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Dodgey Places And Scarey Stories.


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Now apparently they're not actual devil worshippers, still pretty f***ed up though!

I'm not fussed if you don't believe it, does sound a bit crazy, but having actually spoken to people that have been there, I believe it.

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Apparently my neighbours house is haunted, when her friend was staying she went upstairs and apparently saw a pale man wearing a hat quickly go into the bathroom and lock it. She asked my neighbour who the man upstairs was, and my neighbour was baffled, went upstairs and door was unlocked and no sign. Freakkkyy...

I was talking to guy at work about this thread yesterday, he told me a little story about his son.

Aparently when they moved house in 2001 in his sons room there was a big antique box left in the room, so they used it to keep all of his toys in. Every night my mate used to get woken up by his son screaming and he'd run in there to see whats up and his son would be sat on the end of the bed with the duvet over his head crying with all his toys thrown across the room, and every night the boy would say "She wants to play but she's scary" and he just thought he was going through a phase of bad dreams. The boy ended up sleeping with them and he was fine for a few weeks, then they put him back into his room and he started acting up again.

After a few months of this his dad was getting really tired so he ended up sleeping with him all the time, until one day a guy came round to visit his dad.

They were outside talking cars and this dude asked if he could go in for a leak, he went upstairs to the loo but as he did he heard crying from the bedroom opposite. He pushed the door open and saw a young girl at the window crying, not being one for kids he pulled the door too and went to the loo and then went back downstairs. He gets back and says to my mate "Who's the girl upstairs crying her eyes out then ?"

My mate only had a son, and he thought that was a bit weird (obviously) so he went upstairs to look and there was nothing, a few days later he got an investigator and a psychic in to the house and they were waking through the house until they got to the back garden and then the boys room upstairs when they started to go all funny and start talking of hokey pokery. They asked if any furniture was left in the house when they moved in, and there was the old chest in the boys room.

The investigator went away for a few days and came back with a few articles, it turns out two children were tortured raped and killed then dismembered by a man and a women escaped from the mental home (Park Prewett in Basingstoke). The boy that was killed was buried in the back garden in coal bags and the girl was found dismembered and in coal bags in a box in an upstairs room.

The psychic advised burning the furniture to release the spirits, my mates not into spirits and that sought of thing but he burned the box in the back garden and since then his sons never had a problem sleeping.


Edited by Pashley26
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Funny to see American Adventure mentioned so much here - I live a few minutes walk away from that place, certainly a strange place at night but what is stranger is the park behind it all (Shipley Park).

There are plenty of 'local stories' of the original owner (surname was Mundy?) and how he 'walks around with his dogs at night' and all that usual stuff.

However, I've been there at night before, we were looking after a house in Mapperley and me and a couple of mates took a shortcut home through the woodland - we all grew up pissing around in that park so we weren't exactly creeped out by it, but once you're around the back of American Adventure (The Missile being the back) its complete darkness and you can't see a thing.

I couldn't tell you the amount of times you walk through there and hear something dodgy; although I remember one particular night we were walking through and all of a sudden there was a load of rustling in the trees - it was only a dozen birds that got spooked but it didn't half make us jump!

I do recommend the woods if anyones planning a visit to American Adventure though, if you follow the path around the back you'll come to the (what I assume) is the old ground keepers building. Made of old stone and that is creepy as f**k around there.

By the way, not sure if I mentioned this in a previous post, but the grounds of American Adventure is now used by the police for police dog training, both day and night - so there are usually a few cops in there these days.

And finally, what I found amusing is were there once stood a huge American Adventure World sign on the entrance, this has now been removed and spray painted 'Welcome to Disney Land!' on the fake wall :)

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We always used to camp over here when we were 15-16 to get drunk, it was awsome miles of empty fields etc. One night we knew that the rivial "gang" were camping over there, so 8ish of us headed down there dressed all in black, with balaclava's and armed to the teeth with everything we could get our hands on, we went over there found them and shit them up good, everytime someone went for a piss we would snatch them and hold them and eventually stomed the camp site, all went a bit tits up when one of them hit geo with a woodern plank because there were all blazing and the kid thought someone was out to kill him.

