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Which Are The Best Colour Schemes For A Bike?

trials jack

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In this topic i want to get a new colour scheme and i would like to know the best ones.

like red rims and a white frame and black handle bars etc.

and could you post pictures of the bikes that you have with a good colour scheme and the best places to get the thing in that colour.

it can be any colour at all that will look good aswell as the frame because might get it sprayed that colour.

thank you.

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Bikes with plain frames and one colour for the wheels, bars, cranks etc went out of fashion in 2005.

Colourful frames and a mix of black, white and silver parts are where it's at these days.

I think the best looking wheels you can get for any set up are black rims, white spokes and black hubs, they go with every set-up and look amazing.

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Im busy with with a new bike with Tarty Bikes and am thinking of a silver frame (Echo Lite '09) and having blue grips, bashplate, brake pads, pedals and rims.

What do you guys think?

Tell me your nto choising a colour over some really good pads?

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I fail to see how people can't think of their own colour schemes.

BLACK and any colour

WHITE and any colour

SILVER and any colour

ANY COLOUR and black

ANY COLOUR and white

ANY COLOUR and silver

There's six for you. Please don't tell me you need help figuring out what colour ANY COLOUR should be. Also don't tell me you're putting other people's opinions over your own for colour choice.

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I fail to see how people can't think of their own colour schemes.

BLACK and any colour

WHITE and any colour

SILVER and any colour

ANY COLOUR and black

ANY COLOUR and white

ANY COLOUR and silver

There's six for you. Please don't tell me you need help figuring out what colour ANY COLOUR should be. Also don't tell me you're putting other people's opinions over your own for colour choice.

Well... technically thats only 3 choices, but I see what your getting at.

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This isn't the first 'Uhh, what colour should I spray my bike so I don't like it but everyone else tells me it's nice so I feel good' thread and it won't be the last.

It boils down to this: No-one cares, use your own brain.

The trick to getting validated isn't bulk post count, or getting seen, it's initiative.

Initiative: noun

1. A beginning; a first move.

2. A new development; a fresh approach to something; a new way of dealing with a problem.

3. The ability to act first or on one's own.

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Remember that if you are grinding you're rims, you will loose half the colour of the rim anyway. So I tend to go for white or silver.

Think about where scratches will occur on you're bike too. Cranks, bash, chain stays bla bla. I would go for silver cranks and bash so scrapes dont show as bad.

I personally dont like greens, blues, purples or golds on a bike, reds I can live with. Just dont have a multitude of colours spashed around or it'll look like a pile of pish.

If I was to have a splash of anything on my bike it would be carbon or Ti. (Y)

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