounded by 7 chavs but they eventually f**ked off and i didn't get smacked.

Yea so everyone near maidstone... be weary around Tovel....

jesus steady on . I doubt your rocky so dont big yourself up too much will you , dont make you sound good, anyway if you do get hit make sure you dont stand there move a little and cover or it really hurt !

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