On the walk home across the downs (just miles and miles of country side) through some country lane a Land Rover, withh 2 guys pulled up and got out and said "get in the van now" we told them to f**k off and carryed on walking, (dispite having no clue where we were going), no soon after we saw them my friend noticed that they were packing 4 shotguns in the front of the car, he whispered it to us, so we darked and started sprinting through the woods together, no sooner after we thought we had got away the van again pulled up in front of us, and the 2 blokes both got out carrying the guns and were like, "get it"

And not being funny you don't turn a man down with a gun a 2nd time, so we all got into the back of the van which was all caged in the back and was full of blood and shit.

Turns out they worked for the goverment and were culling rabbits to cut the fox population... why they didn't tell us that before they forced us into the back of the van is beyond me... and they didn't want us walking randomly across the downs why they were shooting, they gave us a lift to the station though which was safe

Edited by Simpson
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And not being funny you don't turn a man down with a gun a 2nd time, so we all got into the back of the van which was all caged in the back and was full of blood and shit.

Love the picture you found, properly foreboding haha.

I thought at that part of the story everything was going a bit rapey.

(then you went and spoilt it all)

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After a few months of this his dad was getting really tired so he ended up sleeping with him all the time,

Seems weird how in these stories it's always someone else who sees the girl and never the actual person telling it...

Why did the girl decide that she'd only come out when the dad wasn't there?

It's a great story but i'm sceptical :P

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Seems weird how in these stories it's always someone else who sees the girl and never the actual person telling it...

Why did the girl decide that she'd only come out when the dad wasn't there?

It's a great story but i'm sceptical :P

Yeah, I guess it does seem quite strange.

I don't think the guy would BS though, he's 42 and he lives with his parents but he's still sound as a pound ;)

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Yeah, I guess it does seem quite strange.

I don't think the guy would BS though, he's 42 and he lives with his parents but he's still sound as a pound ;)

In most of these ghost stories they always seem to involve someone else seeing something and thinking it's normal, then asking someone about it later on then realising it wasn't normal... Plenty of room for confusion which could lead to people thinking ghostly things were going on.

The psychic stuff is interesting, but if I was Mystic Adamtrials (£50 per hour, spooky shit found or your money back ;) ) and I was going round a "haunted house" that's generally full of ikea furniture, then walked into a room with a big creepy old box, I reckon i'd say the spirits are in the box rather than trying to convince them that their Klippän sofa is haunted...

Edited by adamtrials
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In most of these ghost stories they always seem to involve someone else seeing something and thinking it's normal, then asking someone about it later on then realising it wasn't normal... Plenty of room for confusion which could lead to people thinking ghostly things were going on.

The psychic stuff is interesting, but if I was Mystic Adamtrials (£50 per hour, spooky shit found or your money back ;) ) and I was going round a "haunted house" that's generally full of ikea furniture, then walked into a room with a big creepy old box, I reckon i'd say the spirits are in the box rather than trying to convince them that their Klippän sofa is haunted...

£50, is that it ? :P

I know your skeptical, but the story of the escaped man and woman killing the children was well publicized. Fair enough the box could all be bull shit but it's still a spooky place to live in !

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Google reveals nothing :P

Gutted, it must be bollocks then :(

I do know one other thing that is real cos' I did it, but it's not scary for you guys though....

In Wield theres "Wield woods", which is a pretty big wood which has a small church on the edge of it.

As a kid I lived in Upper Wield and was always told I could play anywhere I liked as long as it wasn't at Laylee's yard (pikey truckers yard) or in Wield woods, aparently there was a hut in the middle of the woods where the dead bodies were stored of people killed by the Laylees. The woods is very much like the wood in the Blair Witch Project and it's all dead wood and colorless, really spooky places, one day me and my sister went for a walk through Wield Woods hoping to get to Alresford and we got lost.

We got really scared of and started to panic, me and my sister went running through the woods following the remains of a path until we came out behind Laylees yard ! We were really scared of the Laylees and turned back following the path, then my sister turned on the scare tactics and kept stopping and hiding behind trees as we were running away. Then we got split up and I could find her and I was lost in the middle of the woods without her (I was only about 8/9 at the time) and I stumbled across a clearing with a wooden shack in the middle of it.

This wooden shack was really creepy and the door was half open, I peered inside and there were loads of animals being hung and I was really freaked out by it. I started crying and stuff and then I heard someone come through the woods towards me so I went and his behind a felled tree for hours until it was starting to get dark and I slowly made my way home.

