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Kabra 24

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I can't remember what Ads decided in the end. If we do, I doubt it'd be that many. I don't think I'm allowed to say how much the RRP is yet 'cos we were working on a vague kinda conversion to what we thought it'd be, so I wouldn't want to commit to anything...

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What about, say... £400?

Basically, I'd like to preorder one, providing it's not ridiculously expensive.

That said... even at £400, if you're only going to get in a couple, then the chances of being able to try one to see if it's worth buying one are pretty slim, and the chances of that happening before all of them disappear is even less.

It's a shame, that, it's a really nice design and the geo looks better than the because, to me.

Edited by Revolver
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Believe if it was a more reasonable price I would be the 1% but £544 is just f**ked up.

That is why I will never buy a Koxx, Rockman, Fans or Monty frame new.

If it was the same price as my skull was I would snap one up, but even the price of the Limey 320 is a farce, esp. as my new ZOO! Lynx is way nicer and way cheaper.

I think manufacturers are starting to take the piss.

Mark, you should know how much I spend on trials shit but even I am not falling for this gag.

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Your Lynx is also incredibly cheap to make compared to something like any of the Sky frames, or most other top end frames. Monty's prices are needlessly high, but that's because of the position they hold in the biketrials and mototrials markets. But yeah, comparing frames that are nothing alike and saying "But Frame A is £X so Frame B should be too!" just doesn't mean anything. Should probably also bear in mind that these Kabra frames aren't just some catalogue item from Taiwan. Hell, they're not even from Taiwan, or "Singapore"...

EDIT: Just as a quick side note, I don't really get why this frame is so expensive either.

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They're made in Spain.

I don't think 24" TGS frames taking off or not is really going to affect the 24" market as a whole. There's never been so many 24" riders out there, and there are more 24" specific parts being made all the time. Whether the frames have seats on or not isn't really going to affect it too much. It'd be cool if it does take off because it's always interesting to see what can be done, but I don't think it'll really affect the 24" market as a whole, or make it go 'ta ta' if it doesn't really work out. Bearing in mind 24" bikes are now UCI legal, I'd imagine some of the bigger players have plans...

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