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Rotor Choice?

Alex Dark

Which rotor?  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Which rotor?

    • A2Z wavy
    • Alligator Wind-cutter

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Just personal preference really...anybody had experiences with either? got them both sitting next to me....and im about to put anew brake on so thought id ask some advice as to which is most powerful. Brake is a 180mm Hope Mono Trial if that makes any odds at all.....

Alligator rotor

A2Z wavy

I know they're both generic Chinese rotor ...probably made in the same factory; but any opinions from users would be ace :)

Thanks, Alex

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Here we go...

Quick question for you, Tobias; The one with more material may have a larger surface area, but doesn't that mean the other one will give a higher pressure?

Frictional force is determined by F=uR where F is the frictional force, u is the coefficient of friction and R is the reaction force of the pad on the rotor so assuming u is constant (same rotor and pad material) we increase F by increasing R. The equation for pressure is P=R/A where P is pressure, R is our reaction force and A is the contact area. Assuming that the pressure being supplied by the brake's hydraulic system is constant we can rearrange to get R where R=P*A. Therefore to increase R we need to increase A.

The above is very simplistic, as there are other mechanisms to consider such as heat dissapation (aided by a greater surface area of the rotor) and the use of holes and edges to reduce glazing of the pads.

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To give some relevant guidance to the OP, it unfortunately does come down to personal preference with disks. What I posted above is probably more relevant to situations where you are looking to reduce speed (downhill or xc applications), whereas for trials we are more interested in the initial bite of the disk which is aided by the edges of the disk...

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To give some relevant guidance to the OP, it unfortunately does come down to personal preference with disks. What I posted above is probably more relevant to situations where you are looking to reduce speed (downhill or xc applications), whereas for trials we are more interested in the initial bite of the disk which is aided by the edges of the disk...

totally agree, I've always got by with a hope trials disc but if that's not an option why not try both and see which you prefer!

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I have been running the alligator on my XC bike since September and they work great with a BB7 and nokon housing, better power than any stock avid rotor, but one word of advice, the gold TiNi coated calipers take a awhile to bed in, the coating needs to wear down, the standard stainless are better from the start.

I just bought an alligator starlite for the front of my mod, I may run it on my SS to bed it in than transfer it back to my mod

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I hav an a2z buzsaw (think that was what it was called anyway) rotor on my trials bike, a hope trials on the front of my 4x bike and a gusset rotor (pretty much the same as the alligator) on the back. Performance wise they are all the same for bite and hold but the gusset is the only one that doesn't seem to overheat going down a huge hill drag anchor style.

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Got one of these on the front of my bike:


Works pretty good (Y) Got it in the 180mm size on the front of my mod. One bonus of it is that the dips in the rotor make it look smaller, so the 180 Gusset on the front looks like the same size as the 160mm Mono Trial I've got on the back.

Definitely Mono Trial for the rear...

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