I got home eventually but it was like the scariest walk ever, and when I got back my sister was at home and my mum was really worried about me.

But I didn't have a clue what had happened and didn't leave the house for anything (even school) for 2 weeks !


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  • 2 months later...

Me and mates have done our fair share of exploring. Although there's not that much around here. Most interesting thing's Sand Hill, which is an abandoned mental Asylum although that's not fully boarded up and they've set the alarm propperly. You used to be able to get in through a door up an external iron staircase around the back, was pretty cool. I've got a whole bunch of random keys and books we got from in there.

28dayslater link 1

28dayslater link 2

28dayslater link 3

The out building's are all still accessible, but the main building is very much secure now. :(

A while ago at about 11pm while we were exploring deep inside the main building a few friends were generally being pretty un-stealthy and noisy, and I thought I heard something, so I told them to shut up. After a few seconds we could hear footsteps on the gravel outside, so as quickly and quietly as we could we dashed through the building and back out the door around the back and hid ourselves pretty well to check out the footsteps, it turned out to be some local kids slightly younger than us (they were probably 16/17ish) having an explore looking for a way into the building, so we stayed hidden and started messing around making strange noise's, when the kids heard the noises they headed in our direction, down the small overgrown path leading between the fence of an old tennis court and side of the building, but they started getting pretty freaked out as they were getting close, and eventualy bottled out and turned around, just as they were exiting the path my mate screamed at the top of his lungs and we all made loads of noise and a mate jumped out into their sight wearing a balaclava. haha. They shat themselves and ran as fast as they could away untill we wandered out pissing our selves with laughter, and shouted to them that we were just having a laugh, and did we know them. haha. Was so funny, best part was that the 2 guys screamed like schoolgirls and ran as fast as they could, while the one girl with them tried to calm them down. haha.

There's not much else around this area really, there's the remnants of an old Mr Blobby amusement park which would be seriously trippy if you stumbled across it and didn't know what it was, it's overgrown deep inside some woods, within earshot of monkeys and lions in a nearby safari park.


I've never really had any dodgy things happen to me like the stuff you guy's are on about, Only thing really was when me and a couple of mates were at the local lake at night in some woods on the bank and heard some mental screaming from the other side of the lake, I'm guessing it must have been some sort of animal, but it sounded scarily human, and like genuine terror/pain/horror, not the kind of volume or tone you could fake. Was real sounding enough for us to all shit ourselves and hide for a few minutes deciding weather to call the cops or leg it, or both, we decided to leg it and never heard anything since. Although I know of at least one body being found in that lake since then.....

The cold war bunker above barmouth is pretty cool, its in exactly the same condition as it was left in I imagine... Pretty awesome place 15-20 foot undergorund, small bunker with beds and that in there... Still got the 60's porn pags in there!

check this!

That looks like a ROC post, they're actually all over the place, its mental how many of them there is in this country. Most medium sized towns will have had one during the height of the cold war, and a lot of them still remain. I've got a google earth application that marks the location of all of them, have a screen shot to show the scale of just how many there is out there, each pin is a location where one has been built!


If anyone wants the google earth application let me know and I'll e-mail it to them, although it's relatively easy to find on the net. This is also a good site for finding some local ones, with reasonably up to date info on which ones are left standing, and which are open.

Edited by RobinJI
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Last week we went camping at the back of my house, there are a shit load of fields and a stone path connecting them all with a big fence either side. These roads are public roads so we drove down to the 'public field' where most people walk there dogs and such.

We turned up about 7 in the evening and had a couple of hours daylight to pitch the tent, find some wood and generally settle down. All was quite as not many people venture to them (its a bit of a walk as there are about 4 big fields surrounding it - not to mention it was a Friday night and most people were in the pub.

It got to about 1am and it was complete darkness...one of the few places you can come to and experience complete darkness with just the moon as a torch - so obviously the skys are just FULL of stars, its all very relaxing.

We were sat around talking, just myself and two mates when at the other end of the field some car headlights came on, went on full beam and then went off.

God knows what it was, the only access to the field was the bit where we were camping and we'd certainly notice a car coming past...

