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My Car I Roled Yesterday R.I.P Car


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because its f**king idiots like yourself who seem to think that its ok who end up causing the crashes...which in turn has the obvious effect to everyone directly involved. if you cant equate the traumatic side of things - it not only costs us all in increased insurance, but each crash that goes wrong costs upwards of a million of the tax payers money.


So you can honestly say you've never broken the speed limit?

...plus I'm pretty sure every crash doesn't cost a million pounds!

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to be honest it's in my mind all the time, but I still do it.

Look at the road, it's not built up, it looks like it's in the middle of nowhere, It's not really wide enough to go fast in a car on but never mind, it's mostly there. He just got it wrong. His choice of speeding spot isn't actually that bad.

the anoying think is i no the road and i try and go faster down it every time. but this time I just went to fast and lost it, like i said its my own fault. But thought i would just show what happens when you do try and go that bit faster. I was lucky others may not be.

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So you can honestly say you've never broken the speed limit?

...plus I'm pretty sure every crash doesn't cost a million pounds!

well i only ride a motorbike for one, but i ride safely EVERY time i go out on it now. that doesnt mean slow...as im sure alot of advanced drivers here know

and yes, every crash (that goes wrong - as i said, be it fatal or serious injury) does cost upwards of a million

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because its f**king idiots like yourself who seem to think that its ok who end up causing the crashes...which in turn has the obvious effect to everyone directly involved. if you cant equate the traumatic side of things - it not only costs us all in increased insurance, but each crash that goes wrong costs upwards of a million of the tax payers money.


i dont care, i can afford it.

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well i only ride a motorbike for one, but i ride safely EVERY time i go out on it now. that doesnt mean slow...as im sure alot of advanced drivers here know

and yes, every crash (that goes wrong - as i said, be it fatal or serious injury) does cost upwards of a million

You can still ride safely and crash, especially on a motorbike.

Do you have any proof of the million thing? Im not saying you're right or wrong, it just seems like a very high figure, considering the number of road traffic accidents. Going by this, found from google:

"There were a total of 247,780 casualties of all severities, 4 per cent lower than in 2006. 2,946 people were killed, 7 per cent lower than in 2006, 27,774 were seriously injured (down 3 per cent on 2006) and 217,060 were slightly injured (down 4 per cent on 2006)"

So, according to your theory, £30,720 million is spent just on road traffic accidents?

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stop being soo f**kin boring, lighten up a bit.

i dunno why everyone has a go, he was havin a bit of fun, shit happens, move on. Bunch of tossers, you lot sound like a bunch of old men.

i dont care, i can afford it.

For someone who has RIP DJ, Oli and Hobbsie in his sig (all tragically killed in RTA's) you seem to have one f**ked up way of looking at things...

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You can still ride safely and crash, especially on a motorbike.

Do you have any proof of the million thing? Im not saying you're right or wrong, it just seems like a very high figure, considering the number of road traffic accidents. Going by this, found from google:

"There were a total of 247,780 casualties of all severities, 4 per cent lower than in 2006. 2,946 people were killed, 7 per cent lower than in 2006, 27,774 were seriously injured (down 3 per cent on 2006) and 217,060 were slightly injured (down 4 per cent on 2006)"

So, according to your theory, £30,720 million is spent just on road traffic accidents?

Well, the reports we recieved at work (im in scotland if that makes any difference) were from the government...so youd perhaps need to ask them for official proof. Im not sure how the figure was calculated, but i im sure some statistician worked out the direct costs from serious incidents based on longer term costs...and fatalities obviously on a shorter term.

The amount spent on RTC's (not an accident now because the idea is that there is always someone to blame) is phenominal. the equpiment, services etc etc. perhaps this figure is incorperated within this figure of around a million for such incidents? im not sure exactly...but reguardless of how it has been calculated, its the figure the government have given us along with all the other stats to use in out talks to schools, youth clubs etc etc

edit* of course the driving safely and still crashing is a definate possibility. the risks however go up exponentially when driving dangerously comes into the equation.

Edited by chris4stars
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Well, the reports we recieved at work (im in scotland if that makes any difference) were from the government...so youd perhaps need to ask them for official proof. Im not sure how the figure was calculated, but i im sure some statistician worked out the direct costs from serious incidents based on longer term costs...and fatalities obviously on a shorter term.

The amount spent on RTC's (not an accident now because the idea is that there is always someone to blame) is phenominal. the equpiment, services etc etc. perhaps this figure is incorperated within this figure of around a million for such incidents? im not sure exactly...but reguardless of how it has been calculated, its the figure the government have given us along with all the other stats to use in out talks to schools, youth clubs etc etc

edit* of course the driving safely and still crashing is a definate possibility. the risks however go up exponentially when driving dangerously comes into the equation.

