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How Safe Is Trials?


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i have been BMXing for about 6 years, but after dislocating my shoulder and requiring surgery on it, and recently rupturing my ACL ligament (doctors think), both on the BMX, im selling it and moving on to something else. i have done some trials on a friends bike and have considered getting my own bike for a while. question is, is trials any safer than BMX? or am i still just as likely to knacker ligaments, cartilage and myself in general?

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I think due to the slow speed and control required in trials, the chances of messing yourself up is a good bit less than BMXing, until you start doing stupid stuff anyway. You here of far fewer trials riders blowing out their knees etc. than in BMX and in theory you learn to fall right early on and when things do go wrong you usually keep things under control and land with yourself and the bike safely.

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On a scale from 1 to Really?

Trials is relatively dangerous, like all things with any element of risk, the harder you push the worse the consequences can be. It also works the other way, the harder you push the more reward you get. I'd say it wasn't safe no, there is loads of oppourtunity for you to injure yourself very badly. The point of the sport is to do it to the point where you are competent enough to go big without injury.

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I'd say it wasn't safe no, there is loads of oppourtunity for you to injure yourself very badly.

However, I've been riding for over 11 years and have only ever strained my back a couple of times and broken my wrist once (my own fault- shouldn't of happened). Other than that it's the usual bumps and scrapes but for such a lot of riding I think I've done well. As has been said, it's all about riding to your ability. If you get on a bike and try and do a 10ft dropgap you're going to hurt yourself. Lern the basics and work up to bigger stuff and you'll be fine.

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i reckon trials like any other sport, is only as dangerous as you want it to be! if you push hard your gonna increase the chance of you falling off and hurting yourself . even the smallest of moves can hurt you just as bad as the bigger ones . over the years ive fell off phone box's , snapped chains going for gaps, snapped my bars off a 14 foot drop, but none of them hurt as much as the other day when i stoppied down a grass hill and the front brake locked up too much and i went over the handle bars all the way down the grass hill. ended up with really bad grass burns down one side of my body lol.

i would just have fun learning the sport in your own time, and just be safe and wear a helmet !

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i seem to have the issue that i have more balls than talent!

the two times i fell off my BMX that lead to serious injuries was me jumping too high/fast. anything on the flat, trying new tricks at a comfortable speed etc i usually jump off and brush the mud off but never hurt too bad

cheers for the help everyone. once i can afford it and my knee has recovered i will probably invest in a bike and see how it goes

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i seem to have the issue that i have more balls than talent!

the two times i fell off my BMX that lead to serious injuries was me jumping too high/fast.

well on a 20 inch you cant really go too fast but you can jump off high objects and get injured

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i tend to hurt my self more on my mountain bike, probably due to speed and large jumps, than i do in trials. (both moto and bike) in trials the worst thing i will do to hurt my self is hitting my knee on the stem or landing on my back because i didnt pay enough attention to my rear brake.

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