On top of that the field is on an incline, so as we camped at the top of it we could view the entire field - there was nothing there when we got there...a car would certainly stick out in a field full of green.

Kind of made us jump, but kept in our mind that we were doing nothing wrong and there were 3 of us. The lights never came back on so I scanned the field with a friends 99999million candlepower touch, pretty much lit the whole field up but nothing nothing showed...at the very least I thought I'd get a reflection from the cars number plate?

Wasn't exactly scary, just confusing....



About 5 years ago we were taking a shortcut from my mates house to the next down, he lives on a dead end road and its a nightmare to walk into the next down as you have you go right back on yourself just to walk back again.

So at about 11pm, middle of winter, we took a shortcut through the fields. His road ends and there is then a path to walk down which leads you onto a private field.

The owner is a complete f**king nutjob, we went camping there once and he chases us off with his land rover - I don't think he'd have any doubts about running us over in it to be honest - but we eventually got our own back when he made about 20 haybales at the top of his field...so we rolled them all down the hill and into the stream at the bottom :)

Anyway, we were walking down and we came to the bottom of his field, there is a public walkway so a breath of relief that we weren't caught and we took a more relaxed stroll.

You walk by the side of a little stream which runs all the way through the town and then collects at the end of the field in a shitty little overfill full of reeds and shopping trolleys.

As we walked by the lake we were hit suddenly by a lot of hot air - like we were walking past a bonfire. It lasted about 5 seconds. We both looked at each other but didnt have to say a word, we both felt the same thing.

There was no smell of smoke, we could see no fire anywhere...no noise, nothing at all! We thought nothing of it and I don't think we've mentioned it since (I'm seeing him tonight so I'll see if he remembers it). I did a little research on it as I was really puzzled by it - the only 'reasonable' explaination I got was that were I lived used to be very heavily mined; and that perhaps this was hot air coming out the ground from these mines...although still seems a little odd.

The white bit is where it happened...


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that was one of the best Threads ive read. I only wish my life was intresting enough to have scary stories. The best i can do is when i was walking my dog with my Dad when it was dark and a helicopter came down to the field we were walking through, then hovered above us and had its lights shineing on us. But other than that, nope :(

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that was one of the best Threads ive read. I only wish my life was intresting enough to have scary stories. The best i can do is when i was walking my dog with my Dad when it was dark and a helicopter came down to the field we were walking through, then hovered above us and had its lights shineing on us. But other than that, nope :(

We get countless things like that with low flying helicopters around here, RAF Yeovilton's just down the road, and they seem to use the local area for a lot of practice flights and the like, and it's not unusual for them to have a bit of a nose around with search lights ect, mostly just as something to do while they're flying around. haha.

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Iv got alot of in my opinion scarey ghosty stories/experiances, whether you believe me or not, up to you but i can tell you some stuff that has happened where i work, which arent stories ive heard about they have actually happened to me.

Gonna warn you (if i dont get to bored writing this) there are quite a few.

I work in a hotel at night with just 1 other person. When the barman goes home at 1ish we are on our own untill about 5:30. The building it self isnt really that old but ive never really researched in to what used to be about. At night when all the music has gone off, most the lights are off its awesome, its so quite and relaxing, so peacefull i can just get on with my work no one bothering me, lovely.

First wierd experiance i had was literally when i first started, like a say no one about apart from the guy i was working with, walking through the resturant at 3am lights off and i heard someone say "hello" i just laughed it off as we had walkie talkies and i put it down to my workmate terry hidding them and shouting things out to make me jump. Thats the kinda guy he was, but he swears it wasnt him, kept happening for a while, like once a week. Eventually the guy left and after a week i heard it again clear as anything "HELLO" and occasionally id hear "HELP" was always coming from the same corner. about 10 months past with a few sounds everynow and then, i started to think it was my mind playing tricks, with it being night time and my body wanting to sleep, so i kept it mainly to myself, untill 1 day i had a guest come up to me and asked if i ever see anything weird at night in the restuarant, i thought that was a bit odd that he had mentioned it. He said he could have sworn he heard a girls voice from behind him. A little later i had 2 guests tell me that they had seen a little girl in the corner of the restuarant and asked me if there had been any deaths etc. So now i pretty much believe there is a little girl in the resturant iv had a few staff mention things to me, without me telling them about it. Its pretty creepy, iv never seen anything in there but i still to this day here voices in there all the time. Even my newer workmates here stuff there. its a strange one.

