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Dodgey Places And Scarey Stories.


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I stayed in an ex cartel house turned backpackers hostel in Santa Marta, Colombia. The first night I had weird vibes, the place was huge but empty as it was low season. So i wandered through many rooms to reach the bathroom without seeing people. But it was super eery. My hairs were standing up and felt like I was being watched.

Anyhoo the Ozzy did a tour of the place, usual Cartel stuff then at the end of the tour we got into the ghost stories. During the Cartel ownership a young girl died in the pool and nobody noticed as they were all drunk and merry. This girl has been seen on 3 separate accounts in the garage, in the white dress and dripping in water (pretty Grudge like eh, or whatever that film is).

After the cartel ownership it was a hospital where experimental drugs were used, and most often it worsened the patients. So that night me and the Ozzy girl slept with the light on and did toilet trips in tandem. I woke at 4am and couldnt get back to sleep, but a good excuse to play clash of clans until sunrise. I checked out because of the stories too. Was a bit cowardice looking back, but at the time super scary.

The hostel is Drop Bear in Santa Marta. Other than the ghost stories, it's a super nice hostel

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  • 3 months later...

I bought some baby moniters early to play a prank on my mum. I'm home alone and testing them out and a tap started. It's been varying in speeds. Am I going to get killed by a percussive ghost?

or by an EMI???

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We had a baby monitor my mum gave me that she used for my younger brother and sister (born in 94 and 97) in our first flat and every night we had it turned on we could hear a woman reading a girl a bedtime story. Weird thing was that we live in a relatively small town and I can guarantee that there wasn't any young children within 100m of our flat. Either something dodgy or oldskool technology seriously owns.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oooh I had a creepy experience a few months back.

My mum lives in an old farm house which is above a small caving network up on the Mendips between Bristol/Bath. It's in the middle of nowhere and seems to always be in the clouds. I was visiting with my GF at the time and we popped out to pick some blackberries whilst everyone was out. After about 5 minutes we heard what sounded like someone wailing, a really horrible noise but 99% certain it was made by a human. Ran in the direction of the noise and started shouting out to see if anyone needed help but couldn't find anyone, even searched near the cave entrance but found nothing except for a herd of cows which looked a little confused.

We carried on picking blackberries putting the strange noise down to the cows even though I wasn't convinced. We started walking down a very thin trail which was surrounded by dying bracken and brambles which was about 3-4ft high when my senses went into overdrive (Hairs going up on end now just thinking about it). Anyway, I could just sense that we were being watched or that someone else was nearby, at the same time we both started to get a feint whiff of mothballs/old unwashed human smell which is unmistakable, I'm sure you've all got the same smell from an elderly relative or a homeless person. Again I started calling out, asking if anyone was there, the undergrowth was that thick that somebody could have been untying my shoelaces without me noticing, we found nobody and both being freaked out headed back to the house.

To this day, I still know something wasn't right. My theories are either a homeless man was running about on the Mendips for no good reason. (Doubtful as it's nowhere near anywhere worth setting up get food/shelter. Only other thing it could have been is someone in the cave network, though the cave entrance was locked up and nobody was meant to be there that weekend to use it.

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If anyone is within an hour or so of Epping forest, check out the Church just off of Cold Christmas Lane. It's quite messed up on a dark night, quite often get ghost chasers there with their equipment and there's many stories on it all over the place.

I remember last time we went, it was quite foggy and the walk from the lane down to the church is proper Blair Witch. Walking under joined branches of trees, strange animal noises (bats most likely) and then you come upon the church down in the valley. You can get right inside the church and there's a narrow and short spiral staircase that leads up to where the top of the bell tower is/was. The floor has all fallen through so you can see right down to where all your friends are at the bottom about 30 feet down. There's no platform whatsoever, you just look out from the end of the staircase downwards. I left my half-full can of Rubicon on the second-to-top step as we decided to leave, and I was the last person out. I heard a noise and turned around to see my can rolling on the floor, drink spilling out. I thought, yeah very funny, one of my pals slipped past everyone in the darkness and is still up the top and threw my can at me. Went back up the stairs to see who it was - nobody there. Safe to say I sprinted down the steps and out of the building and we all ran back to the cars. As there was no way any wind or draught could've picked a half-full can up and carried it up and over a step, across to the top of the stairs and down toward me!

Not been back since, although I'd like to.

Some photos to get an idea of the place here http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/main/showthread.php?t=20257#.VUJcjflVikp

Also plenty of silly stories of trespassing into disused buildings in my local area and being a twat. But none as scary as that.

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searched near the cave entrance but found nothing except for a herd of cows which looked a little confused.

a feint whiff of mothballs/old unwashed human smell which is unmistakable, I'm sure you've all got the same smell from an elderly relative or a homeless person.

These made me lol. What does a confused cow look like?

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