Ah, ok, didn't realise you actually "used" the figure in the real world. That's nuts, would never have thought it would be that much! I never thought about the after care as it were, I thought you literally meant the costs involved with the actual crash. Learn something new everyday!

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the anoying think is i no the road and i try and go faster down it every time. but this time I just went to fast and lost it, like i said its my own fault. But thought i would just show what happens when you do try and go that bit faster. I was lucky others may not be.

I did a similar thing, I had one favourite corner, you came down a bent straight flat out into it, but if you got your line right you could carry around 40mph through it. Well it only took me once to get the line wrong, didnt actually bin it though, I just slithered and slid off the road into a banking then rode off.

Still, I've definately slowed down since.

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I did a similar thing, I had one favourite corner, you came down a bent straight flat out into it, but if you got your line right you could carry around 40mph through it. Well it only took me once to get the line wrong, didnt actually bin it though, I just slithered and slid off the road into a banking then rode off.

Still, I've definately slowed down since.

eah if you look at pic 1 and 2 and follow the hedge you can see the corner in the background it was like a S corner. its a corner a normal driver would normaly take at about 40mph but i took it at about 60mph nearly held it hence why I am so far away from the corner and the fact we roled quite a way. Was quite intence and scary at the same time.

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Ah, ok, didn't realise you actually "used" the figure in the real world. That's nuts, would never have thought it would be that much! I never thought about the after care as it were, I thought you literally meant the costs involved with the actual crash. Learn something new everyday!

in all honesty i was surprised too when i heard it. like bank charges for example, they are pretty unjustified (from what i know) and its alot of money for something small, but it costs that much to us reguardless

but then again, from semi recent news about nhs costs...look at how much just a simple operation costs alone, 20-30k for a 8-12hr operation i think? granted, that was on the more expensive side, but its a huge amount. looking at the price of drugs (to the nhs, not us), outside services, medical treatments and equipment and the prices escalate very quickly. i only use that as a basic analogy as it pretty much goes hand in hand with anyone whos gone through serious injury

apologies if ive come across as blunt to yourself inparticular (no apologies to the arses though) but it is something i have strong emotions attatched with, as id have hoped anyone who had lost a friend/relative in an RTC (thankfully i have not). there have not been any digs towards the original poster, only a +1. i dont think he's put the pics up for any kudos for himself...and from the look of them, its very likely he'll learn from it.

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I roled my car yesterday, went to fast round the corner. Me and my mates only injuries were a few minor cuts on our hands. We were both very lucky.

To be fair, this should be in 'The Car Thread'. Secondly, if I had this kind of accident, I wouldn't be posting about it on a public forum, just seems wrong and to me says you've learnt nothing from the experience, it isn't cool. Sorry if I sound like a c*nt saying that, but its my angle on it. PLEASE be 200% more considerate when you're driving next, especially (as has been said) if you've got passengers. Also, its a harsh fact, but its because of drivers like you that gives guys, in general, an overall bad reputation for driving and hence why we pay loads more for insurance! Rant over, apologies if I have offended!

Edited by Jonny Jones
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To be fair, this should be in 'The Car Thread'. Secondly, if I had this kind of accident, I wouldn't be posting about it on a public forum, just seems wrong and to me says you've learnt nothing from the experience, it isn't cool. Sorry if I sound like a c*nt saying that, but its my angle on it. PLEASE be 200% more considerate when you're driving next, especially (as has been said) if you've got passengers.

Aye, to be honest it's one thing posting in the car thread, then it;s another making a new topic for it. :P

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To be fair, this should be in 'The Car Thread'. Secondly, if I had this kind of accident, I wouldn't be posting about it on a public forum, just seems wrong and to me says you've learnt nothing from the experience, it isn't cool. Sorry if I sound like a c*nt saying that, but its my angle on it. PLEASE be 200% more considerate when you're driving next, especially (as has been said) if you've got passengers. Also, its a harsh fact, but its because of drivers like you that gives guys, in general, an overall bad reputation for driving and hence why we pay loads more for insurance! Rant over, apologies if I have offended!

Yes i will agree with you when you say because of people like me insurance for young drivers is so high, but I just thought it will never happen to me. but untill the shit hits the fan you dont realise what consequences there was.

i dont agree with you that i put it up to look cool, as i realy find it cool that am nearly 2500 out of pocket and my insurance will be a BOMB

The reason I put it up is to make people aware what can happen, people should already no but i felt like i should tell my story to to just try and stop it happening to others who may not be as lucky as me and my mate.

And trust me i have learnt alot from this experiance, prob the best lesson i have ever learnet.

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Sticky! has been warned, so I don't want to hear anything more about it.