Same guy i was working with, we get a phone call from room 106, says on the phone room vacant. Nobody on the other end just blank. 10 mins later terry answers the phone again no-one there says he can here someone breathing, puts it on loudspeaker and i can here it to. Really wierd. 10 mins later i answered it, same thing again could hear heavy breathing down the phone. terry was like "f**k this someones playing tricks on us" checked the hotel system definatly no one in the room. so we went to the room, he opened the door walked in, and the room is layed out so you cant see the whole room from the door, i look at him from the door and he just froze and the look on his face was a scared look. he was one of these guys that things he aint scared of nothing etc, but he just froze. I asked him what was it it and he just shouted at me to get out and he ran out and slammed the door. he never told me what he saw. Im half and half with this one, again i thing he might have been playing tricks on me, and how would he get the phone to ring? i thought he might have got a staff member in on it to scare me, but no one liked him enough to really talk to him let alone play pranks. So i dunno with that one, i never saw anything but the phone calls were weird.

One night im working with an agency worker as we had people on holiday, we have automatic front doors and they go off on their own randomly everynow and then. One night they went off about 2am, first set opened , then the second set which was weird as usually its only one set that opens. so i had a look back on the cctv and was a bit shocked at waht a saw. first doors open, the top half of a man walked through then the 2nd doors opend and its now clearly visable that there was the top half of a elderly mans body, it was really weird, you could see the legs but not as visible as the top half. After that i showed everying the footage they were shocked aswell, and all the stuff i had told them previously about my thoughts of the hotel being haunted, they kinda started to beleive the other stuff id said about. Showed my manger who dosent beleive in this sort of thing and he was just like "holy F**k"

My friend jay works in maintainance and over the course of 1 week he was painting the walls in the changing rooms for the gym at night. He comes up everynow and then for a cup of tea, keeps telling me he keeps hearing stuff down there. i told him to take a walkie talkie with him. 10 mins later. "is that you F**king about down here trying to scare me" i was like "nah dude im in tne bar" he said that he could here footsteps round the pool and voices from the pool like people were in there. he came up about an hour later an was like "i swear on my kids life i just turned round and there was a boy stood in the corner" i shuddered instantly as i could tell he wasnt lying. then he went bcak down , about 30 mins later i went down to see him. He said he just heard i baby crying/laughing, you know the noise a baby laughing/crying noise. so went in with him he and as we turned the corner i heard it myself. from the empty corner of the room a baby/small child laughing noise it was horrible. We both looked at each other and ran. It was one of the worse things id experianced, it was horrible. even as im writing this i keep shuddering knowing im sat about 100metres from there right now.it made me sick, literally i couldnt stop thinking about it. The next morning we told everyone, suprise,suprise no one believed us. So the next night when hes down there, i go down there just before my shift to see him. and we both look at each other and, you know like laugh but kinda like" dude last night was F**king wierd" kinda laugh. As it was before 11 the cleaners for the gym were still there, the gym closes at 10pm. so the cleaners come over and say " we hear you heard some stuff down here last night?" as the staff in the gym had told them, we were like "yea but no one believes us" they both were like " well we do, we see and hear stuff literally everynight" they went on to tell us that they see young kids in the pool and that they talk to them and stuff. The way they were both just used to it, and they said they dont let it bother them anymore but it dose make them jump everynow and again. Whether or not they were telling the truth or not, i dont know. But i know what i heard that night and it was horrible.

I get alot of wierd stuff happen to me at work everyone here seems to thing i actract it . The guy i work with now, Jim, on his first night i told him about all the stuff id seen and heard i dont know whether he really believed me or not but after what happened next, well he now has his own opinion.

On his first night we were sat in the bar watching tv, no one around and we heard a glass move, you know if you slide a glass alog a table kinda noise.

it sound like it moved i good 3ft along the bar surface and then SMASH. We jumped up looked over the bar and it was everywhere. after we cleared it up, i was like "dude i F**king told you" so we went to the cctv system rewound it and you can see the glass move about 3ft on the surface then drop off the edge and smash. It was crazy. Like i say he now has his own opinion about the place. Haha.

