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Echo Tr Death


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Literally gutted, my freewheel chainring exploded today.

It only happened going up to the back wheel. I wouldnt have said im a powerfull rider, so how could this have happened? Casting imperfection? The freewheel itself never skipped a day in its life. :unsure:

This freewheel was supplied by Tarty as a replacement when my Tensile 96 shit the bed. Do you think there is a warrenty claim for this one at all? or pushing my luck?

cheers max


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seems to be a common problem with them.

We've sold hundreds of SL and TR freewheels, and I've seen about 5 (combined SL and TRs) that have broken like that. That doesn't make it a 'common problem'. You don't get people making topics every day going "My SL/TR freewheel is still working fine", so you don't really get to see a fair comparison between ones that are continuing to work fine compared to ones that have broken.

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ahh i didnt know about a few others having the same problem. In all fairness its been the best freewheel ive used up untill now, given me loads of confidence. Surely the no warrenty thing with deng means he has little faith with these products? Fair enough if you get a tank of a rider wreck the internals, but for something like this really?

Edited by trialsmax04
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Surely the no warrenty thing with deng means he has little faith with these products?

Not necessarily, it's more of a difference in view-point from Deng to the UK market in how they/we view products. There are quite a few products in Deng's range that don't come from Deng with a warranty but we have to provide one. It's to do with what Deng & Co. consider to be a 'waste' or 'wear and tear' part, and therefore shouldn't or couldn't be warrantied.

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thats happened to 2 of my friends SL's and 2 other SL locked and popped i used one for a short period of time off joe and it never felt as good as my trials tech 108.9 had a echo 60 click (i think) off niel and it lasted me 3 days and it was new . as far as im conserned :

echo + freewheel = (N) DEATH (N)

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