Back on topic...

I rolled my first car - was following and almost identical car (it had ARB's and decent tyres) but I was obviously going too fast for the conditions as the back end went.

Glad to see no-one was seriously hurt.


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the anoying think is i no the road and i try and go faster down it every time.

With that approach it's bound to go wrong at some point. Go on a track day or an airstrip or something if you want to find the limits, not a public road where your putting other people at risk...especially with your mate in the car. Although you may feel like your some amazing fast driver in reality you're in a 206 going too fast for the situation and you just look like a bit of a dickhead to everyone else.

Hopefully you have actually learnt your lesson.

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Been there done that:


Shits you up doesn't it?

I managed it through not adapting my driving to account for the dodgy road conditions. I've definitely learned a lot from it, and my drivings very different since. Admittedly I don't drive like a granddad everywhere, but I've definitely learned when and where an appropriate time to drive quick is. I also no longer take my car anywhere near it's limits on the roads, it really is important to keep that safety margin there, and I've been grateful of it a few times this winter. For instance driving 'quick' but well within the cars limits the other night, I came around a bend to be greeted by a road covered in cow shit, but thankfully because I'd learned my lesson, and was a fair way off the cars limit for that bend, it simply took a little opposite lock and it was all under control.

I've also done a fair bit of limit finding in a safe environment since, (local disused airstrip + rally experience and a few other things) really helps you know where the cars limits are, and what to do when you find them. I'm pretty confident that I could hold the slide that caused my crash if it was to happen again now.

Anyway, glad no one was hurt, and take this as a lesson, and an opportunity to improve your driving. (I'm sure you don't need me to say that though.)

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To be fair anyone can show you pictures of their bad crashes, but until youv'e been there done that your never going to learn your lesson.

I wrote off a car 3 months after driving, 3am, 4 mates in the car.

Lets say my attitude towards dicky driving has changed hugely.

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Of course everyone speeds from time to time, but there's a difference between speeding and going fast/hard enough to roll a car!

Granted I have crashed, and it was my fault, but it wasn't through lack of experience and I didn't flip the car over! Don't drive beyond your ability, and don't even try with others in the car with you!

And then even if you do manage to roll your car, you don't then tell your insurance about it if you can move it quick enough, genius!

Edited by Jolfa
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I think the funniest thing I remember from my crash was the thought to myself, sometimes I get slow motion... but I can remember thinking to myself in the split second whilst skidding sideways towards the lamp post after spinning out at about 65, "shall I put the brakes on?" hmm "na not really much point I'm skidding sideways, I doubt pressing the brakes is going to help", Just before I hit the cerb and want airbourne into the post lol

Oh yea and truth about insurance, I took my plates off, fixed 1 of the punctures and drove over a mile home with an unattached rear axel lol

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When I crashed, I loaded all the bits of trim that came off into the car, pushed the windscreen back in as best I could and drove to my mates as quick as I could with the most bent underside you've ever seen with the crippled driveshaft smacking the body every revolution :P

F*ck claiming, it's not worth it!

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I just paid for mine to be towed. A cop arrived at the scene because the fire brigade had been called initially due to the car pissing fuel all over the still hot engine while on its roof. But according to the cops, if I wanted I could keep things quiet, they could see I'd learned my lesson, and that I wasn't driving like an idiot, just didn't have the experience to realise quite how little grip there is in those kind of conditions. He said the insurance needn't know a thing, because only my property was damaged (crashed onto wasteland) and no one else was in the car. He said if I'd had a passenger I'd have had to tell them though, regardless of weather anyone was injured.

Boumsong, airbags are a good thing. They're not good in a roll/sideways impact (well, side airbags are), but then they shouldn't go off in those situations anyway, just like the ones in this peugeot didn't. At the end of the day, I'd rather have a few unnecessary bruises from an airbag in a smallish crash, than serious injury's due to not having them in a big head on crash. As said, the manufacturers didn't spend £millions/billions on development for no reason.

Having said that, if you've got harnesses, I can't see them being a good thing really.


Also, never ever cut corners unless you can clearly see that there isn't/wont be anyone there. Sounds obvious, but the amount of people that do it is ridiculous (especially van drivers who want to keep up with the more capable other traffic). I say this as unfortunately one of my mums good friends was unlucky enough to witness a motorcyclist being killed through no fault of their own yesterday. She was following a volvo which was following a motorbike, on a local country road. They came around a sharp bend, at about 50 max, and a girl in a new mini coming the other way cut the corner, knocked the motorcyclist off, throwing them into the woods, and hit the volvo head on. Both the drivers of the cars were unharmed but unfortunately the motorcyclist was killed instantly. Don't do it guys, its just plain not worth it.

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