That`ll do for now, Im sure most people wont believe that stuff i understand that but i know what ive seen and heard here. There is alot more than that aswell. but those are the best ones.


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Sam Ward and I are discussing those dark rooms that I mentioned in my previous post. I thought they were army barracks but according to him it's an old hospital.


Haha, did you know that someones hand was found in that pit and that is wrote in blood?

Also, Rakton ruins is quite a laugh, especialily climbing up in the dark and then not being able to get back down. Although my mates dad hung himself there not so long ago :/

Quite a weird place, lots of strange stories about it :)

Edited by El Cristoff
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Best of the thread. I don't know what I'd do in those situations, whether I'd be too freaked out and run out the place.

Last year the drains outside my house kept on getting blocked, went to look and there was all these big stones stuffed up there. We took them out not knowing what it was and by the next day it was fulled up again. We didn't know what could do this so asked our neighbour if she had problems like this. She said there's a 'presence' in the house. Then said how she had a guest over once, went up the staires and saw a man in a suit, hat and glasses walk from one room to another and close the door. She went downstaires to ask who it was and she didn't know. Went upstaires and the door was locked. They were yelling that they were going to call the police and were about too when they found the door open and nothing inside. Since then she said she's seen it a number of times. This is where I come in. I was cycling back from school and saw a man in a hat watching me from the upstaires window. I was really freaked out knowing the story and was just like 'don't look back, get home, fast as you can...' Later that year she had a local preist do an exorcism, but she still insists she's see's it, but has grown used to it.

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Haha, did you know that someones hand was found in that pit and that is wrote in blood?

Also, Rakton ruins is quite a laugh, especialily climbing up in the dark and then not being able to get back down. Although my mates dad hung himself there not so long ago :/

Quite a weird place, lots of strange stories about it :)

nahh its not blood, its not faded in the 7/8 years of me ever seeing it

you need to take me to rakton ruins, i went there ages ago but cant remember how to get there so me and my mate got a tad lost the other day.

and dont believe most of the stories you hear about that place, theres usually people there so its pretty hard to hang yourself without being seen but you do get the odd true story

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  • 3 weeks later...
Another one we've been on about, Potterspury woods, down the A5 past Stony Stratford, there's some 'devil worshippers' woods. People I know have been there, driven in, and got stuck in the mud, then got caught by the people in there, being threatened by them to get out their cars etc, and somehow they've managed to escape! People have been chased out of there too. One guy I know was with a mate in his 1l Corsa, got chased out down the track by them in a 4X4, and stopped at a red light, they came up to the car shouting for him to get out, and he drove away as fast as he could. Once he got back to Buckingham, he sat right at the end of Tesco carpark and hid for a few hours.

Guy I know has been there 3 times, caught every time. Even had his keys taken off him, and somehow got them back, no idea how!

The people there threten to take your keys, and then push your car down into a ditch/trees with their JCB, you'll never get it back. They've shot at cars too, I was told someone from Bucks had their rear bumper shot off as they were escaping! Proper dodgey stuff goes on there.

In there, from what I've heard, there's a huge crucifix, a big 'water' tower full of blood that drips on the ground, the ground is soaked in blood and you get covered if you walk through there, there's also a child sized coffin all scratched and battered full of blood. As well as animal heads hanging from trees!

Sounds so dodgey, and not somewhere I'd like to visit, but curiosity could get the better of me...

Went there last night. 4 of us in my mate's fiesta, other 4 in a mk2 golf.

We drove in, down this singetrack prvate road, past a house with lights off, then went to the end, spun round on some grass, then back past the house. Lights were on this time, and we could see the people in the kitchen, we stopped and stared for a while, thinking we'd get seen/chased, but they didn't notice us!

We then headed through a lane inbetween the trees to go to this so called 'devil worship' bit. We drove down as far as we could, started getting boggy. Carried on, got the end, had a look about and saw nothing, no one. No cars in ditches, no big cross, no blood anywhere, nothing!

Best bit was my mate 'drifting' about on the grass, then going back down some bumpy singetrack roads.

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oh my god im achually shitting myself now! i've read all 8 pages of these taken me 4 hours including tea :S best one has gotta be the guy who works in the hotel, with his ones i shivered no joke like every 5 words :S propper scaired now :S

LOL, are you like three?

Your such a tit, you fall for anything.

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