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What Is Your Proudest Achievement To Date?


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Some of you in here are either joking, or your lives are void of anything and you should end them now.

Proudest achievement? College? I got the highest grade you can get at college and I'm not proud of it, it was easy...

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Some of you in here are either joking, or your lives are void of anything and you should end them now.

Proudest achievement? College? I got the highest grade you can get at college and I'm not proud of it, it was easy...

So enlighten us with your proudest achievement then?

Mine is having got to a point where I was just about comfortable with money coming in to pay for my own flat with my missus - then deciding to jack it all in and start my own business from scratch. And I'm near as dammit making it work too.

That, and managing to not be banned from here for a while (Y)

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My career. It's got me everything I have at the moment.

Oh come on! "Everything I have at the moment" - You mean your own flat and an iPad? :giggle: I would hope that most people on here have loftier ambitions than that. I'm glad you're happy with your life, but this (ironic?) smug way you lord it over the rest of us as if you're just way more awesome is lame.

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Seemed a little harsh, but still… My proudest achievement to date is getting a stable career. This in turn has got me many friends, an amazing girlfriend, going to work every day to do something I find fun, and all the other things that come with it.

By the time I'm 25 who knows what it'll be, but for now, it's that.

As for lording it over people… what the fuck?

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It's smote, not smited.

And the sticking point here is that I own an iPad?

Makes sense :S

Nope, smote is past tense. It clearly shows in the quote I put in my post that you originally wrote 'smited' anyway.

The sticking point is the way you put stuff, not what you own...

The same could be said about me, but being as I choose to act like a complete knobjockey I wouldn't complain if someone called me out on it ;)

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