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Sidehops *updated 18/6/12*

Lewis Gething

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Hi guys,

So after you guys gave me some tips on gaining height, I set myself the goal of landing a 7 pallet sidehop before Radfest comes around. Here it is I have finally done it (3 times now too). Thanks everyone for your help and advice. Much appreciated :)


Edited by streetrials24
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looks to me like you're hopping there for too long, and you rear tyre looks too solid. In oreder for you to get a good pre-load you might need to lower the pressure of your tyre :dance:

Doesnt matter about the tyre pressure, i used to run 35psi and still sidehopped 38" piss easy

Try to set up as quick as you can anjd just sent it mate, hopping around shows youre thinking about it tooo much

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Doesnt matter about the tyre pressure, i used to run 35psi and still sidehopped 38" piss easy

Try to set up as quick as you can anjd just sent it mate, hopping around shows youre thinking about it tooo much

just because it doesn't help you doesn't mean it wont help other people.

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Slightly lower PSI is better for bounce or spring. Especially as you have a decent tyre unlike Ali.

Mainly, lean back into your preload a little bit before kicking the pedals, this will give you more upwards propulsion as you pull your bars and tuck your legs into your body.

Hope this helps :)

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Might just be me, but it looks like your too stiff on the back wheel. Just relax a bit and it could help

I don't know if it helps in terms of height, but it looks alot nicer and feels better landing on two wheels. Let go of the front brake or take it off for a while and you will start landing on 2.

And as above, you will get more bounce with lower psi, and try to do maybe 2-3 hops onnthe back wheel before doing pre loading, too many could waste the energy that you want to save for the sidehop :)

Hope this helps you out a bit :)

Edited by Kieran Morrison
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kurtis G - Thanks dude, will try experimenting with different pressures again to see if I can get some more bounce

Alistair14 - I will definitely keep in the mindset of 'just sending it' as I think this could help with my confidence more

DrStix - Thanks for that detailed bit of info, when hopping before preloading, should I move further forwards in order that I don't hop and land with my rear off the back of the pallets? Hopefully your tips will help me to get the front up higher (Y)

Kieran - A couple of weeks back I had a brake issue on the front, so I decided to ride with one brake. In that time, I did a ton of sidehops, but still found myself landing front wheel first :(

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Yeah be a bit further forward, if you look at the CLS vid, when he does the first sidehop he his further forwards and when he levels out his rear wheel is further back than when he was on the floor.

You can also see he runs a decent pressure because when he preloads his rim almost touches the floor, this means he gets a lot more bounce from the tyre :)

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You don't jump, you just place the front wheel up there and tuck the rear wheel in.

basically this, your not really jumping any higher than when you start on the rear your just tucking urself up quick and pulling the bike up

you need to get you arse down to the tyre for som preload, and the faster the better

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Try sidehoping without holding your front break, you should find yourself wanting to land 2 wheels more, thats what i did for a while. Also let your tyre down!... some people will slate the idea or go on about it being cheating..blah blah, but once oyu get the control right having the bouce can make a massive difference.

Also dont worry about going "sideways" think about getting the height more and you will naturally bring the bike over.

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Slightly lower PSI is better for bounce or spring. Especially as you have a decent tyre unlike Ali.

Mainly, lean back into your preload a little bit before kicking the pedals, this will give you more upwards propulsion as you pull your bars and tuck your legs into your body.

Hope this helps :)

the f**k george? decent tyres unlike me? hows that make sence?

Edited by alistair14
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The technique looked almost perfect.

Only thing i noticed is your rear tyre doesn't spring at all, lower psi will launch you straight up.

LOL what?Don´t give advice if you don´t know what you´re talking about ;) you´re doing it all way to fast and uncontrolled,I think you should remove one pallet and try to play with your body position when preloading/landing without the fear of killing yourself trying 7.

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LOL what?Don´t give advice if you don´t know what you´re talking about ;) you´re doing it all way to fast and uncontrolled,I think you should remove one pallet and try to play with your body position when preloading/landing without the fear of killing yourself trying 7.

I clearly know what im talking about, cause i can do it and he struggles.

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The keys to explode out of the preload as fast as you can, and then get your tuck on quickly following that too.

By focusing on this, I literally went from doing just over bar height on two wheels to bar height on the rear wheel in the space of around a week.


Have a mess around with your tyre pressure, and find one that gives you a nice amount of bounce, but isnt too low for any other moves that my puncture your tube.

I found that going to two wheels comes with the improvement in your technique. But not using your front brake does help you focus on bringing the bike up level beneath you.

Edited by Echo Lite 09
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